Diablo III Adds Pseudo-WoW Crafting


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Hmm, that looks pretty cool, not gonna lie.

Now, the wait to 2036 is just that much harder!

Seriously Blizz, release date or gtfo.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
lack of lan play = fail
required phone home for single player(confirmed?) = fail

if I want to play with my friends and use mods I can't because of blizzard's jerkface policy

I'm not 100% sure on the second fail but if it is true then as excited as I was I'll be passing on this game.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Repairing items. That means theres going to be durability. Stupid money pit. Already Im losing interest in this game.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
ciortas1 said:
Oh, Blizzard, I can't stay mad at you for long.

But just you fucking dare screw up D3 in a similar fashion as SC2, I'll have your heads.
Similar fashion? You mean roughly 75% the same as D2 with horribly cliche' dialogue?

OT: The NPC crafting thing doesn't bother me, I was never a fan of the collecting and crafting anyway. I just hope they don't do what they did with WoW, when they keep raising the levels with expansions and the new final armour in the game looks like crap compared to the previous last level armour.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Wolfram01 said:
Right but that was just a body guard. These artisans set up shop in towns, I don't think they follow you out into the field/dungeons etc. If they take up a spot in town, there'd either have to be big towns to allow for everyone's artisans or else people will have to share. Maybe, I suppose, it will superimpose each client's Artisan in the same spot, so one person might have top level blacksmith while the other person has a low level one... or something.
Well, it's not an MMO - they'll know the maximum number of players in a given session and could be able to plan real estate for their artisans accordingly.

Either that, or they will superimpose everyone's artisan onto one body, a la the Stash in D2, or mailboxes/banks in WoW.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Optimystic said:
Either that, or they will superimpose everyone's artisan onto one body, a la the Stash in D2, or mailboxes/banks in WoW.
This is what I would imagine they'd do, something similar to what Diablo II did or something along the lines of the phasing technology used in World of Warcraft.

On the one hand I think the system is good... but then I remember what I hate about crafting in other games; it's a turn off to leveling other characters. Now, so long as socketing equipment doesn't bind it to that character or anything of that sort, then good. Even then if they use a ladder system again I really don't think I'll want to level up my character's shops every single season in addition to my own character.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Optimystic said:
But will I still have my Horadric Cube? :(
Come on, that thing was the most useful item in all of D2.
I hope so. I did have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube.

OT: Ew. What the hell are they doing to this game? Gathering materials? Crafting crap? I think they forgot what game they're making.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
rembrandtqeinstein said:
if I want to play with my friends and use mods I can't because of blizzard's jerkface policy
Torchlight 2 seems to be the game for you and your friends, it will even have lan support ;)


New member
Apr 8, 2010
This is, in fact, very exciting. Even though my only real dungeon-crawling experience is from Torchlight (LOVE LOVE LOVE), I can see how useful and fun this could be. I was on the fence about Diablo 3, but seeing this...most definitely. Well played, Blactivision. We shall meet again.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Xzi said:
-Samurai- said:
Optimystic said:
But will I still have my Horadric Cube? :(
Come on, that thing was the most useful item in all of D2.
I hope so. I did have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube.

OT: Ew. What the hell are they doing to this game? Gathering materials? Crafting crap? I think they forgot what game they're making.
Did you even watch the video? You don't gather materials, you just take the useless white/grey drops and turn them into crafting material rather than just selling them like you would in D1/D2. It takes all of two seconds. Not a distraction at all from the core gameplay.
No, I didn't watch a second of it. I figured "Why watch the video when I can just pretend I did?".

Nope, didn't hear him say that you have to gather materials for crafting new armor or socketing by killing shit(meaning material farming when you need something made). Not at all. I didn't hear him say that you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items), either. Nope. No video watching for me.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
blitz609 said:
Well at least theyre attempting to do something different.
Agreed, its fresh...and, nothing wrong with having a few new ideas


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Crafting systems just annoy the hell out of me. Why should i bother with making stuff when i can have much more fun by slaying that giant demon over there, picking up his giant axe, and using it to disembowel his women, children, parents, grandparents and then use it to raid his fridge?

I ask thee, what sounds more fun?


New member
Aug 20, 2009
-Samurai- said:
you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items)
You are aware what game you're discussing right now, aren't you?
Gathering items is the most basic gameplay element of the Diablo games...

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
Now I really want to play this. Hopefully it won't get old quickly. And please make the itemization more forgiving. Nothing sucks more than killing Baal and getting three gold drops, a town portal and a Quilted Armor.

Oh, and if anyone's interested, try playing MedianXL. It's a mod that redoes the itemization (7 item tiers: 1-6 then Sacred, more runes and gems), expands inventory and the Horadric Cube, adds even more cube recipes (including one that allows to turn junk uniques into crystals so you can actually make that unique that your character needs), all-new skills for each of the seven classes and a whole lot more.