Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
No I think Buffy started that, I remember people were saying the same thing in school 5 years ago.

And why was my thread on crazy Twilight fans locked straight away?
Feb 13, 2008
Orange Monkey said:
I think what peoples main problem is that vampires are now looked more upon as a teenage sex symbol akin to Zac Efron rather than their original role as demonic symbols of horror and blood lust.
Which is more of an anathema to the original because the legend of the Vampire was based on everything that Edward isn't. Vampires are physically weak, devoid of emotion, hideous to look at but compelling, and drink like an alcoholic.

The more telling notion is that its the monsters that were originally defined by male sexuality (Werewolf=Puberty, Vampire=Seduction of Youth and then leaving them) that are being used as mirrors for female sexuality.(Bella=Loner seduced by Outcast)

The real problem is that Mina Harker had more backbone than Bella does.

But, as has been stated, the only way to kill a vampire is with a stake through the chest. Meyer's wet dreams aren't enough to kill them.

Nazulu said:
No I think Buffy started that, I remember people were saying the same thing in school 5 years ago.

And why was my thread on crazy Twilight fans locked straight away?
This one is going to be as soon as a mod sees it. They don't like Twilight threads.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Some facebook ad thing said something about vampires vs werewolves in twilight? Yeah, way to rip off Underworld. But yeah, it did ruin vampires, in my opinion. They turned them from a monster into a teenage girl's fantasy boy friend. With zombie movies, then funny ones (Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead) are so much better and more realistic, in terms of a real zombie apocalypse, then the "scary" ones (Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil).


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Orange Monkey said:
I think what peoples main problem is that vampires are now looked more upon as a teenage sex symbol akin to Zac Efron rather than their original role as demonic symbols of horror and blood lust.
This - Poor vampires


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Yggdrasil said:
But, as has been stated, the only way to kill a vampire is with a stake through the chest.
Doesn't decapitation work pretty decently as well or does that merely leave them in a rather unfortunate position of having to carry their head everywhere from then on?

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
Didn't mind Twilight in the slightest. Thought it was quite a decent love story all in all, can't wait for the next part.

And like has already been stated in this thread, Buffy started it, a long, long time ago with the tiny girl kicking the shit out of the terror's of the night. Horror isn't scary anymore, there are far more real thing's to be scared of than Vampires, Werewolves or Zombies. Hence all the real "gritty" thriller movies of late, the supernatural doesn't scare today's mindset, the natural does.

Take from that what you will.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
It did not. It's just another stupid fad, the whole "using zack efron-ey emo teenagers, that have emo moments with everyone else, but within an exceptional circumstance ." I mean look at Heroes. Every time I see Claire having emo moments with her dad, or some other teen hormone related issue and starts crying because life is unfair I feel like throwing something at the screen. But this crap sells. Because lots of people are stupid and relate (emos).


Nov 1, 2009
Twilight just.. I'll skip the 300 word essay on my dislike of it.

Underworld personally for me, was the best portrayal of vampire/werewolf legend culture..

..Selene/Beckinsale MAY, MAY! I say, might have been the *HEMS* most desiring part *HEMS* of it. <_<


New member
Feb 4, 2009
The main problem with Twilight is that you can completely take the fact that they're "vampires" out of the story and it wouldn't change a thing. You would get the same exact story. The fact that some of the character's are "vampires" Does not drive the plot, at all. At least, that's how I felt after seeing the movie.

It's true that there are no set "rules" to vampires. They're mythical creatures. But you know what else is myth? Greek and Roman gods. But if I were to make a movie about how Hades was really the god of flowers and cuddly teddy bears, I'd get reamed for it. There are no rules, they're myth, but there is a specific lore that goes with the creatures. Stephanie Meyer took all the aspects of vampires, urinated on them, and threw them out the window.

Now, I'm not saying you can't change vampires. One of my favorite book series when I was younger was Cirque Du Freak (Yeah, they just made a movie about it. Yeah, it sucked). In this series, the author described vampires differently than most would. In short, Vampires were not evil, they drank only a little blood from victims who they would knock out, ate normal food as well, were effected by sunlight if exposed to it for prolonged periods of time, and were not immortal (although they only aged 1 year for every 10). There are many other subtle changes but I won't go into them (There are also an evil clan of vampires called the Vampanese, these do kill when they feed). The reason I was able to enjoy these changes was because the Author was able to explain them in a very realistic manner and fit them into the plot well. Although they didn't fit every detail of vampires, they still felt like vampires.

Same can't be said for Twilight, once you've got "vampires" walking around in the day time (Hmmm, aren't they called the creatures of the night?) with only a shimmer to show for it, you kind of lose that feeling. To put it simply, nothing about the characters in this story are vampiric at all. Stephanie Meyer simply used the increasing popularity of vampires to sell another trashy teen love series about a whiny girl who just can't live with out her dear Edward.

But that's just how I feel.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Saying that Twilight ruined vampires is giving it far more credit than it deserves.

However, that doesn't change the fact that it contains some of the most idiotic decisions about a vampire's weaknesses: i.e. "the sun makes us sparkle! Oh no, we must fear the sun! AAAAAHHHHH!"

Seriously, what the fuck? That's all the sun does? Come on.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
ShadowsofHope said:
Twilight just.. I'll skip the 300 word essay on my dislike of it.
That's not an essay, it's a tangential sidenote, something you might tack on your Appendices for kicks and giggles.
Feb 13, 2008
Amnestic said:
Yggdrasil said:
But, as has been stated, the only way to kill a vampire is with a stake through the chest.
Doesn't decapitation work pretty decently as well or does that merely leave them in a rather unfortunate position of having to carry their head everywhere from then on?
Depends on the Vampire "strain", on most of them it will disconnect the brain, so it leaves them a headless undead chicken; but the Orientals tend to survive unless they meet their "True Death" (The death they avoided) so a stake won't get them.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
They did not ruin vampires because there are not vampires, they are Sparkle-pires, and I refuse to call them anything else.


Nov 1, 2009
Amnestic said:
ShadowsofHope said:
Twilight just.. I'll skip the 300 word essay on my dislike of it.
That's not an essay, it's a tangential sidenote, something you might tack on your Appendices for kicks and giggles.
I wasnt referring to your post, I was referring to all things I could personally say on it.. if some exagguration. I dont remember directly quoting your post, if thats what you meant?
Apr 28, 2008
I hate twighlight because now whenever I mention "Vampire" I always get asked if I like Twighlight.

Its fucking annoying.

Plus, they ruined the image of Vampires, before they were seen as well dressed manipulators.
Now their seen as Angsty teens whith horrable hairstyles.

Seriously, the main Vampire heart throb looks like he just got a fucking swirlie!


New member
Feb 26, 2009
even though the vamps were still kinda badass in it ... i think the whole vampire romantisism started at buffy