Dev: Final Fantasy X-3 Could Happen With Fan Demand

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I would like to see a new game set in the world of X but not necessarily a direct sequel to X-2.

In X-2 a character named Shinra talks about the idea of getting energy from the planet, supposedly to link the worlds and continuity of both the VII and X series. If there would to do a X3 I would like to see a game set roughly halfway between each series that fleshed out the link a little without going too far into the stories of either set of games. I don't mind the link I just think it is a bit week at the moment

I also think a prequel to X following Braska, Auron and Jecht would be cool.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
CriticKitten said:
SinisterGehe said:
I think he was talking 'bout x-2 there.
Then he's still wrong, so that doesn't change my opinion of his post
I don't understand why your getting angry over FFX-2. Believe me, FFX-2 is not worth getting angry about. This is why it's typically best to avoid FF Forums, people act like hot heads because someone dared to criticize their sacred cow. In any case my estimates were based on initial success, not current estimates. You can check the games rankings here.

Typically you want a sequel to do as well, if not better, than the original title. FFX-2 fell short. Concerning metacritic, I would consider it a questionable source, since it tends to favor AAA studios, and since there's typically a considerable disparity between user and critic scores. Both Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy have at least a score of 85%, and those games were actually worse than X-2.

In any case cool down. You sound less reasonable and educated when you get angry at everyone.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
CriticKitten said:
You know, almost everything you post comes across as confrontational, aggressive and argumentative for no real discernible reason. It's a shame because if you remove some of the bile from your posts, you actually make some good points, but it's so hard to read when you're insulting everyone you disagree with.

I've learned from this thread that apparently FFX's world becomes FFVII's, I had no idea that was the case, but it's cool as beans if it's true! I've changed my mind, I don't want a new game to be about Braska's journey, give us a game linking FFX and FFVII together and you can take all my money.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
CriticKitten said:
Fox12 said:
But it wasn't a critical flop nor a commercial flop. To claim otherwise is wrong.
BUT I NEVER SAID IT WAS A COMMERCIAL FLOP BLAHrbfhlarglsnaphfvhsdfhfiuhsdflihsdifv.

*cools down and sighs*

Okay. here's what I said.

"I honestly don't understand Squares deep seated hatred of money. Why make a sequel to the most critically hated game in the entire series? You could argue this decision is financially justified because of the popularity of the original FFX, but if that's the case then why don't they remake more popular titles in the series? No one here wants this, no one asked for this."

I never said FFX-2 was a financial failure. What I did say is that it is not as successful as other titles. Why make a sequel to one of your less financially successful titles when you have so many more successful titles? Those games would have a stronger critical and financial appeal to them. I don't understand what part of this is factually inaccurate. I then said FFX-2 was "most critically hated game in the entire series." I admit I used hyperbole here, but FFX-2 is not nearly as critically successful as other FF games, many of which rank in the 90's on metacritic. I later posted:

"I was't referring to FFX, I was referring to FFX-2, which, unfortunately, was not as successful. Its sold 30% as many units as FFX internationally, and barely hit the 1 million mark in the states."

Based on initial success this is true. It was not as successful as FFX. Based on initial sales the information is also accurate. FFX-2's initial 3 million sales were 30% of FFX's 10 million. Though FFX-2 was not a critical financial failure, it was not as successful as the original, which is all I've been trying to say.

I understand you initially thought I was talking about FFX. It was a misunderstanding, and if that had been the case then you would have been correct. I was referring to FFX-2, however, so I don't see how I'm factually inaccurate.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
2HF said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
The problem with that is, they would have to remake the entire game from the ground up, they can't use resources from the PS1.
It's easier and cheaper than making a sequel to any game.

With a sequel you need writers, musicians, character design from the ground up, you need to create an entirely new world. You need everything creative done from scratch and once that's all done you need code.

With a FF7 remake all you need to do is put in the final work. The characters are already created, their stories are already written, the world already exists, the music is already in place (just use the higher quality versions). All the heavy creative lifting is done. All you need is code.
Now, I'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure programming for a game is actually a very arduous, tedious, and hard process. Considering how many games are just riddled with glitches and problems from the code stand point, I'm willing to say that it's much harder than you seem to think it is. With a sequel to a game, not only do they not have to start over creatively(the characters, world, style of music, that's all right there), but they also have a perfectly good engine to use(the engine of the remakes). Not to mention, didn't one of the higher ups say that it was simply too hard to make a VII remake because of how difficult it would be to program the entirety of that game to today's standards?

Now I could be completely wrong on all of this, but it just seems like the programming aspect of the game is much more heavy lifting than the creative part of it.


New member
May 24, 2011
klaynexas3 said:
2HF said:
MetalMagpie said:
As a software developer, I'll admit that sentences like "All you need is code" make me twitch just a little bit. That's only the most time-consuming part of the process. The "creative" bit is comparatively cheap!
I agree with you, but tell me which is easier/cheaper, code + all the creative stuff or only code?

You're going to have to do all the coding either way, but at least with the remake you already have all (or at the very least damn near all) of the creative work done.

I didn't mean to make light of coding work, I meant to say that A is simpler and cheaper than A+B. Nothing more.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
2HF said:
klaynexas3 said:
2HF said:
MetalMagpie said:
As a software developer, I'll admit that sentences like "All you need is code" make me twitch just a little bit. That's only the most time-consuming part of the process. The "creative" bit is comparatively cheap!
I agree with you, but tell me which is easier/cheaper, code + all the creative stuff or only code?

You're going to have to do all the coding either way, but at least with the remake you already have all (or at the very least damn near all) of the creative work done.

I didn't mean to make light of coding work, I meant to say that A is simpler and cheaper than A+B. Nothing more.
I didn't mean to come late to the party, I was on vacation(though from the looks of the other comments on the other pages, I didn't miss much)

But anyway, it really does depend on how lazy they are with the sequel. They literally could just take the same game engine from the remakes, add a few new things to make it seem like whole new game, and then just write a crappy story to finish it off. That's if they're just wanting to push something out that will still sell while not having to put a lot of time or effort into it. I guess it just seems like remakes are less works of love and more works of "give us more money," and so if they are wanting to put a lot of effort into it, I think they might also want a chance to make something new, even on the creative side, not just the base game side, which is why a sequel meets that half way point. They get to experiment some more while still playing it safe enough to know they'll make some money.

And it could just be that the guy really loves the X universe and wants to expand it some more. I get the feeling most of the developers aren't wanting to put the effort into remakes that would really take up their time without it leading to something new. The KH remakes are clearly lead ups to 3, while the X remakes have the possibility of making a X-3. So, even if a few people in the company think a FFVII remake would print money, my guess is a fair few others think that it's too much effort for too little a pay off. But that's just me.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Barda236 said:
Your move.
Seymour, I assume? Broken IMG link is broken. I'm sorry, but Kuja was a trap and still was the best antagonist in any FF game. Seymour merely having wacky hair, and I'll grant that it is stupid, isn't anything to write home about about. Vaan being a gigolo on the other hand...
allonbacuth said:
I agreed with you until you put X-2 ahead of XIII. Care to elaborate on that?
Mechanically X-2 was really good. The battle system and dress spheres were really well done. And Paine's past was really cool. Everything else was goddamn awful yes. But, those good bits combined with the fact that I got to see more of the world of X makes it better to me than it deserves to be. XIII's linearity and cast were, to me, worse.
BanicRhys said:
Barda236 said:
ridiculous designs.... garish...

I don't know why I'm pitching into this argument, given that I would have really liked FF12 if it wasn't for Vaan/Penelo's accents and the voice file compression.
I don't understand how he can insult X's aesthetic whilst loving XII's, they're really similar. XII has slightly more metal bits but other than that the dress style is interchangeable.

kurupt87 said:
VII, VIII and X were whiny, pathetic losers.
Woah now, Cloud didn't become a whiny loser until Advent Children. He might have been a bit of an asshole at the beginning and he might have gotten a little mopey for about ten minutes of disc two as Sephiroth was mind raping him and as his girlfriend was dying in his arms but those were totally isolated incidents.
Not according to the script. Honestly, the amount of character that the player creates for an unvoiced, badly presented (graphically) character is huge. Play that game without 'your' Cloud in your mind, without your child self's "oh this character is me, I'm the hero, fear me I kill you" Cloud and just read the script. They didn't pull Advent Children Cloud out their arse you know, they lifted him from the script.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
It'd be nice if SE took an inspired attitude towards the FF franchise, and actually revived it with a great, new, main installment, instead of just banking on unwanted/ unwarranted sequels and the constantly exploitable nostalgia of the fan base (who demand nothing for nothing but re-releases of the franchise's actually good efforts).


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I'm fairly certain that SE is holding off on a FFVII remake until they have just enough money for one more game before they go totally bankrupt, and they need something that's gonna make them a huge pile of cash. It's their emergency reserve.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
SkarKrow said:
It depends what it is.

I will definately buy a saga of Auron, Jecht and Braska's journey.

I will not buy a sequel to X-2.
That I'd be fine with.

I also wouldn't mind if Square somehow managed to do a smaller, less destructive journey for the heroes to take. Instead of having Sin or some doomsday creature controlled by a piano or Cthulu threatening to destroy Spira again... why not something smaller? Maybe something simple, like tracking a character's disappearance in the Omega Ruins and finding some kind of different world (that doesn't want to destroy us all). Or maybe some kind of separate, fanatic Yevon sect that's conspiring to kill Yuna (and not take over the world and destroy us all). There's only so many ways you can pitch "Yeah, and then this evil wants to destroy the world and our heroes are the ONLY ONES THAT CAN STOP IT."


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Raesvelg said:
I'm fairly certain that SE is holding off on a FFVII remake until they have just enough money for one more game before they go totally bankrupt, and they need something that's gonna make them a huge pile of cash. It's their emergency reserve.
The sad thing is that is probably true. It sold amazingly so it makes no sense why they haven't done a remake yet.
Jan 22, 2011
>Tidus and Yuna get stranded on a island

>Tidus head apparently gets blown off by mistaking a small, spherical-shaped bomb for a blitzball; he kicks it, his head flies off and lands next to Yuna, who then passes out

>Yuna resurrecting Tidus

>Yuna has sex with Tidus postmortem, in order to create a Fayth, the summoner must have sex with the body of whom is intended to be the Fayth, presumably postmortem

>Tidus and Yuna break up

>Sin magically reappears

And this is all 100% REAL. Japan is loosing their fucking shit

The good ending of X-2 has Tidus resurrected.

Two days later he kicks a blitzball bomb and dies, Yuna screws the body to bring him back to life as a Fayth. A year later, dead people start coming back to life at the Moonflow for some reason and someone brings Sin back

>Auron apparently had a daughter, or her mum might just be lying to her
>She's friends with a summoner guy
>They're sent to tell Yuna people are somehow being brought back to life at the Moonflow
>Then someone's brought Sin back to life
>Yuna promises to kill Sin
>She tries to keep distant from Tidus, this is because he died kicking a bomb he thought was a blitzball and she brought him back to life as a Fayth by fucking his corpse (which is how all Fayth are made, summoners fucking stuff), but if he finds out he's a Fayth he'll cease to exist
>Tidus and Lulu worry about Yunalesca being revived too

This is what final fantasy 10-3 will be people based off the drama cd/book. Now tell me DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS??