Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


New member
Feb 21, 2008
GrinningManiac said:
I just don't like it

I'm a hobbyist novelist, and Twilight is just a fanfic of any other "modern day" Vampire flick, like Blade or something. Whatsherface just took the basics and changed it so 13 year old girls could get all emotional about it and say "Ommahgohd! Hee's Soooo HAWT" and woo over shizz.

And get this, "No Danger". She makes the Vampires indestructable (fair enough), Immortal (goes without saying, again, fair enough) but here's the problem:

What does everyone know kills vampires? Stake through the heart and sunlight

What does she do? Makes them sparkle, so they reveal themselves. They don't die or anything. She's too soppy about her characters to give them a constant handicap. The only problem they face is feeling incredibly "ashamed" of their powers, whilst climbing trees, surviving car crashes and living forever as attractive young adults
Um... The whole "vampires die due to sunlight" thing is in the same category as "beam me up, Scotty" or that long droopy Sherlock Holmes pipe: stuff that was misinterpreted, and doesn't exist in the original media. The whole nosferatu dying due to sunlight was added because in the original silent movie, he dies when the sun rises. The two were unrelated.

I, like Crispin Freeman, am completely okay with changing and altering mythology to suit ones purposes. Tolkien did the same thing. The only question is "did you like what they did", not "should they have done anything". You can reasonably dislike Twilight, and I do, but it's hypocritical at best to say "they changed it, now it sucks" when it comes to malleable fantasy elements


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I hate twilight not because it took away them being scary but how they portrayed the whole cast of vampires/werewolves. The sparkling does piss me off almost as much as the "we are vegetarian vampires we only drink animal blood" that is just dumb as all hell. The thing I hate about twilight is the fact it turns vampires from these scary or refined people to angsty teens fighting over a girl and every vampire/werewolf is your generic abercrombie model.

All in all the story is stupid and generic, the way they portray vampires is dumb as hell and the actors piss me off left and right. Vampires don't have to be scary but when you make them whiny little teens there's a line and you have crossed it.

This link will show you what I mean when I say vampires should be refined if not scary monsters.

Watch that movie if you haven't it's a damn good one.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Seeing as we still have the hellsing OVA's, Vampires aren't totally Ruined yet...Now all thats needed is for an OVA where Alucard slaughters the twilight cast and where all good.

In all seriousness, it didn't ruin vampires. But it was a big blow to people who wanted to take vampires seriously.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
The Twilight series is just flawed there are things that happen in it that are ridiculous and silly just ask someone who has read the series to tell you about the ending.

New York Patrick

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Amnestic said:
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.
Yes, but there is also a difference between Awesome and Stupid Looking, (i.e. Twilight Werewolves...) Also, Twilight IGNORES one of your basic Werewolf rules, so, technically, they got it wrong..


New member
Apr 6, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
It didn't kill vampires, but it's started (or at least pushed along) a new interpretation of vampires. Personally I was happy with the old Blade/Underworld interpretation that we had going. It was more fun.
i AGREE WITh oops caps...I agree with this statement here. Twilight is not fun. But then again, neither is teenage angst, Mormonism and abstinence so that could be related.


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
Twilight didn't ruin vampires any more than Guitar Hero ruined actual guitars. I'm sure people are going to read into that and say both are "ruined forever" but that's not the point. The point is that both are different takes on a pre-established thing and, more importantly, both can be completely ignored.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
New York Patrick said:
Amnestic said:
(wich i have allreay ritually burned 3 copies of)
If you wanted to get rid of your money so bad, why not send it to me people who need it?

when the fuck will they get a werewolf costume right in a movie? to date i havent seen one looking anything like they should be...
[HEADING=2]There is no such thing as Werewolves.[/HEADING]

God this was the same bullshit that people pull with Twilight ruining what "actual" Vampires should be like.

When Vampires and Werewolves are fictional creations.

There's no such thing as "getting a werewolf right" because you can't get it wrong as long as it obeys the basic tenets of "Man-who-turns-into-wolf-creature" and often "Has link to the moon."

That's it.
Yes, but there is also a difference between Awesome and Stupid Looking, (i.e. Twilight Werewolves...) Also, Twilight IGNORES one of your basic Werewolf rules, so, technically, they got it wrong..
I assume it was the "link to the moon" part, which isn't a permanent rule. I don't have access to my 3.5 Ed Monster Manual, but Were-creatures in D&D don't have anything to do with the moon as far as I recall.


New member
May 2, 2009
This seems like a throwback to the first thread I posted in here, so I'll try to say the same thing I did then, but keep my post a bit more concise.

You can't "kill" a fictional archetype, because not all instances of that archetype are based off the same background/mythos. The argument that twilight or buffy or whatever series killed vampires is as ridiculous as saying Left 4 Dead killed zombies because they can run and have special types.

What it boils down to simply this: If you don't like the way vampires are portrayed in a certain universe, stop bothering with that universe. If you like the way Joss Whedon did vampires, don't go bitching about how Anne Rice did them, just stick with Whedon's universe.

And for the record, the Twilight books (except for the second one) aren't as horrible as the internet says. They're not great, but they're not horrible. They're something that's readable if you are very bored (which is why I read them) or a fan of that kind of story. The movie, on the other hand, was exactly as bad as the internet says it is.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
To me Twilight did ruin vampires for me. In my eyes they have always been bloodthirsty and sex crazed monsters with varying degrees of superpowers, but then again my idea of them came from Vampire: The Masquerade (excellent game) and various movies such as Hellsing and Underworld.

Now with this twilight nonsence everyone thinks vampires sparkle when the sun hits them when infact they combust in to ash in a matter of seconds.

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
I don't get why people dislike Buffy so much, it was only two vampires and less than five demons that acted, well, civil, and does no one remember (or do they not understand or just not care) that Angel had a soul, and at the end of the series so did Spike, and that's why they weren't all "RAHHHH KILL"? Also I disagree with the above comments in that the sun being deadly to them is part of what vampires are and taking that (and pretty much every other thing considered an identifying feature of vampires) and only leaving the blood drinking is just as bad if, say, they died from the sun but didn't drink blood or any of the other things we think of vampires as doing/being, or if could only die from a stake to the heart and slept in coffins during the day but didn't drink blood or die from sunlight or any of the other things. It's true that the vampire "model" if you will has been twisted before and legends of people/creatures that had similar but not the same strengths and weaknesses come from all over the world, but if you call them vampires people are going to expect them to at least sleep during the day, drink blood, and stay out of the sun. That got kind of ranty... I don't think it ruined them because they're an iconic figure, I mean as I said we have similar myths and legends from all over the world, it obviously resonates with people on a pretty basic level, and people (or at least most of them) have this desire deep down to occasionally be scared (or see things that most people would consider scary), so the blood-drinking, night-walking, vaguely apathetic, strangely charismatic, and pointy-stick-garlic-and-religious-symbol-concerned vampire will never go away. The same principles apply for zombies, although the rise of trusting self-control and of technologies-- and discovery of diseases-- that mimic the zombie state [http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html] have changed how most people from now will look at zombies.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Twilight didn't ruin vampires completely, however it did severely warp the boundaries of what is and is not a vampire and unfortunately started a trend of making vampires and werewolves appealing towards women. Many claim Buffy started the trend and while I agree there's two romances involving human/vampire relations and one a human/werewolf (or witch/werewolf if you're gonna be picky) relationship but all three of those relationships fell through and so it gave off a clear message that it was never going to work (though since the human/human relationships seem to end in death, gore and heartache too maybe that message was a tad skewed). I think the bottom line of my argument is that Twilight has caused a fresh generation of girls to start going "Ooh, aren't vampires pretty? I want to marry one and he'll bite me but not kill me and it'll be so romantic and la la la..." and as a gay goth kid I'm kinda pissed off because I've been doing that since before it was popular :p


New member
Nov 10, 2009
if you want a vampire film that can creep you out, watch Dracula (the 1931 film) or Nosferatu, they might be abit tame for a modern audiece, but if you watch them in the right setting they can creep you out. I watched both of them on Haloween, we had it cold in the house whit a couple of table top fans blowing at us and it maked the atmosphere so mutch creepier...

Frankenstein, the 1931 film, in the same setting allso gives me the creeps.

I recomend Frankenstein and Dracula, they are both great movies and have the 2 best horror actors(IMHO) in them: Boris Karloff(Frankenstein) and Béla Lugosi(Dracula)


New member
Oct 24, 2008
There's good and bad stuff out there.
I think Let the Right One In is the answer to Twilight, personally.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Anyone who argues that a fictional race is "dead" or ruined is missing the point of it. Fantasy is flexible, it's supposed to change and evolve. Like all evolutions there might be some rough patches, but to argue something is ruined because of the newest interpretation is to miss the entire point of fantasy.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Nothing is ever ruined, you just have lots of vampire crazy twats who don't like it when their favourite mythological creature goes through a spot of change. I get it, you don't like CERTAIN forms of vampire but why ***** about it? Seriously, the obsession WITH vampires shits me to know end, whereas the obsession with Twilight doesn't bother me at all. And the hate threads are like nasty boyles on this forum, they need to stop. Change isn't forever.