Dev: Final Fantasy X-3 Could Happen With Fan Demand


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Stuff like this makes you think whether SE is run by a bunch of moogles on crack. I want my pseudo medieval, steam punk, fantasy stuff back, please.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
CriticKitten said:
Either you're Noah Antwiller in disguise, or you borrowed his opinions wholesale. In either case, please educate yourself, as you sound like a mindless hater.
I love how this sentence is directly followed by an almost precise two-paragraph-summary of Antwiler's opinion, albeit that the absolutely MASSIVE story-BS, the mostly retarded cast and the "no, thank you"-approach to sidequesting pretty much settles it in "bad"-territory.

Uh, because it wasn't. Blatantly wrong statement is blatantly wrong.

Final Fantasy 10 was one of the most critically acclaimed in the Final Fantasy series, holding a 92 on Metacritic and high ratings on many, many other major gaming outlets.
I think he was talking 'bout x-2 there.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
FF10 was okay in story (at best) and bad in gameplay (Sphere Grid, Turn-based system etc).
FF10-2 was bad in story and great in gameplay (ATB, class system etc).

FF10-2 was supposed to be the epilogue of FF10, whereas FF13-2 is the prologue for 13-3. 13-3 being made makes sense as 13-2 was made to create the situation for a 13-3 to happen.
It doesn't make sense for a 10-3 to exist. We saw the state Spira was in without Sin being around and summoners giving up their lives all the time. We saw how Yuna and Co. spend their days after their great journey. We even saw a happy conclusion to the damn ending of FF10. Why on earth would we want a 10-3? To see what Yuna's and Captain Sunshine's kids look like? To see Lulu and Kimahri finally gain the power of emotion? To hear that Wakka after 10 years or so got a half-decent voice actor? What, is Sin having a comeback? Did Serah and Noel jump through the wrong timegate and end up in Spira? Is Bahamut finally pissed off for not being invited to parties and wreaking havoc now?

Honestly, they can't make another sequel to the FF10 series without the story and character development looking forced and the threat looking stupid. The only redeeming feature it could have would be a great battle/game system - as was the case with 10-2 - but why not use that system on a new entry or IP with its own characters and its own story? Why would you try milking a cow that's been dead for years now?


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
Hey I enjoyed FFX and FFX-2 but seriously what could you make another sequel about? Maybe a prequel to FFX could work but I have no idea what kind of story they could tell since everything worth while has already been said and done in FFX's world as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Honestly, I'd just prefer that they release FFXV. After they do that then I really don't care if they do make X-3, I didn't have a lot of fondness for X to begin with so I don't really feel justified in offering up an opinion on any potential sequels. Still, when you have a game that's been in development for this long and your studio hasn't gone belly-up in that period of time, I feel that game should take priority. Don't rush it out the door but don't make it into the second coming of Duke Nukem Forever either.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
No. Please, no. Don't.
FFX and it's sequel were godawful.
just stop please square

But in all seriousness, FFX really was terrible. I'd prefer just no sequels to any of them at all. FF works best when each game is standalone, at least, that's how I feel.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
SkarKrow said:
It depends what it is.

I will definately buy a saga of Auron, Jecht and Braska's journey.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea.

OT: Final Fantasy X is my favourite in the Final Fantasy franchise, but Final Fantasy X-2 is my least favourite, so I'm not really sure how I'd feel about another sequel.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
SkarKrow said:
It depends what it is.

I will definately buy a saga of Auron, Jecht and Braska's journey.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea.

OT: Final Fantasy X is my favourite in the Final Fantasy franchise, but Final Fantasy X-2 is my least favourite, so I'm not really sure how I'd feel about another sequel.
I love X-2's combat system. The rest of it not so much.

FFX is my second favourite in the series though after one of the more controversial ones; 12.
Jul 11, 2008
I have mixed feelings about this, I loved 10, but 10-2 was a bit of a miss, the overall narrative was ok and the combat system was fun but the dialogue and characters seemed to be channelling the Charlie's Angel movie, it was tacky and grating. Where exactly do you go from that?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
FFX was okay, FFX-2 was unnecessary but the mechanics were pretty great, so I forgave it the ridiculous 'Japanese Spice Girls' vibe. The only possible way you could have another game in that universe without really pissing off fans is a game about Braska's pilgrimage.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Just... don't do that. I mean, people around here know my feelings on FFX, as in I didn't think it was very good. But, it's a mistake to keep going back and adding onto existing FF games. Here is the thing, FFXIII was mostly junk, IMO. I finished it, not out of enjoyment, but out of some feeling I had to conquer this ugly beast of a game so I could move on. 13-2... yeah, not happening. Definitely not happening for 13-3. And if you at all care about the business of people like me, you'll move on from this development team (These guys are responsible for both the FFX and FFXIII games). They just... they don't make very good games. They make super pretty games! But not good games, and not very good characters. That is just my opinion of course, and I can't blame anyone for disagreeing. It's just that, it's easy to see why the game become popular. FFVII was very popular because it was the first FF game of a new generation. As was FFX and FFXIII.... don't let that color your opinion about who should be developing for you. For instance... if you were to remake my favorite FF game (a for real modern remake, not a new DS port or Vita port, those are super fuckin' lazy), I'm sure it would rise to a lot of peoples lists as the best FF game. It had really fantastic characters, a peerless story, and was just fun.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
I must be clairvoyant because I was just thinking about what a part 3 to X would be like.

I would definitely be interested in seeing how Spira has changed after narrowly avoiding a civil war.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
CriticKitten said:
SinisterGehe said:
Either you're Noah Antwiller in disguise, or you borrowed his opinions wholesale. In either case, please educate yourself, as you sound like a mindless hater.

FFX was not a terrible game and it never will be, no matter how many times Spoony repeats it. It wasn't great by any means, no. Just a passable game with a few shitty lead characters and a mediocre plot....which is usually why people are so hard on it, because "passable" in a series formerly known as the apex of JRPGs is a pretty steep drop.

And yet despite said flaws, it boasts a relatively solid class and combat system (which FFX-2 improved upon, in some respects), a great music score (perhaps my favorite of any FF), and a semi-flexible character customization model in the form of the Sphere Grid, which is leagues better than the models which came after it (especially the Crystarium, which is the Sphere Grid without any semblance of choice involved). Not to mention it introduced one of the most badass FF characters ever to grace the series in the form of Auron.

If you build a new FFX title around some of the game's better characters, such as others suggested (an Auron/Jecht/Braska game), you could very easily produce a real winner. Just call it FFX-0 and make it about them. It'd be pretty hard for them to screw it up with that roster of characters combined with the beautiful music, gorgeous visuals, and the refined combat system of FFX.

Fox12 said:
Why make a sequel to the most critically hated game in the entire series?
Uh, because it wasn't. Blatantly wrong statement is blatantly wrong.

Final Fantasy 10 was one of the most critically acclaimed in the Final Fantasy series, holding a 92 on Metacritic and high ratings on many, many other major gaming outlets. Also, FFX is one of the best selling FFs to date at 6.6 million sales. Only 7 and 13 have outsold it....and 13 only outsold it because it was released on both PS3 and 360, whereas FFX was only available for the PS2.

Which is why the game got a sequel in the first place: because it was a pretty damn popular game.

So I'm not sure where you come up with the claim that FFX is in any way an unpopular game.'s totally not. Is too heavy a dose of Spoony to blame for your faulty sense of reality, too?
My friend, you should not be rude when you don't even possess a basic understanding of what I'm talking about. FFX was commercially and critically successful, and though it wasn't perfect I personally enjoyed it. That's why I mentioned it was such a financial success in my comment. I was't referring to FFX, I was referring to FFX-2, which, unfortunately, was not as successful. Its sold 30% as many units as FFX internationally, and barely hit the 1 million mark in the states. That's pathetic for a FF title at the peek of the series popularity, especially since it was a direct sequel to one of their best selling titles. People complain about FF 13 being bad, but X-2 was far worse. Try to read more carefully before disrespecting fellow escapists next time. And please don't tell another member to "educate themselves, because you sound like a mindless hater." You just did the same.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
Well I'd buy it if it was called "FFX-III: Let's watch Tidus die in a fire and focus more on the actual interesting elements". But likely it's not. A spinoff title featuring Auron, Kimahri and Lulu wouldn't be bad either.

Also, this makes the numbering of FF titles even more confusing. Keep this up and soon we'll have "Final Fantasy XV-II: Chapter One: Part Three: Chronicle 9".

And they'd be more willing to make an entirely new game rather than remaking the one the fans have been clamoring for well over half a decade, that's already made and only lacking voice acting and a graphical update?


New member
May 25, 2009
X and X-2 had some of the best gameplay and mechanics of the series...

...but there's nothing about the world or its characters I want to see revisited.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
UUmmm no how about a FF7 remake? Or maybe tweak X3 game play where its more versatile and customizable than X,X2 and 12... But another lack luster mechanic driven FF thanks.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
You know... as much as I don't like all the constant sequels, I would honestly prefer an X-3 over a XIII-3.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Please don't. You guys are about to gain some of your credibility back with XV if you manage to pull it off well.

Please don't go down that slippery slope again.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Oh gosh - I'd buy it for sure. I don't care what it would be about; the story continues, that's enough for me. I know... I'm everything wrong with FF fans. But I love FFX too much. X-2 was automatically better than it would have been just cause it was related to X.

HOW good it is very much depends on what it is about. I'm not sure what it could do other than dive into backstory with other characters;

Jecht, Auron & Braska's pilgrimage (would probably be the main course)
Rikku's backstory and her time with the Al Bhed & her missions
Auron facing off against Yunalesca & finding Kimahri
Kimahri's journey to find Yuna in Bevelle and taking her to Besaid
Shuyin & Lenne's story

This one is certainly a leap forward in time but is still backstory:

Paine and her time with Nooj, Baralai & Gippal (including that cave that makes people kill each other)
Maybe an original story involving other characters... like the Crusaders who died in Operation Mi'hen?

If it was a sequel in every sense of the word then I really don't know what could happen. I'd personally really like to play through these past stories but a future one? I don't know what would happen... especially given that there are multiple endings of X-2. They'd have to pick one and say it's canon. Maybe if it was a dramatic time leap into the future and you're playing as Tidus & Yuna's son/daughter in a very different environment with an entirely new threat to face... but why not just make it all different and make it a different Final Fantasy altogether?