I disagree, a game can be fun to play (for a while) but If im going to see it through to the end I need a reason or If its going to really stick with me....like after Iv finished a game I can go WOW! that was AWSOME!! a good story does that, without a story it just becomes kind of shallowmichael87cn said:I've never cared about a single video game story I've ever been forced to choke down as I played a game. Not one. They're meaningless fluff and a waste of time in my opinion. A game can be completely non-sensical and be a blast to play. Because they're supposed to be played, not watched or listened to.
Is watching someone else play a video game as fun as playing it yourself? No. Then why is it fun to watch an NPC play your game for you? I always feel like someone just grabbed the controller out of my hand with these current generation games, everytime a cutscene occurs. It's like they're trying to blend television with gaming. I don't want to watch a movie dammit, I'm here to do things -myself-. If I wanted to watch someone else talk or think for themselves, I'd go turn on the TV.
I like to make my own story, which is probably why I like Bethesda's games more than any other. If someone is boring me with their life story, I can just run past them (or kill them hehe ).
This is one reason why I was SO disappointed with Mass Effect. I thought we were finally being given a dynamic world where NPCs were (somewhat) intelligent and could be conversed with like real people. Instead we got scripted robotic dummies and terribly long cutscenes watching Shepard be the hero. Not us, but an NPC. Boring.
Im sorry but gaming would be 100% worse if we did away with storys all together and when done well stories dont have to get in the way of gameplay and vice versa