Difficulty spikes!


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Just thought of a couple more:

Red Faction: Guerrilla final mission

Red Dead Redemptin turret sections

GTA San Andreas flying school, races


New member
May 25, 2009
Revenge of Shinobi on the Genesis/MegaDrive (whichever your country called the 16-bit masterpiece), the first levels are fine and dandy. Then you get to a waterfall where the picky doublejump starts causing problems. Then you head through a city before facing a ninja in a night club that can mass murder you in seconds flat even with the invincibility spell. After that you are in a military base and things turn to shit. Once you meet the first grenadier, you might as well turn off the game. They can lob grenades over walls and hit you and you cannot hit them. The part that made me want to murder the creators wasin the airplane level (which is just after the military base). A grenadier was chucking nades at me and I couldn't hit him. I jumped over the boxes that were in my way when a door on the plane randomly opened and out I went. I never ragequit before or since like I did then.

Demon's Souls after the supposed-to-lose fight against the Vanguard (or as Yahtzee called it, the "turd monster"), you get some easy goons and levels that only have a few dickmoves and asshole enemies. Then you get to the Flamelurker at the end of stage 2-2. The fun kicks off then. At first he is tough, but manageable. He hits hard, but at elast you have some time to heal. Then you get him down to the last 3rd of health and he goes into rage mode. Now he is on your ass the whole time giving you almost no time to breath. He spams AOE attacks that do damage through your guard and take away a lot of stamina per hit. The 2-3 boss after him is a pushover and all other bosses are fairly easy (save for the ManEaters that are only hard because they love to knock you off the ledge and the False King who is like a harder hitting Flamelurker with a very large AOE attack (but much later in the game).


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Breaker deGodot said:
The first section where you fight the Flood in Halo: CE... yeah. I won by luck.
Really? I got stuck on the part after the libery when your back outside and the covenet are EVERYWHERE and the flood are everywhere else.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Alot of these sections, I'm looking at you final Halo 2 bossfight on Legendary and fighting section in the abotoir level of Splinter Cell 1, just require a change of tactics. Unfortunately for me I'm the kind of guy who will Yamato a Zergling and Stick one of those tiny flood so I get stuck alot in games
MiracleOfSound said:
GTA San Andreas flying school, races
Also that ^


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Monster Hunter, imagine this.

You slay a few cows for meat, easy.
You eventually fight off a few velociraptors.
Then papa raptor.
Poison turkey, not to hard after chicken.
Okay, green papa raptor.

This leads to many quits and returned games.


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Mar 23, 2009
The third level of <url=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/326.151706-Lightning-Warrior-Raidy-a-Lordlee-and-Neutral-Drow-review>Lightning Warrior Raidy. Also, the fourth and sixth levels. There were two problems throw together that made the difficulty spike: the lack of natural healing (you could only heal with potions, the majority of which are won from monster battles), and the fact that certain monsters have special attacks that do fixed damage (in other words, ignoring armor) and are auto-hit.

The result was that getting past those three levels (which have two or all three monster varieties with special attacks) required either a lot of speed, insane luck, or massive amounts of level grinding on the easier floors to get your HP and attack up to manage it.

Iffat Nur

New member
Aug 13, 2010
I never run into that problem. Usually, the game starts easy or hard, and stays that way


New member
Apr 9, 2009
The major Boss fights in Alpha Protocol, (I dont care if its a broken peice of shit, still enjoyed the game). Nothing pissed me off more than force melee combat with the boss being able to perform unblockable strikes that drains all you endurence and half you health.


MiracleOfSound said:
Red Dead Redemptin turret sections
Are you talking about the one before you head to Mexico?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
the final boss in castle crashers has 5 healthbars, 2 of which are absolutely no problem, 2 of which are mildly annoying and 1 that easily took the 3 of us 1 hour and 12 health potions .. but there's still somthingh immensely satisfying about beating down a cultist with a lollipop


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:

Metro 2033 Amoebas - don't feel bad, just blame the AI
you had to remind me! that part almost made me want to take my monitor and throw it on the ground and begin to beat it! :mad:


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Furburt said:
Psychonauts has a well documented case of this. The first half is easy, but still brilliant, and then there's that sudden huge spike in difficulty. With controls as imprecise as that, it's quite frustrating.
I beat Psychonauts just last week and actually, I don't know what the fuss is about*. The acrobatics test just before the final two boss fights was quite annoying, but it still felt to me like a gradual progression of difficulty, like the whole game I've been practising my psychic skills, and now it's time to make it count. Maybe because I was forewarned of what it would be like, it wasn't annoying as it might otherwise have been.

* The fuss about the difficulty I mean, not the fuss about how awesome the game is, which of course is well deserved.

MiracleOfSound said:
I didn't get that far in Psychonauts, the controls started to bother me on the very first mission and after the cubic mind level from the scientist guy I got sick of it.
I played it on the PC with a 360 gamepad and the controls were pretty much perfect, right up until the final level.

Sasha's Shooting Gallery is a dumb level, I agree. The tutorial levels in that game seem to go on forever. Just wait until you get to Lungfishopolis.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
The last flood level of Halo 2. I don't know what it was, but it took my friend and I about fifteen tries to make it through on legendary even though it probably wasn't all that hard.


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Apr 2, 2010
I hated the meteor part in Dead Space. I did manage to get the achievement after a lot of tries, but boy was it ridiculously difficult.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
The latest thing to cause me real grief was the bear-knifing challenge in Red Dead Redemption. Even after hobbling the great lumbering bastard with multiple rifle shots, I had to cut him six or seven times. And it's nigh imposible to connect on a kife attack when the opponent is fleeing.

Bourne Endeavor

New member
May 14, 2008
The final few levels of Halo: CE on Legendary were brutal, just brutal. Halo 2 had a few, although I do not recall any as difficult as the first. What was so mind numbingly frustrating was if your mate died, you restarted at the last check point.

Legend of Dragoon, while not a difficult game by any means is an exceptionally dirty one. The game provides little indication for when you ought to conclude side quests and experience is so low, they are nearly mandatory unless you have the epic armor. For first timers, you could literally force yourself into a day long grind fest because the game's default story did not provide enough experience for you to be capable of defeating the final boss. Oh and the real kicker? If you purchased the strategy, it ironically made the game worse for this due to horrid errors or revealing areas/items far later than it should have.

Final Fantasy XII, I swear, simply hated you. Random treasure chests, bosses with millions of hit points and horrendously gimmick attacks, the accursed Zodiac Spear debacle. Honestly it was as though Square sought vengeance on us for something and do not get me started on FFXI. That game was so mind numbingly difficult, you had to follow specifically laid out strategies in a group or you were dead. Game was far too hard to solo after the beginning, you could never outrun anything, monsters did obscene amount of damage and the list goes on. Easily one of the most annoying games I have ever played.