Diablo III Adds Pseudo-WoW Crafting


New member
Oct 8, 2009
VanBasten said:
-Samurai- said:
you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items)
You are aware what game you're discussing right now, aren't you?
Gathering items is the most basic gameplay element of the Diablo games...
There's a huge difference between gathering gear, and farming items to be broken down into materials to be turned into gear.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
bout time some info has surfaced about D3 whats if been? i year now since blizzcon 09 (the last time they released info on D3 i THINK)

still cant wait till blizzcon '10 in a few months so see that 5th and final class (my moneys on a ranged hunter like class)

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Optimystic said:
But will I still have my Horadric Cube? :(
Come on, that thing was the most useful item in all of D2.
The only thing the Horadric Cube was good for was extra storage space. As a crafting mechanic, it completely failed.

Anyway, I am not sure how I feel about this. While it seems like an odd addition, I cannot deny that they approached it in a unique manner. It might have potential.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
-Samurai- said:
VanBasten said:
-Samurai- said:
you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items)
You are aware what game you're discussing right now, aren't you?
Gathering items is the most basic gameplay element of the Diablo games...
There's a huge difference between gathering gear, and farming items to be broken down into materials to be turned into gear.
You don't have to craft stuff, you can still vendor the items and play with what drops only.

The core gameplay is still the same, you just have another option to do with the junk you get.

So where exactly is the problem again?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
i just noticed....monks can use shields now? i though they were the rogues of D3 that had lighter armor but faster movement.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
VanBasten said:
-Samurai- said:
VanBasten said:
-Samurai- said:
you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items)
You are aware what game you're discussing right now, aren't you?
Gathering items is the most basic gameplay element of the Diablo games...
There's a huge difference between gathering gear, and farming items to be broken down into materials to be turned into gear.
You don't have to craft stuff, you can still vendor the items and play with what drops only.

The core gameplay is still the same, you just have another option to do with the junk you get.

So where exactly is the problem again?
I don't remember saying there was a problem. Although if wanna take that route, the problem will be in the inevitable outbreak of bots running amuck to gather things to break down.

We know the better gear won't be found, it'll be made, just like with runewords. If you wanna PvP without crafting crap, it isn't going to happen. I like to pvp. What I don't like is to have to find things to break down to turn into other things so I can stand a chance in a fight.

We know the better gear won't be cheap to make. That means you'll have to spend more time to gather more materials before you can finally get to do what you want to do.

There will likely be people trading the gear pre-made, but the currency will probably be materials(if trade-able) or runes, if they still exist.

So, if you want to be able to enjoy one of the better parts of the game(PvP. At least for me), you're going to be stuck farming for materials, which is something I just don't want to do.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Why do i get the feeling the commentator is talking to 5 year olds "We know you are the hero"
or "your quest to save the world"

Must be for the WoW crowd

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
At first I was skeptical, given my experience of what Hellgate: London's godawful crafting system was like added to the Diablo formula. But this actually looks like it might be fun to play with. Of course, what I really like about this announcement is that it's clear that Diablo III won't be another Starcraft II, in that they are actually adding new gameplay concepts. Blizzard faith +1.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
This video made me salivate. My excitement for D3 was high enough as it is, and then this juicy chunk of epic informative goodness showed up. Whatever they reveal at BlizzCon this year will make me 'splode. I SOOO can't wait.


May 19, 2009
Deofuta said:
Sweet! I like the idea, although I am sure someone is going to barge in screaming something along the lines of "WHY ARE YOU TURNING IT INTO WOW!!!1! WHATS NEXT, SUBSCRIPTIONS!!!1!!!!!"

Hell I'd pay a subscription for D2 if it meant no more spam-bots. That game has become almost unplayable because of them!


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
To be honest it reminded me more of "Monster Hunter" with it's felinoid (can never remember how to spell the name) chefs and weapon/armor construction, albiet not quite as detailed giving the lack of gathering. Good addition though, the more options the better.

THAT said, I for one do not think it's ever a good thing when a company decides to make fun of their fans. To be honest I'm one of those who has their issues with the art direction in this one as well. I'm probably a bit more invested in the diablo-verse than many other people despite never having played on Battle.net, having gone so far as to buy and read the novels (especially the ones by Richard A. Knaack, whose Cabe Bedlam stories I enjoyed a lot once upon a time... if I'm thinking of the right guy) and also the RPG books for both 2nd and 3rd edition D&D which I actually used for PnP RPG campaign material.

I have a very good feel for what the world is supposed to be like, as it was well developed, and while I understand the need to improve artwork with new technology, what was being shown doesn't quite mesh with the way the world has been presented so far through a lot of material.

In the end it's Blizzard's franchise and they can do what they want with it, however I think that if there is a substantial enough amount of the fanbase complaining where they expect people to "get" the jibes, rather than making jokes perhaps they should have perhaps spent their time tweaking the artwork and color palette a bit (if they ever did, I do not remember hearing about it).

I myself am waiting for a release date, and my final desicians are going to be based on what the product looks like when it's close to release. Perhaps I'll be sold on the changes, perhaps not, I have had my attitude changed before based on how things shaped up.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
This sounds like a good idea, although it really depends on their implementation. It could be a wonderful system that motivates you to quest farther and farther to get the best gear... or it could be a mess of micromanagement that you'll virtually be forced into.

We'll see.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
Got a reply to my tweet on the kinds of artisans:
Blacksmith - various levels of armor & weaponry; light to heavy.
Librarian - various levels of spell crafting.
Apothecarian - various levels of potions for strength, stamina, etc.
Seamstress - various levels of light armor; robes, capes, etc.
Hairdresser- various levels of hair styles to enhance your look dungeon crawling.
Dance Coreagrapher - various levels of victory dances & waiting for other party members dances.
Brewmaster - various levels of drink to enhance dungeon crawls and dancing.
Jeweler - various levels of quality bling.
And last but not least;
Joke Writer - various levels of funny stories & sight gags to entertain while waiting on party members.

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
Now if they could craft me a release date that conforms to something/ something/ 2010 I'll be happy.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
rembrandtqeinstein said:
lack of lan play = fail
required phone home for single player(confirmed?) = fail

if I want to play with my friends and use mods I can't because of blizzard's jerkface policy

I'm not 100% sure on the second fail but if it is true then as excited as I was I'll be passing on this game.
The second one is false.

It's not required if you don't care about achievements updating.

The game will end up being amazing, people will say they don't want to play it and that it is a POS but they'll either be lying and ARE playing it or will end up seeing their friends playing it and buy it anyways.

Blizzard makes good games, that's something they've been fairly consistent about. I may not have "gotten" Warcraft III I can't argue that it was not a good game (without losing the argument). I was more turned away by the art style, but these days art styles matter little to me if the content is solid.

-Samurai- said:
No, I didn't watch a second of it. I figured "Why watch the video when I can just pretend I did?".
Sounds plausible. It is what the first 5-10 people responding to Zero Punctuation videos do.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
I really like this system, they really put a lot of emphasis on making it pain-free, where most of the progress you'd make in gathering materials would be during the monster-smashing process (i.e. the entire game). I'm looking forward to using these.

They'll be in towns and other pre-set areas, right? I don't really want an artisan to spawn in a randomly generated dungeon, level him up, then leave the game and have that artisan gone forever.
-Samurai- said:
VanBasten said:
-Samurai- said:
you have to break down items into materials(which means farming/gathering items)
You are aware what game you're discussing right now, aren't you?
Gathering items is the most basic gameplay element of the Diablo games...
There's a huge difference between gathering gear, and farming items to be broken down into materials to be turned into gear.
you're not farming items, though, anything you find can be grinded down into the essential crafting materials. It's not like you're level 97 and you have to go back to the den of evil because only Fallen can drop Scrap Iron or whatever.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Echo136 said:
Repairing items. That means theres going to be durability. Stupid money pit. Already Im losing interest in this game.
Wasnt there repairs in Diablo2...and not mention, wasnt gold incredibly easy to get to gold cap? I wouldn't let something as small as a very modest coin sink turn you off to a game, especially one with the pretty solid rep that Diablo has.

Ayush Passi

New member
Mar 24, 2010
I fell off my chair when I heard the rainbow viewing line at the end. I seriously don't think that it is going to be some rainbow themed game. I heard from countless people/sources that it is going to get scarier/gorey the farther the player goes and I think Blizzard has the common sense to make the game gorey and all, to get all the sales. Diablo franchise has an almost cult following.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I can't say I'm too happy with the behavior of the enemies at the end of that clip, though. I don't remember enemies in the last two games standing still while nearby friends came over to try to eat you. >.>