Diablo 3 Beta Goes Public This Weekend


New member
Sep 18, 2008
got in around 10 minutes after the flood gates opened and didnt log out until now - 6 hours after :p im really really happy that i put money on a Collectors Edition for this game, because man i had a blast with it together with my mates

also those saying they ruined the game... lol... D2 is 10 years old and there has been alot of changes in modern gaming since. There has to be some changes to keep it fresh and entertaining, i for one LOVE that Stamina is gone, the add stats is gone - you get that from items mostly now i can live with it. And alot of new features has been added - shared account money / bank(chest) across all characters and soo much more.. as a old D2 veteran aswell, and i think its great so far for the 1% ive tried :D


New member
Sep 18, 2008
bobfish92 said:
Its 2 hours long, disappointingly streamlined but fun enough. I wasn't sure about the player character having a voice but after a few interactions with the paladin follower after a big fight that actually seem to be relatively suitable to what just happened, it seems quite good.

However, I've not seen one gem, the lack of stat customization and customization in general is very annoying, the gambling system has been replaced by a crafting system that takes up inventory space for the components and means you have to pick up useless items just to harvest them and its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy. I only used one health potion, and it was in the final boss battle.

Combat is good, art style is nice, i've seen no graphical errors and character interaction is amusing and appropriate to the situation. I guess I'll just split my Diablo fix between 3 and Torchlight 2.

E: Also, the beta is 2 hours long including all side-dungeons, I scraped every map clean.
Okay... you are one of those... "its too easy" ... you have played 1% of the game - the torturial part of the game - the "this is how you do this" remember not everyone who is going to buy D3 is a hardcore fan and knows the controls down to its very core - you have played like.. 5% of act 1, on normal... 1 out of 4 difficulties... chill dude :p or else watch -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0F2wPZWdYk&feature=my_favorites&list=FLWyOKrVeEIv5cTVHioZASkg the developers talking about the whiners that mentioned it was to easy some months ago. hope it clears up a bit.. just hate people who havent reasercheed on a game before playing a beta and expect a whole game out of it <_<


New member
Feb 2, 2011
EvilMaggot said:
Okay... you are one of those... "its too easy" ... you have played 1% of the game - the torturial part of the game - the "this is how you do this" remember not everyone who is going to buy D3 is a hardcore fan and knows the controls down to its very core - you have played like.. 5% of act 1, on normal... 1 out of 4 difficulties... chill dude :p or else watch -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0F2wPZWdYk&feature=my_favorites&list=FLWyOKrVeEIv5cTVHioZASkg the developers talking about the whiners that mentioned it was to easy some months ago. hope it clears up a bit.. just hate people who havent reasercheed on a game before playing a beta and expect a whole game out of it <_<
I'm not ranting at the game - I enjoyed it (You can be disappointed but still enjoy something). The level of ease is silly. Also the tutorial lasts around 10ish minutes and teaches you everything you need to know. I think you need to consider how silly and annoying a 2 hour tutorial is. My issue is that I was stacking up the health potions by the handful and not having to use them. A lot of what Diablo is is taken away when you're just strolling through the corridors without any element of danger whatsoever. I'm not asking everyone to die every five seconds, I'm asking for a geniune threat to the player. I played a ranged class in light armour and I could just sit there and let a horde of skellies beat my face in without worrying too much.

As for controls, well. You left click and you right click. Every now and again you might need to press one or two. Diablo has always had simple controls. As for saying I've not researched the game, I've been paying attention to Diablo 3 and knew to expect this - Doesn't mean I'm happy about it. And about expecting a full game from a beta; I expect them to show enough of the game to give a good indication of what its like to get people interested. I doubt that any of the factors I've mentioned will be different - Excluding gems, they are in - I just found it odd I didn't find one in two hours when the whole point of having gem ranking systems is so you can have them early on too.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Beta is equal to D2 blood raven. Did you feel in danger when going to blood raven? I know I didnt. Its the first 1/3 of act one its supposed to be easy.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
bobfish92 said:
And about expecting a full game from a beta; I expect them to show enough of the game to give a good indication of what its like to get people interested. I doubt that any of the factors I've mentioned will be different.
You, sir, are confusing the word "beta" with "demo."


This is a Forum Title.
Oct 2, 2008
Ihniwid said:
bobfish92 said:
And about expecting a full game from a beta; I expect them to show enough of the game to give a good indication of what its like to get people interested. I doubt that any of the factors I've mentioned will be different.
You, sir, are confusing the word "beta" with "demo."
I like how people continue to call it a beta despite the fact that it bears painfully little resemblance to anything they plan on shipping.

They altered the game to the point where the achievements are demerr...'beta'-only, and there's a screen at the end that says "You have beaten the beta." There's absolutely no indication that the miserable auction-house code is in, and, as was mentioned, there's no real customisation of anything beyond the ridiculously limited 'crafting' system, which boils down to nothing more than the same gambling you had from Wirt et al.

This is like they made a Diablo game without actually knowing anything about why people played Diablo 2 for so long.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I hope the game's more stable after I pay munnies for it. I had some lag problems and my PC's pretty damn god.

That PC Guy

New member
Sep 28, 2011
Wow, i wasn't expecting much and i got even less. It's basically the same as Diablo 2 (well duh'), only prettier and with a shortbus character development system. Not worth the 60 bucks or the hassle with online connection and login server problems that are sure to occur. World of Diablo indeed.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Like most of Blizzard's recent games(so... Starcraft), I would like to say that I will wait for this to hit the bargain bins, but since Blizzard's games never price drop, I just have to say that I don't buy Blizzard's games anymore.


Dec 3, 2010
Four years of waiting, three hours of gameplay before I got bored. Guess it's because deep down I know it's pointless to level/farm gear on a beta account.
At least I've finally decided which class I like the best. Barbarian-hoooo!

23 days and 21 hours left!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
And that's why single player games shouldn't have an online component. I waited about 4 hours for a login and yes it seems it works if you turn it to Americas servers better. What I got was a wizard that for some reason has a sword and shield but doesn't actually use them cause I throw magic bolts...which is very weird (I know the stats change, I'm talking about actual visual combat).

It looks like Diablo 2 but more of it, which I guess is...good?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
RvLeshrac said:
Ihniwid said:
bobfish92 said:
And about expecting a full game from a beta; I expect them to show enough of the game to give a good indication of what its like to get people interested. I doubt that any of the factors I've mentioned will be different.
You, sir, are confusing the word "beta" with "demo."
I like how people continue to call it a beta despite the fact that it bears painfully little resemblance to anything they plan on shipping.

They altered the game to the point where the achievements are demerr...'beta'-only, and there's a screen at the end that says "You have beaten the beta." There's absolutely no indication that the miserable auction-house code is in, and, as was mentioned, there's no real customisation of anything beyond the ridiculously limited 'crafting' system, which boils down to nothing more than the same gambling you had from Wirt et al.

This is like they made a Diablo game without actually knowing anything about why people played Diablo 2 for so long.
Judging the game for its faults solely based on a Beta is putting the cart before the horse. And you, sir, will not be going very far with a cart pushing a horse.

Wait till May 15. Play it (or don't, go knit, I don't care), and then rant and rave. Seems so pointless doing it now... But don't let me stop you.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
So far I'm not impressed.

Torchlight feels much more like Diablo than this slightly darker WoW with a pseudo single-player mechanic that won't work if you have no internet connection, or if Blizzard's servers are down. I don't care what changes are made in the main game... the always on DRM is enough to keep me from blowing $60 on it.

I think I'll stick with Torchlight if I want to play a Diablo Game.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Played for about 5+ hours last night trying to level my wizard to 13, have the day off work and plan on playing some more. It's addictive as hell, especially the skills past level 10. People here complaining are complaining about the dumbest things imaginable! Oh noes, the first 20% of act 1 on the easiest difficulty is not hard! I don't have to use potions in the first two hours! WHAT!? CRAFTING IS TOOOOO EEEEZZZZZ, remember in d2 you had to put things in a cube and hit "transmute", now that was an exciting challenge! Last but not least, THIS GAME IS LIKE WOW, so lame!! /plays torchlight (LOL)

Seriously, bunch of debbie downers.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Artemis923 said:
I hope the game's more stable after I pay munnies for it. I had some lag problems and my PC's pretty damn god.
Yeah that happens when its played over a Live server "Battlenet" :) still happens in D2 on b.net :p also if you live in europe the lag was mostly because the beta servers was in the US :) like me i live in europe, i had 200 ms but never really had lagg problems only from time to time there was a major lag for 5 seconds and that was it :)


New member
Nov 3, 2008
As a person who didn't play Diablo 1 or 2, I couldn't really find anything that makes me say oh wow I want to drop $60.
I got to the final guy in like 45 minutes and it was like ok.
I think the only thing I really enjoyed was the Monk player character talking to the companion warrior character, just the whole both being insane zealots and what not.