I'm just glad this David Gaider isn't writing for ME3. I'd say, with a few small exceptions that were acknolaged as bugs, (Connrad Viner to springs to mind.) they pretty much reshape ME2 to fit your ME1 file save farily perfectly. Now granted, this will be much tricker in ME3 with how many different plot points and veriables there will be, but, so far Mac Walters seems up to the task. Time will tell.
And, bet you anything, the reason David keeps droping the whole "we never offered an explination" for the womens revivial is because they working to save face behind the sceens and will have some kind of explanation for it in a DLC eventually. Or they'll just leave it a "mystery". Gee. If it was a screw up, grow a pair and admit it. If not.. well, it'd be hard to convince anyone at this point... but if that is the case, we'll prolly see an explantion in a DLC.