Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
ShadowsofHope said:
Amnestic said:
ShadowsofHope said:
Twilight just.. I'll skip the 300 word essay on my dislike of it.
That's not an essay, it's a tangential sidenote, something you might tack on your Appendices for kicks and giggles.
I wasnt referring to your post, I was referring to all things I could personally say on it.. if some exagguration. I dont remember directly quoting your post, if thats what you meant?
I wasn't referring to any post, merely that anything that's 300 words long can't really be classed as an essay. It's...what, 3 paragraphs?

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
SsilverR said:
even though the vamps were still kinda badass in it ... i think the whole vampire romantisism started at buffy
Well, technically, Vampires have been "Romantic", since Stoker. I think the problem most people have is that the Vampires aren't seen in the "evil" light that they used to have. And that really isn't Twilight's fault. Nor did it start with Twilight.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
VanityGirl said:
Well, you see, it's not that I'm worried about the scariness of vampires being ruined; I'm worried about the genre's precedent being set by Twilight because it's got so many followers. And, as we all know, Hollywood loves to play the mimicry game; when they can't milk Meyer for any more sequels, they'll start thinking up more ways to incorporate vampires, if only to make more money. It won't ruin our lives, yes, but it will make that area boring, just as the recent spate of 'evil virus' movies have made me want to wretch at anything that isn't an actual biology lecture.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
Twilight didn't start the death of vampires, but it has been the biggest and most recent cultural blow.

The whole vampire who can be good thing has been bandied around for ages, but people just don't realise how old the notion is. Varney the Vampire was not exceptionally terrifying, and he was around at the same time as Dracula.

The biggest offender is Buffy. Sure it was a great show, and managed to handle the vampire with a soul thing better than most (mainly by having all the others be soulless death machines), but that's where the idea got really thrust into public consciousness.

Twilight is the last rattling breath of the franchise, which started with Buffy's terminal cancer.

But don't worry, because as we all know, three days after death, the vampire rises again.
The Blade movies didn't help either.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Amnestic said:
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.

I did like the looks of Van Helsing as a werewolf. In my opinion that is what they should look like. The hairless ape/dog things in Underworld were disappointing. Also how frail vampires were depicted in the movie was disappointing as well.

But on topic. Hated Twilight, story was just more tween drama drivel.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
when i first heard about twilight
i thought it sounded kind of stupid but one of my friends who really liked the books had said to at least give it a try so i got the audio version from the library since it is just easier for me to listen and walk than sit and read. I did not really like the books but then she told me they were making a movie about it so she dragged me to it and it was awful.
i went into more research about the books and it shows that Stephenie Meyer did not even do any research on vampires and sort of improvised as she went. so she had kind of made the classic vampire from Bram stoker into something that thirteen year old girls can love. which I am not fond of.

and for zombies they shall always be awesome they may not be scary but movies like Shaun of the dead are freaking fantastic.


Nov 1, 2009
Amnestic said:
ShadowsofHope said:
Amnestic said:
ShadowsofHope said:
Twilight just.. I'll skip the 300 word essay on my dislike of it.
That's not an essay, it's a tangential sidenote, something you might tack on your Appendices for kicks and giggles.
I wasnt referring to your post, I was referring to all things I could personally say on it.. if some exagguration. I dont remember directly quoting your post, if thats what you meant?
I wasn't referring to any post, merely that anything that's 300 words long can't really be classed as an essay. It's...what, 3 paragraphs?
Ah. Exagguration, calling it an "essay", obviously.


New member
May 6, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
Twilight didn't start the death of vampires, but it has been the biggest and most recent cultural blow.

This movie basically says that the vampires who can't go into sunlight, don't age, turn into bats, and most importantly suck blood from people, are "stereotypical." In the trailer of the movie, they even called the shapeshifting thing "bull-" before the cutoff. Yeah, you're right. Who came up with that stupid crap? Dracula? Who's he?

At least Twilight had kept SOME of the stuff on the list. I don't even mind if a vampire doesn't have all of those. But to not have ANY of that stuff, and to even BASH what classified a vampire as a vampire, is what is really killing the vampires today.

This movie is a hammer to the stake that will end traditional vampires. Which, I assume, won't kill a vampire anymore than a regular person.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
The slow-moving zombies are not scary to me. They used to be, but then I realized that they'd be fairly easy to evade and kill (Shaun of the Dead). But then came along the running zombies. Those fuckers are still scary to me. Anything that wants to rip off my flesh that also has the capability of running faster than me scares me (I'm as afraid of running zombies as I am of angry lions, tigers, and bears).

Vampires have been far too humanized to be scary. Look at the True Blood series on HBO. Vampires and humans commonly fall in love. And plus the male vampires (especially Eric) are hot. It's hard to be really scared of someone if you also want to fuck them.

Vampires are just too romanticized lately (yes, Twilight is part of that, but it's only the symptom of the overall un-scariness of vampires).

They act too human. But they have plenty of potential to be scary again.
Feb 13, 2008
Baron Khaine said:
Well, technically, Vampires have been "Romantic", since Stoker.
I disagree. Stoker's Vampires were seen as objects of romance, but are not romantic, mainly because their heart is a shrivelled husk as it is no longer needed to recycle blood.

Mina may love Dracula but Dracula cannot love. That's what was clear in the book, but Hollywooded in the film.

In that way, he's sort of like Chuck Norris.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
TikiShades said:
MelasZepheos said:
Twilight didn't start the death of vampires, but it has been the biggest and most recent cultural blow.

This movie basically says that the vampires who can't go into sunlight, don't age, turn into bats, and most importantly suck blood from people, are "stereotypical." In the trailer of the movie, they even called the shapeshifting thing "bull-" before the cutoff. Yeah, you're right. Who came up with that stupid crap? Dracula? Who's he?

At least Twilight had kept SOME of the stuff on the list. I don't even mind if a vampire doesn't have all of those. But to not have ANY of that stuff, and to even BASH what classified a vampire as a vampire, is what is really killing the vampires today.

This movie is a hammer to the stake that will end traditional vampires. Which, I assume, won't kill a vampire anymore than a regular person.
That trailer you posted is the Book/Movie I mentioned in my earlier post. Although I agree the movie looks terrible, the book is actually pretty good. As I said in my post, the book did get rid of some of the more subtle vampire aspects (such as turning into a bat). However, the vampires in this series stay true to the bigger lore (need blood to survive, over exposure to sunlight kills them, no reflections/can't be photographed). As for the things that were taken out, the Author actually gives reason for it which drives the plot, I won't say what it is in case anyone decides they'd like to give this series a try (Cirque Du Freak). I'll agree that the movie lends a hand to the downfall of vampires, but the books were quite good.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Eh i never found Vampires to be 'scary' always saw them as cool badasses. Like even from the Bram Stoker's version and as far back as the Nosferatu (come on NOSFERATU just sounds so freaking awesome!). Vampires have always had the mystique of "every man wants to be one, and every woman wants to be with one"

Since Twilight, all of that has been thrown out the window. Like anyone want to be an all powerful EMO boy. If i wanted that i'd rather be Darth Vader :p

So to answer the question. Yes they have ruined vampires. At least for me. Anything that Tweens like, I do not.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
No Twilight didn't ruin vampires. It sure dealth them a massive blow but nothing that hasn't been done before. Twilight just came along and kicked them while they were down.

Why I hate Twilight is because of the awful stroy/writing/soppy love/plotholes/etc. Twilight isn't a movie or even a story, its the sex fantasy of Stephenie Meyer which is now held by countless teenagers around the world.

Best Vampires for me are Darren Shan's. He did a really good fucking job. It's a shame that movie wasn't too good though and will probably be attributed to the downfall of the genre.

And I'd be scared of zombies if it was the fast ones, the slow ones I wouldn't mind and would don my cool as Flak Jacket and go a huntin as soon as I found a gun.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
i wonder how many of the people who are so eager to jump on the "let's hate Twilight" bandwagon have actually seen the movie or read the books.

I saw the movie, and it honestly wasn't that bad. I don't really like the version of vampires that it presents us with, but i have seen worse. It plays up the fact that while vampires can be all lovey dovey and crap, that they are still really dangerous to people around them, even if they don't mean to be. Scary? hells no. But certainly not worthy of the hate that gets thrown at it.

Its just one more goofy vampire movie in a sea of goofy vampire movies, and at least this one has the courtesy of having a budget.

So why all the hate? its the same reason i hate Dragon Ball Z and most other things that come out of Japan. The fans! If Twilight had sat on the bookshelf next to the "Bite Club" and "Anita Blake" books, there would be no issue with it. Some people would read it, most of them would like it, and the world would go on just fine.

But Twilight committed the mortal sin of becoming popular within its own lifetime, before it can be regarded as a classic or its staying power could be tested. It has a horde of fans all ready to by the next vampire tee-shirt that Hot Topics will sell them. And they killed the it.

Now it is impossible to think of Twilight without picturing all the fat girls dressed all in black wishing that their vampire lover will come and take them away. Or even the attractive girls who have figured out that staying home and fantasizing about some reluctant sparkle bat that won't try to talk her in to oral (even when she'd be totally down with it) is more fun than hanging out with most of the guys she knows.

So, Twilight did not "kill" vampires, nothing can. They are too much a part of our culture. But the fans, sure as hell have killed twilight.

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Baron Khaine said:
Well, technically, Vampires have been "Romantic", since Stoker.
I disagree. Stoker's Vampires were seen as objects of romance, but are not romantic, mainly because their heart is a shrivelled husk as it is no longer needed to recycle blood.

Mina may love Dracula but Dracula cannot love. That's what was clear in the book, but Hollywooded in the film.

In that way, he's sort of like Chuck Norris.
Ofcourse, I was referring to the way Vampires are perceived, as romantic objects, even if they don't feel it, they use romance to seduce there prey. That's another point that was carried across into Twilight.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
No, you can't ruin something great by making something bad with it,´Vampires doesn't change because of twilight, all the otehr vampire stuff will still be excactly what it's always been, now theres just a teen-chick romance movie with vampures as well, and it's not really that much of a disaster, cause no'one is beeing forced to watch it.
I honestly hear more about twilight on this forum than everywhere else combined, which is kidna sad, cause people act like they hate it, but they're totally obsessing about it anyways.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
I hate twilight not because it makes vampires friendly. I hate it because the author is a stupid ***** that started to write a story on a topic she had no idea about. It went something like this "oh my something happens to vampires when they are exposed to the sun! But what was that?" And no she didn?t look that up, she didn?t even think about it logically. She just sent it through her fucked up womans' brain and suddenly "SPARKLES" (that tells a lot about what goes in the head of that mid aged ***** too in my opinion).
And success of twilight is so depressing because it shows what is in the mind of an average teenage girl. Sparkles.

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
cieply said:
I hate twilight not because it makes vampires friendly. I hate it because the author was a stupid ***** that started to write a story on a topic she had no idea about. It went something like this "oh my something happens to vampires when they are exposed to the sun! But what was that?" And no she didn?t look that up, she didn?t even think about it logically. She just sent it through her fucked up womans' brain and suddenly "SPARKLES" (that tells a lot about what goes in the head of that mid aged ***** too in my opinion).
And success of twilight is so depressing because it shows what is in the mind of an average teenage girl. Sparkles.
Yes because the only thing teenage girl's love about Twilight is the sparkles.


Just because Twilight is the "in-thing" to hate on, doesn't mean it's right.