Capitalists don’t understand capitalism, more news at 11.
There is no "pantry" to begin with, the US holds global reserve currency status. US debt is floated by the fact most countries on Earth peg its value to the USD. Deficit and debt talk is red meat, dog whistle, bullshit root to stem and has no fucking purpose in the context of the US economy other than justifying austerity. Which is something, thanks to the USD holding global reserve currency status, the US absolutely, positively, cannot do at this juncture without sending the whole-ass global economy into a pissed-off rutting meth alligator death spiral.
That is to say, if the meth alligator death spiral
we're already in can even be stopped at this juncture at all. These are problems that need to have been solved six months ago.
Not as in "Great Depression" bad, which in and of itself was a depression bad enough to end in a second world war, but as in "end of civilization as we know it" bad. Because if the value of the USD croaks out, the value of
every currency on the planet croaks out, with the
possible exception of the yuan.
Maybe. And if China wanted global reserve currency status to begin with, they'd have had it by now after the 2008 debacle damn near cratered the global economy thanks to American white-collar crime.