Dear Escapist, I F*cked up.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Never trust that a girl is on the pill. A friend of mine almost fell into that trap. Luckily though he bullied her into aborting it, because if she is going to deliberately get pregnant through "accidentally" forgetting her pills, then she can do it with someone elses sperm.


New member
May 8, 2010
Blatherscythe said:
than all I have to say is, CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR GOING TO BE A FATHER! THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WILL EITHER BE SPENT AS A HAPPY FAMILY, or a divorced couple who care nothing for the child and want to make the other miserable. So basicly your either stuck with the two of them/paying wellfare for the rest of your days, or your off the hook, hope it's the latter.
Quite possibly the most ignorant thing ever posted about life in the history of the Universe, congratulations.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Oh wow, talk about a fuck up.

Umm, not quite sure what to say. If she won't abort or adopt, then I don't think there's much you can do about it.

What she did was wrong. Now, I doubt you guys will be a couple like she apparently wants you to be, but you would know more about that than I would. But either way, don't shun the kid because of her and your mistake. No kid wants to feel rejected by their own father, and I doubt you want to be known as the guy who couldn't take responsibility for his actions. Set a good example for your (possible) kid and others, and don't become one of those guys.

Also, since according to you, she kind of gets around. You may want to get a paternity test, no one would want to be blamed for a pregnancy that might not even be their fault.


New member
May 8, 2010
Sir Bob said:
Bad luck... in other scenarios damage control means nuking it from orbit, or calling in the cavalrie to come in with guns blazing...

Also, get her a nice trailer to live it, 'cause thats what you Americans do, right?
I'm sorry, I can sense a sentence in there, but I just can't put it together.

And yes, all Americans live in trailers......


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Bourne said:
Blatherscythe said:
than all I have to say is, CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR GOING TO BE A FATHER! THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WILL EITHER BE SPENT AS A HAPPY FAMILY, or a divorced couple who care nothing for the child and want to make the other miserable. So basicly your either stuck with the two of them/paying wellfare for the rest of your days, or your off the hook, hope it's the latter.
Quite possibly the most ignorant thing ever posted about life in the history of the Universe, congratulations.
Thank you, thank you, your too kind. Now that I've won the award for most ignorant poster on the Escapist I have two things to say, I love the Escapist and I couldn't have done it without all of your support, and finally fuck you Bourne! *accepts award and stumbles off stage*.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Ruzzian Roulette said:
I'm fairly sure she's not after the whole single mother thing. After we "officially" stopped going out, she pleaded with me to get back together. It took a while for her to realize I really was not interested in a relationship at that moment. And as horrible as it may sound, I'm hoping against hope for a miscarriage.

On the bright side, this might be my most active thread ever.
I was gonna attempt to give you some advice and suggestions. But seeing how thinga that I was thinking of have telling all been shared numerous times. (ie should wrapped it, get a paternity test, if its your pay up, help raise the kid) But upon reading your above statement my main thinking is what the hell is wrong with you that is as horrible as it sounds. You really do need to man up and face the damn facts.(and if you have already face them again) She might be abit sketchy with her actions and her story but the fact of the matter is that that most likely is your child and you owe it to the kid to swallow your pride and do more than pay child support. now Im not saying you have to get married to this girl but at the very least present your self to the kid as someone who cares both about him and his mother (who if Im correct in assuming will be carrying most of the load in the process of the kid, since both of the A options have been nixed)


Orbital Drop Shock Trooper
May 6, 2008
Ive been through some pregnancy scares and i know what you are going thru. Honestly its hard to "learn your lesson", because i fucked it up time and time again and i was too lucky. Its honestly a bucket of suck being scared to death about ruining your future. But do what most escapists are telling you, get that paternity test, if its yours: get ready to be a dad...sorry mate, but you drew a bad hand.

But remember its not the end of the world, its just means you are gonna have to work harder to reach your goals.


New member
May 8, 2010
Blatherscythe said:
Thank you, thank you, your too kind. Now that I've won the award for most ignorant poster on the Escapist I have two things to say, I love the Escapist and I couldn't have done it without all of your support, and finally fuck you Bourne! *accepts award and stumbles off stage*.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Do you want to keep the child or not? You have to realize that just staying in a relationship due to a baby will never turn out well.

Can she still get an abortion because by the looks of it, that's the best solution here. If she refuses then the reasons why she did this are extremely obvious and you should just ignore both her and the child. As cruel as this might sound, ruining the rest of your life due to some ***** lying doesn't sound like a good idea to me.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
As said, posting on the internet on a gaming forum may not have been the best move, but whatever works for ya works. Especially since you have a kid on the way possibly

I personally say that you be there for the child. If I were to have relations with someone, either cheating (which I would never do...I'd hope) or when I was single or even just in a relationship and she became pregnant and refused to abort, give up for adoption or whatever and wanted to raise it, I'd be with her. Sure, it'd put me on the side of financially uncomfortable, and if we weren't living together it'd be fun trying to visit her or move to her or move her to me (especially if it was with my ex down south and I'm in the north...and not just a single state away), but I'd make it work and do what I can not for myself or even for her, but for the child. There are a LOT of fucked up relations and while I've been lucky enough to have a good relation with my parents, I know people who don't, and I don't want to be like that for my kid.

If not for yourself I'd say do it for your kid, make their life the best you could, because she doesn't seem to be able to, do YOU trust her?

That's just me though, I wish you luck in your choice and with the result and hope the best for you and the child


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Jeebus. This is what I like to call a 'Moscow' situation, because it ever happened to me, that's where I'd be.

Seek proper help. School, sounds like you're young. Also sounds like you're in a western country. It could be a lot worse. There will official channels for getting help with this kind of thing, it happens a lot in these societies.

On the kid front, I feel for you. I wouldn't want my kid either. In fact, its kind of a rule that if anyone gets pregnant, that's it from me, I'm off to Moscow. Then again, I'm alot more careful than that too...

If you're in the UK, you'll be fine. You may not even have to see it, unless you want to.

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
Pimppeter2 said:
You done gone and fucked up big. That is pretty much my biggest fear.

I dunno, if she still can, convince her to abort. Here, try this jingle.

"If you don't choose to abort, I won't pay child support"

(I'm a terrible person)

In your position, I would flee to Mexico and become a bandito.
Nice jingle, nice idea :p I'd like to see you as a Bandito, Pimpy.
OT: I reckon that sucks, I mean: If she deliberately 'forgot' her pill, then surly she must either REALLY badly want a child, or is some sort of sadist :S


New member
Jul 16, 2009
well as long as you take part in the child's life you don't have to bother with the ***** because it sounds to me like she was trying to trap you into a relationship so you don't have to be with her but stay around for the kid because i know what it feels like to be told by a parent that they didn't want you