DICE Threatens Bans For Playing on Modded Battlefield 3 Servers

Apr 28, 2008
Why is this such a huge deal? Seriously, it's a beta. After the beta all stats and whatnot will be wiped anyway. Yes people are might be butt-fucking the thing, but isn't that why you HAVE a beta in the first place? To find all this stuff out?

This kind of crap will help you build a better game, DICE. Punishing people for it seems rather silly.

Stop trying to be so damn controlling. If people want a "legit" experience, they'll play on legit servers. If they want to have a bit of off-the-wall fun, why not let them do that? It's one of the strengths of the PC, being able to basically have the option to play the game like you would never imagine. Why forbid them from it?

Now if you don't mind, I feel like playing some Counter Strike. Zombie-mod. On non-official servers with 54 people.

Because it's fun, and because I can.
LordMithril said:
So.. they are punishing people for helping them stress test their game.
uhm.. When did that become a bad thing?

EA: This game supports 32 players max.
Community: eh if we change this file here it runs with 128 people without a problem.

That's how it sounds to me.
Pretty much this.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
So fucking what?

If BF3 doesn't allow mods then I'm not playing it anyway.

Well, even if it did allow mods, it's on Origin, so I'm not playing it anyway.

I'll just wait for private BF3/TOR servers to come out, thanks.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Good to know my decision to not get bf3 or deal with any of origins bullshit, has a solid base. Steam just prevents you from playing on secure servers if you get banned, you still get your games, sounds like origin takes away your games, ahh the fun of digital distribution.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Wow. People are already modding servers? Then again, I guess I shouldn't be suprised as there are people who have nothing better to do than mod severs and cheat.
Or are you allowed to mod games after they come out?
Ok, now I just made myself confused. When is it ok to mod games and when is it not ok? I've seen mods for CoD 4, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island alnog with many others but...I...help, my brain is melting due to the confusion of this issue.

Anthony Wells

New member
May 28, 2011
Kapol said:
Well, since Steam can do the exact same thing, it's not surprising. I think that most programs similar to the two that keep all your games so you can redownload them make it so you lose access to all of your games if you screw up. The ones that you just download the game but not any underlying system can't do the same, though they can stop you from redownloading it if you delete it from your system.

actually from what i have read Valve doesnt ban you...technically..they only ban you from playing on any server associated with them or there vac system. you can still download all games and all that from the store just you cant access serves wihich have vac gaurding them. or something like that. Valve is much more open though they actively encourage modding and stuff like that. they only really punish cheaters

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
vivalahelvig said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Ser Imp said:
Is DICE not even allowing a saving throw?
Oh you. You're like a newer, 'impier' version of HankMan before he got banned.
HankMan got banned? But i loved his puns, why did he get banned?!
I haven't seen him around since early september, and his profile health was at maximum red.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Once the game goes Live will you be able to run custom servers then? because 128 man servers are the absolute shit in battlefield. Extremely intense, usually with more vehicle spawns to compensate. It'd be awesome.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
vivalahelvig said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Ser Imp said:
Is DICE not even allowing a saving throw?
Oh you. You're like a newer, 'impier' version of HankMan before he got banned.
HankMan got banned? But i loved his puns, why did he get banned?!
I haven't seen him around since early september, and his profile health was at maximum red.
Damn, i guess he went 1 pun too far.

HavoK 09

New member
Apr 1, 2010
problem is that by using quickmatch you can end up in one of those if you are not paying attention


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Techno Squidgy said:
Once the game goes Live will you be able to run custom servers then? because 128 man servers are the absolute shit in battlefield. Extremely intense, usually with more vehicle spawns to compensate. It'd be awesome.
Wow, that sounds HORRIBLE. Wanna know why? Half of everyone will STILL be spawn camping the jets.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Ser Imp said:
Is DICE not even allowing a saving throw?
I see what you did there.

OT: I can see this for the beta. What with them wanting to make sure how well the game runs on stock settings. If this were the case. If they do this when the game is released, well, consider my purchase revoked.
Ironic Pirate said:
Your avatar gave me quite a laugh while I was typing this out...


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Damn, I'll miss him.
His puns were awful, but they made me smile nonetheless. He really did have a great talent in making puns. I mean, i can rarely think of any funny ones.
And he just kept on blasting, trying to make the forum a happier place.
Oh well.
Also, i should say something OT:
UH, well. I can imagine joining a 126-player server would be quite something new and interesting to try out. So I'd say: not cool at all.
Yes, the exp-mods are kinda bad, but just a tonload of people together? Not very harmful, in my opinion.
However, i really don't know how servers work or whatnot, so don't take my word as the ultimate truth.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
lordlillen said:
isnt that stealing? if there taking away the games then its stealing.
It's not taking away anything. Didn't you know? You don't buy games, you license them, and the real owner is allowed to revoke that license whenever they want. Can't steal what you never owned! (And that's likely what the EULA you agree to without reading says.)


New member
Jul 11, 2011
It's a Beta, so understandable. If they pull this crap after release, they officially suck.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
RoseArch said:
It's a Beta, so understandable. If they pull this crap after release, they officially suck.
Agreed. Since it is a beta, players are supposed to test the game *as it is provided to them*. Testing a modded game doesn't really help with finding issues in the *product to be sold*. The punishment may be harsh, but then again, it is a bloody beta and people should be aware of that.

Now, in the main game, EA should better not pull anything like that. BF lives and dies with its modding community.


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
lordlillen said:
isnt that stealing? if there taking away the games then its stealing.
Since they don't actually own the games- they own a single license to use the game- it's not stealing.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I have brought and loved all the Battlefield games and was looking forwards to this one. With this behaviour and the forced inclusion of a system that has mandatory spyware I think I will be keeping my money. I hope others do to so EA maybe get the message of this not being acceptable.

That someone has made it so you can get 100+ people on a server is not being applauded is stupid. I don't see why this has to be a problem, if they are non standard, just make them non ranked, then no-one gets an advantage playing on them. This is not going to make you fans on the PC, a group who don't like having restrictions put on their experience. Shame on DICE and EA.

Also normally Battlefield sales on the PC are one of the strongest if not the strongest. Why do I feel they are sticking a couple of fingers up at that market while hoping it will be more popular on consoles this time around. I really don't think they are doing their target of competing with COD on sales any favours.