Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Of coarse Vampires aren't dead. If they're put in a good show, they'll be good. Look at Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Let the Right One In, or most recently True Blood. These shows aren't bad or crappy, no matter how bad Twilight was and is.

Did Disaster Movie destroy the films? Of coarse not. Anything can be brilliant if it's got the right people behind it.

Also, to point out one of the shows I mentioned, Vampire romance can be done well (AKA Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Twilight isn't bad because the Vampires are the good guys, or because it revolves around a love story. It bad because it's boring, unoriginal and just plain crap. Vampires can be whatever people want them to be as long as it works. Buffy worked because it was romantic while still being funny, horrifying and just more real in how this kind of relationship would play out (AKA it's be a fucking disaster)


New member
Apr 9, 2008
vampires were awesome. and even better, they weren't 'mainstream', or whatever you want to call it.
before twilight, vampires(as in the word or idea of) werent a very common thing,(you didn't hear or think about vampires commonly)
Now, you can't help but hear vampires EVERY DAY. so not only did twilight effectively castrate all vampires, but it makes a point of reminding us of this vampire pussification on a daily basis


New member
Oct 14, 2009
You brought up some good issues. I guess the reason why some (including myself) hate Twilight is it's shitty plot and use of vampires. First off, why the heck would a mind-reading glittery vampire want to date/murder a unattractive girl just because he can't read her mind? Second of all, why the fuck would said unattractive ***** not just run for the fucking hills like a sane person?

The plot was garbage for the most part but the worst was the portail of vampires. Movies like Van helsing, Nostrodamous (yup spelt it wrong fuck off grammer nazis), Dracula, Underworld and Blade make vampires out to be these badass, blood drinking creatures of the night, if they are not scaring the shit out of us then they are probably in a badass action movie. Yeah, some had emotions and could love, hate, fear, resent etc while retaining their image. Twilight, Trueblood and Vampire Dairies shit all over this by making vampire human relationships that differ from mutual benifit, nurisment extracting or slaying, and making it lovy dovy pussy ass romance from underfucked housewives killing their badass and frightening image.

Movies like Once Bitten poke fun at vampire cliches, same with Shaun of the Dead making fun of zombie movies. All in all, vampires are best for horror or action movies, not I repeat NOT! good as romance material. All in all good seven paragraphs.

EDIT: Okay, Buffy and True-Blood are okay. I just do not like romance very much.

Sad Robot

New member
Nov 1, 2009
Blatherscythe said:
EDIT: Okay. Buffy and True-Blood are okay. I just do not like romance very much.
Fair enough. A lot of people do, though. Does it really ruin vampires for the horror audience if similar creatures are used in romance plotting? Or, like in Buffy and True Blood, where they're used in both ways.

Personally, I don't find vampire horror to be all that horrific at all. Perhaps it's because of the supernatural element; I find more frightening things in the "real world". I'll rather take my supernatural characters in another setting, be it action, comedy or romance. Preferably all of those, with perhaps a bit of horror thrown in to taste.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Baron Khaine said:
SsilverR said:
even though the vamps were still kinda badass in it ... i think the whole vampire romantisism started at buffy
Well, technically, Vampires have been "Romantic", since Stoker. I think the problem most people have is that the Vampires aren't seen in the "evil" light that they used to have. And that really isn't Twilight's fault. Nor did it start with Twilight.
No, Stoker's Dracula is in now way, shape, or form romantic at all. They added that romantic/seductive aura to him in the 30's movies because going with the original portrayal of him would have been much to harsh for the time. The Dracula portrayed in the book does not seduce his victims... he forces them, instead of the act of feeding seeming like some erotic event it's more like rape because he uses his power and superior strength to get what he want. The original Count Dracula is not nice.... at all.

OT: No twilight was no the first movie to dandy up vampires, but it by far is the worst interpretation. Also, I didn't read all the pages, but I saw not one reference to 30 Days of Night, that was by far one of the best vampire stories to come out on film in a long long time and it was actually rather creepy.

New York Patrick

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Jul 29, 2009
Amnestic said:
New York Patrick said:
Amnestic said:
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.
Yes, but there is also a difference between Awesome and Stupid Looking, (i.e. Twilight Werewolves...) Also, Twilight IGNORES one of your basic Werewolf rules, so, technically, they got it wrong..
I assume it was the "link to the moon" part, which isn't a permanent rule. I don't have access to my 3.5 Ed Monster Manual, but Were-creatures in D&D don't have anything to do with the moon as far as I recall.
Yeah, pretty much...


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
tthor said:
vampires were awesome. and even better, they weren't 'mainstream', or whatever you want to call it.
Can you really call a type of fictional creature that has had over 1000 books and six hundred films written about them not mainstream? [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dracula_in_popular_culture]

Also, what do you listen to if you hear about vampires every day? My little sister's a Twilight fan and she doesn't go on about it that much.

I really don't see why Twilight would ruin vampire movies. It's an opinion of a film, not an opinion of a genre -- just because one bad movie comes out doesn't mean that the other six hundred are bad as well as a result, it just means that you're making a very big generalisation.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Twilight didn't ruin vampires but it really did try. As someone who reads books as a pastime because I actually enjoy it, I notice errors in writing, the problem is that it is focused directly towards adolescent teenagers this is where the romance comes in. Twilight which was written by a young woman wrote the book trying to create a romance novel but with vampires so 12 year old girls could read it and still look interesting to boys. The author had no interest in vampires its just that since books like Cirque Due Freak made vampires "cool" the author felt that using vampires would make her book "cool". The story is terrible everything is terrible she wasn't meant to be a writer maybe an erotic novelist but anything but a writer. Dracula the original original original was written by a housewife living in the outskirts of transylvania because her husband was banished by Count Dracula. Dracula was a ruthless man with a spear who enjoyed stabbing things thus the blood lust of the original vampire who was made in the shadow of Count Dracula. I'm not saying that for a vampire thing to be moderately decent it has to be directly linked to Dracula because the afore mention Cirque Due Freak was an amazing series mainly because the author (Darren Shan) contradicted everything about vampires and killed half of the main characters in his book. But one of the things that annoyed me about Twilight was the word choice because they used only words that were really just bland like "said" you don't use "said" over and over again because it actually drains you of a picture of the character in your mind which is my favorite part about books, attempting to picture the characters and then getting shut down when they release the movie. Maybe I was so bothered by the word choice because when I started reading it I had just finished The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation which was an amazing book and I swear every other word had 9 syllables so I could feel smart!
Jul 11, 2008
seriuosly? anyone thought that maybe the answer to scary vampires might already exist, vampire the masquerade made them scary not just because of the crazy powers and bloodlust but the almost alien and unforgiving society they live in (not to mention tzimisce flesh-crafting). and if you took the story from the redemtion game (and gutted the hammy script) you could also satisfy the need for romance and redemtption that litter modern vampire stories.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
This is something that has been starting from Interview with a Vampire(this being the point of it being good where the writter did some research into the myths of it.). I am not saying Interview with a Vampire is bad or anything, just was the first that started this. Now the deal of using vampires as the hot guy that is always hot, and can make you live forever as something good. This is the two that fit vanity filled females in general. Just fill in whatever said wet dream in the writing is what has been done. Kind of why there is a whole slew of bad fan fic to fill said wet dream. Twilight is an example of bad fan fic writer that tries to write something on there own. Just bad writer instead of bad fan fic writer. This has happen with action movies(see Michale Bay) where they make something a fan of such thing will be happy, and not anyone else. This isn't the last or first of this kind of thing. Just the most recent is all.

Medic Heavy

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Jul 4, 2008
Twilight didn't ruin vampires, it just put the idea of masculine pretty boy vampires on steroids.

God do I hate sharing the same class room as Twilight fangirls as they gush about who's hotter Edward Cullin or Jacob Black.....but hey I guess they know how they feel when I gush about the new Valve game, that I'm not aloud to get.

Teh Ty

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Sep 10, 2008
The Twilight vampires are horrible, but it didn't completely ruin vampires. There's always going to be a good vampire film or book, even after twilight.


New member
May 15, 2009
This really needs to be a poll. "Yes" or "I'm an angsty prepubescent girl with a vampire fetish." My answer's "Yes", by the way.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Twilight ruined vampires for me. THEY DON'T FUCKING GLITTER DAMNIT!!! Besides everyone knows werewolves pwn big time. More importantly you can't make a hot werewolf. LOL. I'd like to see that happen. The fact that MOST of the fangirls like Twilight (<gay) because "Edward Cullen is hot!" to quote my sister, mom, step mom, aunt, other sister, and many friends. STUPID. Don't fuck stuff up for everyone by making them a sex symbol. Stupid writer.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Orange Monkey said:
I think what peoples main problem is that vampires are now looked more upon as a teenage sex symbol akin to Zac Efron rather than their original role as demonic symbols of horror and blood lust.
you take an awesome idea, and fuck it over to be a simple rape fantasy.
i dont care that they have had 400 years of practice, i dont want to get near one.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Twilight is awful unless you are a teenage girl. However, it did not ruin vampires. All it did was waste two hours that could have been better spent watching a better movie. Or reading a book. Or pooping. Although if your poop is lasting two hours, time to call a doctor.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Authors have the right and privilege to take any concept and shape it as they see fit, and i believe that must be respected. I havent seen/read twilight but frankly i dont feel inclined to, not because of the fandom, but the ZEAL that this has created. I mean come on, just today i saw a guy @ campus that has fangs, FANGS!!!! May i ask why!>!??!?


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Gosh I'm a girl and I don't go screaming into the theaters when I hear "NEW MOON!" is coming out....has anyone heard the thing Steven king said about the writer of twilight Something like this: Her writing is some what like J.k rollings...but the difference is J.k rollings can actually write. But...NO twilight hasn't ruined vampires for me....cause when I watched the movie half way through it I got up turned the t.v off and proceeded into the kitchen where I pumped soap into my eyes until I can get the half of the movie out of my head....