Dating norms need to change


New member
Dec 14, 2008
Shark Wrangler said:
Pretty much have to agree on the girl being in control. Yeah there is not much of a difference between having a girlfriend and getting a hooker. Really break it down for a minute and think about it. After spending money on all the dinners, movies, lunches, events she wants to go to, your paying for sex. Many women don't start paying for stuff till way later in the relationship. I mean at least with a hooker you just throw the money down and get what you want right out of the gate. Do get to have more sex with a girlfriend, your still shelling out money. How often do you spend money on your friends like that. Every once in awhile I will buy stuff for my friend, not all the time. Always laugh my ass off when women say it isn't true. Don't tell me for one second that your boyfriend doesn't spend money on you at least once a week.
I'm sorry you've only met women like that. I also hope you come to the realisation that a relationship isn't some kind of grind quest where you do lots of expensive, boring shit that you have no interest in just so you get sex.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
Blind Sight said:
I'm more focused on the problem of having to cover everything in a relationship.

Anyone else have this problem? The girl expects you to pay for everything? I'm currently dating someone who doesn't do that, I'm lucky, but in my experience I've found there's a lot of women who expect men to pay for everything.
I have the opposite problem. I don't like guys paying for everything. Makes me feel like I'm mooching off of them. I have money too, I can pay for my own dinner/movie ticket/whatever. But every single guy I've gone out with decides that he needs to pay for everything for me. "Because chivalry," I assume. It's flattering, if I make an attempt to look at it objectively... but it's just annoying when I go, "Oh no, I can pay for my half," and the guy insists on paying anyways. And I always tell them beforehand that I'm going to pay for my part of wherever we go.

Not listening to me = uber-turn-off.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
No offence OP but you just sound bitter and like you are stuck in 1950.

Every date I have gone out with I have paid equally for. I asked my first boyfriend out first.
Your views are completely outdated.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Nickolai77 said:
the Dept of Science said:
You know what really pisses me off about your post?

The fact that your probably right.

It took me quite a few years to "get it" (probably because i was socially retarded teenager 5-6 years ago), but to get a girlfriend a guy has to be confident, commanding, assertive, and all these things because of evolutionary biology. Girls find a tall guy who's physically strong and socially confident attractive because she knows he'll protect her.
...No? Why would you think this?
Its not "Oh, I'm a Girl! I need a Man to protect me!"
Its "Hey, this guy looks like he has his shit together. Great, a relationship with him would be about spending time with each other and having fun instead of having to play the mindgames of a guy with tons of insecurities and anxiety issues."

Women always get painted as being the ones who are emotional, and illogical and who read waaay too far into things, but that's a human trait, and women are just as disinterested in dealing with someone who refuses to accept and address their personal issues as men are...
Unless one is really so naive as to mistake someone's insecurities and problems with "endearing gender traits."
And then we're right back to someone blaming society and the opposite sex for why they always pick bad partners.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Riku said:
I am mainly referring to internet dating, but in a sense this can be applied to 'real life' dating too.

Now I'm going to make some sweeping generalisations in the next few paragraphs but I want everybody to know that there are of course exceptions, frequent exceptions to these generalisations, but these are just my own viewpoint and in my own experience.

So imagine you're a guy (or don't imagine if you actually are a guy) and wham, you're thrust into the crazy world of dating. Scary, isn't it? Trying to find a girl you like, attempting to talk to her, trying not to scare her off while all the while worrying whether it's going well or not.
Maybe it does, you get a second date. You're happy about this, yet this brings more problems.. you have to do something fun, something she'd like and most probably spend a hefty amount of money setting it all up.
This date, although you've done all the hard work...she's still in control, she's always in control. She controls if and when you get to touch her, kiss her, walk her up to her door and maybe get invited in.

Sucks doesn't it?

There are many more dates and many different outcomes to the whole dating scene, yet there is one thing you very very rarely see or hear from it, and that's the opposite of what I just said.

How often does a girl make the first move?
How often does a girl ask a guy out on a date?
How often does a girl pay solely for the date?
How often does a guy get to decide whether a girl kisses him or not?

I've seen/heard/spoken to a large number of women who are all seeking 'the perfect guy' or 'mr right' or something along those lines but either they don't want to know when a nice guy turns up and he's not quite as model-esque as they'd hoped and he's just a regular guy, or women are just happy to wait around, for seemingly forever waiting for mr right to show, when of course he doesn't and generally have to settle for someone a little less, which can (but not always) end on a bad note.

As I stated at the beginning of this, these are just generalisations which have exceptions, but I'm sure many of you Escapists out there (both men and women) know what I am talking about.
We live in the 21st century, yet we still seem to be stuck in the 1950's when it comes to our dating attitudes.

*As a weird side note, I know many lesbians and they seem to have the dating system down right. Maybe straight people should borrow some ideas from them?
All we can do about these norms is to praise women who make the first move.

So to all you women who make the first move: YOU ARE AWESOME AND HAVE NERVES OF STEEL! Seriously, you make it so much easier for men, as much as tough-guy douches don't want to admit it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I cannot say I have all that much in terms of experiance other than I am with someone now. I think if you are looking for someone you are just as likly to find someone as if you are not looking for someone.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
esperandote said:
TypeSD said:
esperandote said:
Because guys want it more that women.
You sir, are an idiot.
I don't see why. I'm tempted to say that so are you.

You made a fairly common, and completely stupid generalisation about the human psyche. It's like you're 14, and have no idea about the real world. Go on, quote some more, hackneyed, cliches, without bothering to think, or look up any information about the subject.


New member
Oct 19, 2011
ohgodalex said:
Riku said:
This date, although you've done all the hard work...she's still in control, she's always in control. She controls if and when you get to touch her, kiss her, walk her up to her door and maybe get invited in.
what the actual fuck.
are you aware that you sound exactly like a rapist?

remember, kids, none of us ever need to resort to rape, because of the implication, as the above video proves


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Phasmal said:
No, that doesn't suck at all.
So, you want to be able to dictate when you can touch and kiss a girl you hardly know and are just starting to date? Tough tits.
(Sweeping generalisation incoming).
Women are usually `in control` like that because if a dude was it'd be a hand up the shirt before he said hi.

Also, the dating model you have described usually only occurs when a guy is going out with a girl who is really hot and perhaps a bit out of his league.
I cant tell you how many arrogant (if nice-looking) guys there are waiting around for Miss.Right as well, who wont give the time of day to `nice girls`. It happens the other way around, too.
Plus, I thought the modern thing to do was split paying for dates 50/50? (Or at least every date I've ever been on has been).
Yeah, pretty much this.

Besides, the girl isn't ENTIRELY in control of when the kiss occurs. It's just that (in your example) the guy is ready before the girl is.

Trust me, if I (female) want to kill a man who doesn't want me to, it doesn't happen. It takes two to tango. For one thing, generally the guy needs to lean down a bit or I'd end up kissing his chin.

Jimmy Sylvers

New member
Aug 30, 2011
Greyah said:
People seem to misunderstand what the OP is saying... What he's basically saying is that the guy is doing most of the work for the date, and the girl gets to decide everything. He wonders why this is not a thing shared more equally. As in, setting up the date is done together, and together they decide what happens.

Jimmy Sylvers said:
As for paying for dates, women can split the bill but remember that it seems like you are the one trying to impress her not the other way around so paying for dates is a way of doing this in human society.
That's just it. Is it always the man that has to impress the woman? Are the roles never reversed? Are people not supposed to impress eachother, instead of it being one-sided?

Does this mean women care more about the man's personality than the man about the woman's personality? Why is that? Is it not important for the woman to impress the man as well? Has it become so normal that the man pays for the bills that it would be weird, or perhaps even disgraceful to ask to split the bill? Did you not go and have a good time together? And even if you didn't have a good time, all the more reason to split the bill equally, because I'm sure everyone would hate to be the person stuck with the entire bill for an evening neither he nor the person he is paying for enjoyed.

If the date is a surprise date, I can imagine the one setting it up would be the one paying. If it is something both agreed on, both should pay, decide where to go, what to do.
I believe that women have every right to control their own sexuality and the manner in which they behave in courting rituals. In this specific situation the Poster seemed to not be someone who others attempted to impress for whatever reason. So in that situation it is perfectly acceptable to impress a woman with whatever abilities he has i.e. paying for dates, amazing her with his mime act or showing her his enormous collection of warhammer 40K figurines (painting them blue may be useful here....).

A woman could do the exact same thing, I do not believe that there is a specific way that each sex should behave because in my opinion gender is entirely fabricated.

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Beliyal said:
the Dept of Science said:
Riku said:
This date, although you've done all the hard work... she's still in control, she's always in control. She controls if and when you get to touch her, kiss her, walk her up to her door and maybe get invited in.
Here lies the problem in your attitude.

The only realm in which I believe that feminism doesn't apply is in dating. In this realm, we are hard wired to find certain things attractive, which can't be undone by any amount of logic or social conditioning.
One of those things is that the guy should be in control. While a girl does decide whether she reciprocates your actions, you should be making the first move in every situation. You should be the one to approach her, the one to communicate that you are interested, the one who asks her out and the one that kisses her. If you sit around thinking "man, that girl is cute, I hope that she asks me out", you are acting like a pussy.
Dance is the worlds oldest mating ritual, and there is not a single partnered dance in the world where the girl takes the lead. Ballroom, latin, swing. In every one the guy is in charge, because when it comes to sex, that is his rightful position. His job is to control her and there is nothing a woman finds sexier than a man who is in control.

You are sitting there thinking that that doesn't sound fair, because you have this impression that an attractive woman doesn' put any work into finding the right guy.
That's just plain wrong. Compare your average women's magazine (eg. Cosmo) and your average men's magazine (eg. Nuts). Cosmo is stocked full of articles about how to find, attract and keep "Mr Right".
You know why that is. Because a lot of the men they date turn out to be not ideal men. Maybe they aren't sweet and caring, maybe they aren't that interesting.
Nuts is just like "Hey, your a man, keep being awesome! Here's some pictures of motorbikes and tits".

Where are the "Mr Right"s then? Well... there isn't that much of them around. You may think you are a sweet caring guy, but that just isn't enough. Being sweet and caring counts for shit if you are a massive nerd who spends long hours playing videogames. Its not an attractive lifestyle. It also counts for shit if you have no balls and sit around complaining that it isn't the girls that make the first move.
You may have noticed that attractive girls have a tendency to date guys who you probably think are twats. Well, yea, they may not be as sweet and caring as the girls would like, but they are the guys with confidence, who actually go out there and put themselves on the line. They put themselves in situations where they meet lots of women, they get a decent amount of experience with women and they generally have enough redeeming qualities so that they seem like a better option than the no-balls nerds they could date.
First I'd like to say that I don't mean to argue or flame. I'd just like to inform you that nothing you wrote here applies to me (I'm a woman). Honestly. You made some interesting points (I especially liked the one about dance), and I know that 'It does not apply to me' is not really a scientific argument, but all this about women liking men in control and men with confidence I find absolutely off-putting. Maybe I'm 'glitchy', but I am instantly attracted to geeky guys, shy guys, guys who may not have the courage to ask a girl out and similar specimens. And if I really want to get to know them, I will approach them, no matter what someone might think about it or what social norms we follow or what is ingrained in our behaviour. Give me a massive nerd over confident manly man any time. I do not believe that men should be the ones to act first, especially if the feelings are obviously mutual and the girl is more confident. If I feel more confident, I will not oblige some ancient behaviour models and wait for the poor man to get three strokes before managing to ask me out if I can do it without any problem whatsoever. It's irresponsible and childish to wait for the knight in shining armour to come and take me with his noble steed. Women had to be passive only because they had no rights and were regarded as property; property should not ask for it's master. It's the master who attains property. That type of relation I am absolutely abhorred by and personally, I would not tolerate it (if the guy really gets annoying with white-knighting; in small amounts, and in agreement, if can be cute and quirky, I admit). What went on in the past, should stay in the past, at least when we discuss gender norms.

Now, I know there are women who enjoy that. I have nothing against it, as long as it's their choice. Same with men. If you're fine with being in control, asking the girl out, paying every time and so on; be my guest. I really have nothing against that type of lifestyle. However, I am against violently teaching children since young age to fall into those roles, despite those roles may not be their natural state of being. I know plenty of confident women and it would be a shame to force them into submission. I also know plenty of awesome non-confident guys and it would be horrible to force them to be something they cannot be. It serves no purpose, besides bringing frustration and misery to both parties.

Again, I'll say that I don't have anything against some people actually liking that. Some men are confident, some are not. Some women are passive, some are not. Find the type you prefer and that's it. No need to force everyone into one type. Times have changed, and I'm glad they did.
Ok, I found this interesting, a few points I would like to pick up on.

Before I continue, I would like to point out that pretty much all of my experience is from cold-approach pick-up. In other words, I rarely date girls in my social circle. Most of the girls I date have never been my friends, the first time I meet them is on the street, the second time I meet them is on a date. I realise that this gives me a skewed perception of dating, but I've dated upwards of 20 girls in the last few months (saying that, a lot of them were single coffee dates that didn't go anywhere). When doing it my way, I don't have the luxury of time. If I meet a girl and don't at least get her contact details, chances are I'll never see her again.

Now in response to your post. Some of these are quite subtle distinctions, ones which I didn't really think of until reading your post.

Firstly, there is a difference between being in control and being controlling.
Being in control is a positive trait. It's having a clear idea of what you want, having the know-how to get it and having the confidence to put those plans into action. I would go so far as to say that this is one of the few universally attractive traits. Some girls, as you say, like shy nerdy guys, but I'm going to suggest that guys lacking this quality is the number one reason why threads like this exist.
Being controlling is a negative trait. It results from a lack of confidence or insecurity. If a guy is controlling, chances are its because its that he believes that the girl he has doesn't want him. He considers other men a threat. He feels the best way to keep the girl is, metaphorically, on a leash.
I have no insecurities about a girl having lots of male friends or enjoying her time away from me. I would even let her have other sexual partners if she felt comfortable with giving me the same privilege.

Secondly, I would like to say that by no means do I consider myself macho. I'm not a gym freak, I read lots of books, I study maths, I hate clubbing, it's been a while since I've been drunk. I don't consider macho-ness important in the light of true masculinity.
I think this is a trait that can take a long time to cultivate but is essential in realising your true potential as a man. I only consider myself part way towards this goal. A truly masculine man should be courteous, always have the woman's needs in mind and consider satisfying her his primary goal. He should be upfront, straightforward and unapologetic about his actions. He should be honest and dependable. He should also be in control.
There is no reason a man can't be both masculine and romantic. It depends whether the romantic element comes from a position of strength or weakness. If a guy takes a girl out for an expensive meal because he is thinking "hey, maybe if I do THIS then she will finally put out!", then being romantic is a negative quality.
I'm not rich enough to afford to take women out to fine restaurants. If I was however, it would just be an extension of my lifestyle. The frame is "I eat in fine restaurants, I would enjoy taking a girl there and she would enjoy my company", not "oh boy, I've got a date with a nice girl, I better impress her". If I was a rich businessman for example, it would just come off as being incredibly cheap to insist that she paid for her share of the meal.
I'd like to clarify that I don't generally pay for dates and they usually just involve going for coffee. Dates don't need to be anything big or impressive. It's not my job to impress a girl.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I was speaking with a woman about the impressions each sex has of the other, referring to a conversation I overheard where three women were talking about the coffee shop where they worked at, and being afraid to close up after dark. I live in a fairly innocuous neighborhood, but grew up in a violent city, so I was conflicted. Basically, the conversation was three women deciding that pretty much all men were out to rape them at any given moment, and being women, they were under constant threat by men, and they were helpless in the likely event they would be raped.

To my companion, I suggested that the perception that all men are rape-monsters with potentially lethal amounts of lust boiling inside us all was silly, offensive, and unfair. She agreed, but said it was a societally formed discrimination. For a man to approach a woman in a place that is not designated for doing so (such places being parties, nightclubs, etc) he is going to be perceived as a threat. A woman walking alone at night will do her best to avoid men. She admitted it was totally sexist, and offered nothing more as far as to how this perception could be averted.

Therein lies the point. This is sexism, this is discrimination, and it's tolerated by too many people. There isn't much men can do, we've been openly emasculated in most forms of media for decades, and this will likely never end because too many people are either totally for it or just plain apathetic.

Used to be people understood what flirting was, these days it seems everything is considered flirting, and it's up to men to figure out when they mean it or they do not. She smiles at you, she's not flirting, she just smiled at you, or maybe she's flirting? How would we know? What are we to do? How can we even say hello without getting maced for secretly being rape-monsters?

Rhetorical questions, there are no answers.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
you have some pretty strange ideas about dating, or had case had some odd dates i'm guessing.

amongst the girls i've been out with several off them made the first move, they aproached me, asked me out, and even when i offered to pay for everything they still insisted to share the bill. and when it comes to kissing or anything behond that, hey its always a mutual thing

though after reading your first post i gotta say, its not about how much money you spend on a date, you can't buy her a few drinks and consider it only fitting she aks you inside later ;)
you gotta understand that in such cases each person will always be in ''control'' of themselves and deciding where it goes. I mean you say she's in control about if she's going to kiss you, but you are in as much control as her, over if you let her kiss you and vise versa ofcourse.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Riku said:
So imagine you're a guy (or don't imagine if you actually are a guy) and wham, you're thrust into the crazy world of dating. Scary, isn't it?
Trying to find a girl you like, attempting to talk to her, trying not to scare her off while all the while worrying whether it's going well or not.
Here's a hint, you're only DATING. You're not doing your SATs or something. If you're so invested in making sure it goes right that you're already having massive insecurity attacks when you're just at the dating stage, you need to lighten up, ditch all expectations and just have fun.
Maybe it does, you get a second date. You're happy about this, yet this brings more problems.. you have to do something fun, something she'd like and most probably spend a hefty amount of money setting it all up.
If the kind of women you date expect you to go through some kind of psychological challenge to figure out that their ideal SECOND date involves a space flight, Tom Jones and a crate of Moet, I suggest you start looking elsewhere.
This date, although you've done all the hard work...she's still in control, she's always in control. She controls if and when you get to touch her, kiss her, walk her up to her door and maybe get invited in.
Okay, wow, what you're proposing is only borderline rapist.

Sucks doesn't it?

How often does a girl make the first move?
Has happened to me plenty of times.
How often does a girl ask a guy out on a date?
Has happened to me several times.
How often does a girl pay solely for the date?
Why should she? (Almost happened to me, actually)
How often does a guy get to decide whether a girl kisses him or not?
I personally have made that call at least once.

I've seen/heard/spoken to a large number of women who are all seeking 'the perfect guy' or 'mr right' or something along those lines but either they don't want to know when a nice guy turns up and he's not quite as model-esque as they'd hoped and he's just a regular guy, or women are just happy to wait around, for seemingly forever waiting for mr right to show, when of course he doesn't and generally have to settle for someone a little less, which can (but not always) end on a bad note.
You do know that all that talk about "Mr Right" is something that generally exclusively goes on between gatherings of girls, and is generally the female equivalent of a group of blokes asking "Megan Fox or Scarlett Johannsen?"

I hope I'm also not the first person to point out to you that if you've ever been rejected and told "you're a nice guy", it's basically code for "you're boring and this is my way of letting you down easy." It has nothing to do with how 'nice' you actually are.

Dating norms are fine. Either drop your bizarre ideas of social sex contracts or move to a culture that supports them.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Simply because of society norms and how society pushes and ETC. Many girls go after the wrong man, you know, the asshole pretty boy one because, well, society and media pushed into their minds that, THAT type of person is the Mr. Right. Honestly, it doesn't work the same way in reverse, but does have the same effect.

PhoenixOnly said:
Delsana said:
Yeah I agree with this guy completely. You should date a women just to enjoy her company and do all the romantic stuff like flowers and long walks. Love is a slow process and women are delicate flowers who should be nurtured gently like a mulberry bush. Although its okay on a first date if you stick it in her ass in my opinion. Just no regular sex before marriage. Because God will smite you.
I can't count how many times that is wrong with me, mainly because I see women as a rose bush, their nice and pretty, romantic, sometimes even flutter in the wind, but try and grab them and you get your hand cut up. Very rarely will you find one that is nicer then the rest and will let itself into your grasp.

Overall, as you can tell, I really don't think their delicate, many times they backstab both friends, family, and many others over petty things, then get away Scot free. I'm reminded of the event to where four highschool girls held down a elementary school boy and stripped him, against his will, and videotaped it and put onto the interenet to say "Hay, look what I did this week" not counting that they THEN get away with no punishment. Or the time that the Women in Russia caught a guy robbing her store, and kept him as a sex slave for several weeks before cops found out. Or the time that a woman got away with killing her husband, despite full evidence that would lead to a conviction, she got away, SCOT FREE because she said he abused her. Or the thing to where a woman has a higher chance of keeping a child in a divorce, despite being unfit as a parent to lead the child through their lives, and probably MANY others, honestly, they can be, sorry to use the phrase, asses, but so can everyone, so lets not play special here.

Love may be slow, but the way it is NOW is tailored around when woman were known as delicate flowers. They fought for equality, can we just give them that?


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Has anyone told all the misdirected, misanthropic, misogynist miscreants in this thread to fuck off back to r/MensRights yet? It's telling that every time I load up the front page of this site, the forums feed contains at least one horrible thread penned by some angsty teenager with a completely warped worldview and an entitlement complex. Everytime I click on one, I think to myself, "this one has to be a troll", but nope, this is what this kid actually believes. Where do people get these ideas?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Yeah, I am a woman and I made the first move with my current boyfriend. I was feeling shitty and had just gotten out of a long term relationship so I got on one of those online dating sites to feel better about myself, and then I got a few crappy dates waiting around for guys to message me so I said "fuck this" and searched around for a guy I -want- rather than waiting for one to fall in my lap and I sent him the first message. Not all women are like you described, and if they are, it's because society has dictated that women who make the first move are either desperate or whores. I didn't give a fuck, but a lot of girls are insecure and they think the guy couldn't possibly want them, so they don't make the first moves. As for money, I don't let anyone pay for me, EVER. It's just not something I'm comfortable with unless I'm flat broke and then I get them back as soon as I get paid again. It's not very nice to make generalizations based on your experiences. You just need to meet different girls mate.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Riku said:
I've seen/heard/spoken to a large number of women who are all seeking 'the perfect guy' or 'mr right' or something along those lines but either they don't want to know when a nice guy turns up and he's not quite as model-esque as they'd hoped and he's just a regular guy
While at the same time that 'nice guy' has no interest in the 'nice girl' who is not quite as model-esque as he'd hoped and she's just a regular girl...


New member
Apr 1, 2011
McGuinty1 said:
Has anyone told all the misdirected, misanthropic, misogynist miscreants in this thread to fuck off back to r/MensRights yet? It's telling that every time I load up the front page of this site, the forums feed contains at least one horrible thread penned by some angsty teenager with a completely warped worldview and an entitlement complex. Everytime I click on one, I think to myself, "this one has to be a troll", but nope, this is what this kid actually believes. Where do people get these ideas?
OP is PROBABLY not the best person to start this thread, but from what I can figure out, hes asking why does *in a sense* does a guy do all the work, all the surprising while the women just sits there judging each attempt? I'll quote myself for a second.

" I see women as a rose bush, their nice and pretty, romantic, sometimes even flutter in the wind, but try and grab them and you get your hand cut up. Very rarely will you find one that is nicer then the rest and will let itself into your grasp."

And Men DO have rights, not all guys are horrible monsters and not everyone in the gender should be treated like their horrible monsters.

Anyways, could you answer the OPs question from what I got out of it?