Did games ever made you feel...emotions ?


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Terranigma. If you played it, you know what I am talking about.
If you have not, then my words are lost on you. *shun*


New member
Jul 12, 2009
In Time Splitter Future Perfect I almost crapped my pants a few times in the zombie map when they jumped out from random places so I was bit scared there. Mostly happiness thou, in end of games when you've struggled through all those hard fights and finally end it all.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
The epicasity of Third Age Total War mod when my alliance of High Elves and Rohan obliterated the Easterlings, first the Elves all simultaneously launched an almost point blank arrow volley which shredded their first few battalions, followed up by a Rohan cavalry charge through their Harad allies and mumakil, and then straight into the Easterling core.

With epic music in the background of course.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I actually thought it was amazing at the end of Dead Space 2 where Isaac tells the ship to take off without him, and then kills the last couple bad guys, takes off his helmet and just slumps down in despair as the credits roll... that was intense. Of course the credits are interrupted and he gets saved, but that was an awesome moment.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
That sobbing, man, that sobbing.

I'm sorry I couldn't stop the Egyptians nuking you!
But it was for the Greater Good! D:


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Following the trail of the one known as "the Survivalist" in the New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts spurred emotion.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Feeling emotions while playinga game? hmmmm.off the top of my head:

Kingdom hearts: Whenever there is a cutscene

Dragon Age: Several story points, and most companions generate an emotional response when they reveal their past.

KotoR I & II: Some from the main stories, but mostly from side-quests, and companion background stories.

Final Fantasy X: Most cutscenes (Emotionally crushed by the ending).

Portal 1 & 2 - Consistently funny & creepy

GTA games & RDR: The general lack of morality and happiness in the lives of just about all characters can leave feeling melancholy for a whole day. Thes games can also make me laugh on a regular basis.

Dark creepy corridors, where monsters definitely lurk, leave feeling terrified to the point of having trouble moving past them. (This is why I don't play horror/survival games.)

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
Fallout 3, At the start of 'The Waters of Life' that moment made me so upset. Then later on during that quest when one guy slows you up and you can't help him, just leave him alone in the dark with no means of escape because I imagined what it would be like for me, to hear your friends footsteps fade and be left on your own, with only your own breathing to hear before you die.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Actually, Half Life 2 right before the end scene...fucking glorious.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution at parts.
Portal 2...if you still haven't played it, but you have played Portal, play it.
World Of Warcraft while roleplaying.

Oh, wait, this is the Escapist. Right then. *coughs* Emotion? What's that? I'm better than everyone else because I pretend to lack qualities that are part and parcel with being human.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
So many games have made me felt emotional.

Many have sent shivers down my spine, made me feel heroic, and made me really upset when a character died. That was ever such a long time ago though.


Oct 4, 2011
It made me show the emotion of happiness when I destroyed all the little peons of soldiers that dare attack me.

George Lanier

New member
Oct 5, 2011
The "contact" cutscene in Halo Reach's first level made me shiver because of the badassery. Same game, the ending level. "Current Objective: Survive" broke me down.

Red Dead Redemption's ending made me genuinely blind with hatred at Edgar Ross, and I ignored everything that John had been trying to teach his son and went ahead and killed Ross. Only after I killed him did I realize that I had messed up big time, and killing him hadn't made me feel better.

Gears of War
Dom's heroic death, coupled with Marcus's perfect "DOM! NO!" right before he dies made me audibly drop an F bomb over Xbox live with my buddies.

Mass Effect 1 had me choosing between Ashley and Kaidan, and I stood there for about half an hour before making my choice. Too bad there were very little emotional hooks in ME2. The end run seemed so.... scripted and predetermined in an arbitrary way (although Lair of the Shadow Broker was very good at it)

A bunch of other games have given me a feel or two, and there are so many that I can't name them off of the top of my head.

Phantom Hourglass's ending choked me up a little bit, because I felt like Linebeck made a FANTASTIC transition from asshole to hero over the course of the game.

And who could forget The World Ends With You! That game was pretty emotional at the end.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I'm probably going to sound silly for this one, but Kingdom Hearts always used to get me. Now, playing it again on my old Ps2, nostalgia threatens to drown me.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Lawnchair said:
I cried when Ghost died in MW2. That is the only feeling I've ever felt. EVER.
I was livid when Ghost got shot, I couldn't wait to fuck that guy up, I forget his name.

The end of Illusion of Gaia made me sad, but that was mostly down to the soundtrack.

The second last song in Gitaroo Man was incredible given that it was just a button-matching game, it really drew me in.

Lastly, God of War games have always resonated with me, I think it's because they're a brilliant example of QTE's done correctly and they really make you feel responsible for Kratos' actions.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
In Mass Effect 2 DLC The arrival when shepard is forced to kill 300,000 bartarians with the push of a button made me really think if it was the right thing to do, even though through out both games my shepard has always done whats neccesary to save the universe... sacrifices have to be made, but on that scale in a matter of seconds was a moment.

Also infamous two good ending brings a tear to the eyes


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I got filled with anger at the climax of Dragon Age 2 due to what happened (You should know if you played).

Another moment was in Dragon Age Origin when i was at the Lands meet due to all of the events that happened on my play-through.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Bastion's ending.
Choosing to not undo the calamity and instead fly off to a new world with the friends you've made because of the calamit (and your love), or to undo the Calamity and never meet/get to know the people who met during the game (including your love) and perhaps risk the calamity happening again. Also the music for the credits.

Oblivion, during the Dark Brotherhood quest chain,
you're asked to 'purge' the hideout in a city of the members because one of them is a traitor. One of the member is a catman who starts off being a douche. But when you're on the quest he admits he got you all wrong and wants to be bestest best friends for ever. He was very sweet. Made killing him very very hard. Fortunatley, my game file got corrupted so I rolled back to a previous save, before killing them

MW2 when Ghost dies. But that was because he was the only character I actually liked...

Ian Soule

New member
May 4, 2010
I hafta say the only game I genuinely felt something behind was Mafia II. Each character had a dark and unforgivable side, but the narrative was told in such a way that you could truly see why they did what they did in the game. I felt a strong sense of sorrow when Henry was killed by the Chinese but that soon turned to anger once I learned that he was a rat for the Feds and ratted out the Vinci family. Then the very last part of the game made me incredibly sad as well.