Difficulty spikes!


New member
May 1, 2009
Divinity 2. That entire game was a fiendish, sadomasochistic difficulty sawtooth, where you would easily clear out a room of enemies only to get two-shotted by a mook or stunlocked in the middle of a melee mob; in fact, on the second main quest, you get jumped with a room full of guys three levels above you. The key to winning that game-- what I did, and what the developers obviously intended-- was tossing off, finding every sidequest on the map, and finishing them in short order. By the time I'd done that, I was four levels above the final boss and I effortlessly blazed through the final third of the game. Killing ten mega-bosses in a row in less than three minutes is fun, though.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
As I recall, the 'sword guy/axe guy' boss fight after the chariot ride in Two Thrones was rage inducing because the controls got messed up, and then you had to watch the 'INTRODUCING THE BOSS' cutscene over and over and over.

Also, try getting a medal on expert mode on sector Z in Lylat Wars. It's not saving the great fox that's the problem, it's getting enough kills before the missiles are destroyed.

The second 'defend your point' mission in Nova Prospekt in HL2 is also murderous - 3 turrets, 4 ways to get shot at from, and grenade/manhack happy overwatch. I play the entire game on difficult mode up til that point, but bump it down to easy for that fight because it is so horrid.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Furburt said:
Also, CoD 4. The Pripyat mission, with the end of level defence. It was going so well up to that point.
That part of the game can go suck a fat one. I only finished it (on hardened) when I realised that less of them spawned if you backtracked a bit, where you could lay down and camp along one big sightline, then rush the plane in the last 20 seconds.

God I hated that bit.

Serenegoose said:
Also, try getting a medal on expert mode on sector Z in Lylat Wars. It's not saving the great fox that's the problem, it's getting enough kills before the missiles are destroyed.
The worst part of that is that if you go through that level the regular way, the medal is impossible as Kat steals all your kills. It's your bloody teammates kill stealing that's the worst part...
Also, I only got all the medals in that game last year. Thank Christ for emulators and save states. No level select, resetting your lazers if you try again? That's half an hour of work at a chance to get a medal. Nintendo can be cruel bastards sometimes...


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena spider bot sections.... not hard... just extremely lame.

Also, the first town square bit in Resident Evil 4. This was a very good difficulty spike however. You're just like flipping your shit running, hiding and trying to survive.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
oktalist said:
Furburt said:
Psychonauts has a well documented case of this. The first half is easy, but still brilliant, and then there's that sudden huge spike in difficulty. With controls as imprecise as that, it's quite frustrating.
I beat Psychonauts just last week and actually, I don't know what the fuss is about*. The acrobatics test just before the final two boss fights was quite annoying, but it still felt to me like a gradual progression of difficulty, like the whole game I've been practising my psychic skills, and now it's time to make it count. Maybe because I was forewarned of what it would be like, it wasn't annoying as it might otherwise have been.

* The fuss about the difficulty I mean, not the fuss about how awesome the game is, which of course is well deserved.

anyway it had to be hard because it was the end of the game when you are at the last acrobatics test then you face the boss,you defeat him,and then you face the final boss lol
i though that the final boss was the giant brain tank, i defeated him and i was like oh man this game was awesome too bad it was really short,and to my surprise ANOTHER boss the butcher,i was like oh he's gigantic he has to be the final boss,to my surprise the acrobatics test,i was like oh this is insanely hard this has to be the end of the game,to my surprise you face the two bosses combined,me: THIS HAS to be the end of the game what else can i seriously fight,TO MY SURPRISE i fight them both combined into one walking mountain of flesh,well i finally got the ending i died lots and lots of times but the ending is awesome it also leaves us on a cliffhanger and i really think that there's gonna be a psychonauts 2


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Outright Villainy said:
The worst part of that is that if you go through that level the regular way, the medal is impossible as Kat steals all your kills. It's your bloody teammates kill stealing that's the worst part...
Also, I only got all the medals in that game last year. Thank Christ for emulators and save states. No level select, resetting your lazers if you try again? That's half an hour of work at a chance to get a medal. Nintendo can be cruel bastards sometimes...
Make way for kat! *doo dee dee doo dee doop dee doo, doo dee doo dee doop dee doo.... duh duh!* GODSDAMNIT KAT THAT'S MY MEDAL YOU'RE STEALING.

Got it on my N64 when I was like... 14 or something. My reward? Shades the first time round, and a big CLOSE UP OF FOX intro screen when I defeated it on expert. Totally worth it. Wait, that other thing. TOTALLY NOT.

The tactic was to totally abuse the +1 kill you'd get if you killed an enemy with the splash damage of a charged shot - see, if you killed a guy with the charged shot directly, it'd give you a kill. If you fired it BEFORE the shot could lock on and killed him with the splash, it'd give you the kill AND a +1 - 2 points for a single kill.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
GamesB2 said:
That Metro bit on hard... until I figured out I could actually kill the spawners... yeah I'm that thick.

Also Prototypes random spikes... I overcame that by snapping the disc in two.

But seriously Prototype was needlessly difficult at points...
now hat was a ***** to do against cross...wen he used a devestator? FUCKING LEG IT


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
BlindMessiah94 said:
I'm probably behind a few years on this one, but the last boss in Gears of War. I just played the series for the first time (have to say, it was enjoyable, but I beat it in under 6 hours and it was not all that fun on multiplayer either - not as big as all the hype would have had me think).

Anyway, the last boss was ridiculous. He has some weird one hit insta kill crap if you strayed out of the light and then because of the clunky movement/running controls, you might wind up accidentally running into cover in an unlit area and dying. Not to mention if you didn't save yourself the Torque Bow or had no grenades it was damn near impossible. After breezing through the game I must have died 25 times before I looked at a strategy guide where I had to exploit a glitch to win.

Bad way to end an otherwise okay gaming experience.
Raam is a pretty notorious boss fight, you should try him on insane, it's... well, insane!

The cover was kinda glitchy in the battle and the insta death was actually his swarm of Kryll. The best way to beat him is to reload the level, you'll find torque bows and sniper rifles in the train car which are both great for beating him. Also... having a buddy instead of dumbass Dom helps...


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Both MW2 and BFBC2s mortar strike parts...Great idea guys i love getting shot at while dodging explosions...and as a reward you get shot and burned alive...thanks IW you little shits.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Uh... in Oblivion the Necromancers were always my *****, unless they were high enough level to summon powerful Daedra, then they were an issue until you snuff out the caster. And that HL2 fight was hardly a problem.

My biggest nightmare was the chariot race and subsequent boss fight afterwards in Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. That was so annoying, Ive never come so close to wanting to break the disc.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
King of Fighters R-1 for NeoGeo Pocket. Orochi just cheats, although the game actually says he reads your thoughts so he reacts based on your direction and button presses... bastard. Still haven't beat him.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Red Dead Redemption and bears. Yeah we are going to throw in an enemy that doesn't show up on your radar,gives you warning half the time before it completely blindsides you, and usually attacks with friends. Did I forget to mention that they can knock you down and then kill you while you are on the ground so you aren't even given a sporting chance?


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Ahlycks said:
MiracleOfSound said:
-le snip-
wut?!?!? what about disgaea?!?!

the whole game is one fucking difficulty spike. you need to fucking grind for a couple of hours, then you start playing then it is easy then 4 levels later you need to grind even more...

and don't even get me started about after the game ends. god! why is the level cap lvl 9999?!?!?

i cant even get to level 200 without busting my ass. it took me 100 hours just to get 150!
Hehe, that's not really a difficulty spike then, that's more just a very hard game... what is it by the way? An RPG?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Fighting the twins in Scott Pilgrim vs the World. 4 freaking stages such a pain in the ass to get all the way through. Also the last boss in Spiderman 3, the underground part of Dead Rising, and the flood level of Halo Wars


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
squid5580 said:
Red Dead Redemption and bears. Yeah we are going to throw in an enemy that doesn't show up on your radar,gives you warning half the time before it completely blindsides you, and usually attacks with friends. Did I forget to mention that they can knock you down and then kill you while you are on the ground so you aren't even given a sporting chance?
Perfect example, as the majority of that game was so very easy but those bears (and that stupid armoured car level) were rather frustrating.

Echo136 said:
Uh... in Oblivion the Necromancers were always my *****, unless they were high enough level to summon powerful Daedra, then they were an issue until you snuff out the caster. And that HL2 fight was hardly a problem.

My biggest nightmare was the chariot race and subsequent boss fight afterwards in Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. That was so annoying, Ive never come so close to wanting to break the disc.
That's where my poor lil brother gave up on the game... what an absolute dick of a checkpoint that was. I was only able to beat it on easy mode.

As for Oblivion's necromancers... did you do Meridia's quest in Howling Cave? Care to share how you beat it? Because as soon as I set foot in that room I get staggered repeatedly by the ten plus enemies and don't even get a sporting chance to fight back!

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
I found every bit of Resistance one difficult, even on Normal... which is really sad, I know.

I hated the meteor level on Dead Space. Only beat it once.

inFamous has its share of spike moments. I was playing on hard recently, and as soon as I stood on top of a thing I got one shotted by a fuggin' rocket launcher. And the last boss? Fuck. That. Noise. He was soooooo hard.

Dragon Age had some difficult random encounters at first, like the time it made you fight a LEGION of wolves with traps all around. I barely survive every single time, and I never think to save before it happens, because, well, it's RANDOM.

And I never finished FF13 (Wasn't a fan of the game anyways) Because it pit me against Odin with that whiny little kid on my time, and Odin wiped the floor with me, and I had a high leveled sword too...


New member
May 22, 2009
Maybe it was the order that I played through the various quests, but I found the Urn of Sacred Ashes and A Paragon of Her Kind quests in Dragon Age to be extremely difficult, but most of the rest of the game was fairly easy.

EDIT: I notice a lot of people saying they had trouble with the metor section in Dead Space. I finished it on the first try. Sure, I was one or two hits away from death, but I did it. I can't see how it would take someone more than two tries.