Diablo III Adds Pseudo-WoW Crafting


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Future Hero said:
Deofuta said:
Sweet! I like the idea, although I am sure someone is going to barge in screaming something along the lines of "WHY ARE YOU TURNING IT INTO WOW!!!1! WHATS NEXT, SUBSCRIPTIONS!!!1!!!!!"

WHAT'S NEXT, ELITE MEMBERSHIPS [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/5/11/]??

Seriously though, it's gonna be awesome. Blizzard has mountains of experience under its belt because of World of Warcraft. I'm guessing the fact that they spent years and years studying what works and what doesn't work with constant player feedback and improvements can only help them make better games, not worse.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I only played the first Diablo, so I don't know if the art style is more consistent with Diablo II and thus gets a free pass with the fans because of the Starcraft-effect (Not changing anything = instant win).

It looks ugly as sin to me though, and not in a grimdark ugly way (which I actually really like). It just looks...ew. Maybe I'm used to the cheap graphical tricks of other games, and this is somehow better, I don't know, I'm not very clued-up on the trade. But to me, this looks ugly.

Yes, I realise this is early footage. But I was quite excited by how Diablo III was looking in the footage and screenshots on their website, and this...dampens my enthusiasm.

Mighty the Moose

New member
Aug 11, 2010
Shamanic Rhythm said:
At first I was skeptical, given my experience of what Hellgate: London's godawful crafting system was like added to the Diablo formula. But this actually looks like it might be fun to play with. Of course, what I really like about this announcement is that it's clear that Diablo III won't be another Starcraft II, in that they are actually adding new gameplay concepts. Blizzard faith +1.
Like you, I certainly think Blizzard has allowed itself more imaginative leeway when it comes to implementing new gameplay concepts into Diablo 3 than they ever would have with Starcraft 2 (which is probably a good thing for both series). They never would have jeopardized Starcraft's exquisite unit and faction balancing by integrating radical gameplay concepts.

With recent SC tournaments announcing prize pools of $500,000 and a whole sector of Korean entertainment relying solely on the balanced gameplay of SC2, Blizzard must have been under tremendous financial pressure not to rock the boat. It would have been unrealistic to expect that SC2 be anything more than SC1.5.


New member
May 14, 2010
All I hear is "Blah, blah, blah." We all know it will be awesome, now ffs Blizzard WHEN IS IT BEING RELEASED!?!


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Kinda cool. They've adopted a bit from Guild Wars in their salvaging idea and fleshed it out a bit more it seems. Hopefully it works well in application as it does on paper.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Hope they decide to keep Runes and Rune Words and Jewels for socketing :D

and perhaps a mechanic to clear a socket. Hated when you have a nice piece of gear ruined because u placed something crappy in it.

This better not replace gambling! cause man was my gear almost all stuff i gambled for! XD


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I wish I could be excited for this game, but by the time it comes out I'll probably have grand kids and will have forgotten how to use a keyboard.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
xRagnarok19 said:
Now they just need to stop crushing my soul with delays and give me a release date.
i was really excited when D3 was first announced -- despite being one of the few players who really despised D2. that excitement rapidly wore off when i realized how long it took for starcraft 2 to finally see the light of day.

why announce games years prior to its release? speaking for myself, i find that waiting that long, reduces my interest in the game. i'll get excited again (probably) when they actually have a release date in 2025.

and hopefully the game will be worth the wait ...

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
rembrandtqeinstein said:
lack of lan play = fail
required phone home for single player(confirmed?) = fail

if I want to play with my friends and use mods I can't because of blizzard's jerkface policy

I'm not 100% sure on the second fail but if it is true then as excited as I was I'll be passing on this game.
While that is related to Diablo 3, it's not really related to this specific article.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
ionveau said:
Why do i get the feeling the commentator is talking to 5 year olds "We know you are the hero"
or "your quest to save the world"

Must be for the WoW crowd
It's not very nice throwing general insults at a group of people. That's Just like Jack Thompson saying "All people who play GTA are criminals".


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Melgrath said:
Echo136 said:
Repairing items. That means theres going to be durability. Stupid money pit. Already Im losing interest in this game.
Wasnt there repairs in Diablo2...and not mention, wasnt gold incredibly easy to get to gold cap? I wouldn't let something as small as a very modest coin sink turn you off to a game, especially one with the pretty solid rep that Diablo has.
I hate money sinks. They are pointless and time wasting. I spent way too much time with money sinks in WoW


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Eric the Orange said:
ionveau said:
Why do i get the feeling the commentator is talking to 5 year olds "We know you are the hero"
or "your quest to save the world"

Must be for the WoW crowd
It's not very nice throwing general insults at a group of people. That's Just like Jack Thompson saying "All people who play GTA are criminals".
I agree with jack Thompson, Why are games like GTA and Hitman rated 17+ and not 18+?

simple answer loophole to allow retailers to sell adult products,


New member
Jul 18, 2010
Optimystic said:
But will I still have my Horadric Cube? :(
Come on, that thing was the most useful item in all of D2.
As they still are putting a stronger need on Gems I suspect that they will have the cube or something similar in this one as well as it makes sense to keep what worked (and since they are keeping the gem system i suspect they like the idea of keeping what worked).
I for one am now waiting on this to come out. Will make gathering loot alot more useful and would mean more use and better chance of getting decent equips without feeling like you are playing russian roulette. Would also be a nice sink for my money (I had insane amounts of it in daiblo 2 once I got a good set going)

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
ionveau said:
Eric the Orange said:
ionveau said:
Why do i get the feeling the commentator is talking to 5 year olds "We know you are the hero"
or "your quest to save the world"

Must be for the WoW crowd
It's not very nice throwing general insults at a group of people. That's Just like Jack Thompson saying "All people who play GTA are criminals".
I agree with jack Thompson, Why are games like GTA and Hitman rated 17+ and not 18+?

simple answer loophole to allow retailers to sell adult products,
You're kind of missing the point, Wether you think that the rating should be changed is irrelevant. All I was saying is that it is unfair to group all people who play a certain game together. So to use a different hypothetical example, that is like saying all people who play Super Mario Brothers are accountants.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Eric the Orange said:
ionveau said:
Eric the Orange said:
ionveau said:
Why do i get the feeling the commentator is talking to 5 year olds "We know you are the hero"
or "your quest to save the world"

Must be for the WoW crowd
It's not very nice throwing general insults at a group of people. That's Just like Jack Thompson saying "All people who play GTA are criminals".
I agree with jack Thompson, Why are games like GTA and Hitman rated 17+ and not 18+?

simple answer loophole to allow retailers to sell adult products,
You're kind of missing the point, Wether you think that the rating should be changed is irrelevant. All I was saying is that it is unfair to group all people who play a certain game together. So to use a different hypothetical example, that is like saying all people who play Super Mario Brothers are accountants.
I understand, Its not right to call all homosexuals fags or call WoW players 5 year olds, man children, social rejects. I understand this for this i am very sorry for my sweeping statement I hope that one day we can get out differences past us and better understand why we say the things we say. Dont get me wrong i dont just go around calling people 5 year olds, i did in fact play WoW a few years ago when i was 16, well the thing i found out was that NOT ALL but a very small group of WoW players in fact live there lives head deep in this game, E.G http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV37Jh6sQNk&feature=search

I for one dont understand how a 30 year old person can live like this, not to mention 24 other people. When i say the WoW crowd i dont imply all people that play WoW i mean the ones that think the game is real, Even this is not right to say, I will try to find out more about these people and attempt to understand why they do the things they do, Maybe its just a life choice, maybe its mental illness for now i dont know