Fant4stic, the terrible reboot of the Fantastic 4 films, that was awful because...something? It wasn't as silly as the first, took itself a bit more seriously than it should have, and everyone is rather young, Not seeing the awfulness. The US government people being evil and incompetent gets tiresome, but, well, look at the news, and it wasn't that bad this time.
I actually liked the bit about them doing the really stupid dangerous thing because they've gotten angry and then gotten drunk. Nothing special, but not bad.
Birds of Prey, taking the best (or second best, if you prefer Will Smith as Deadshot) part of Suicide Squad and make it about not liking the worst part of Suicide Squad seems like a decent idea. Harley Quinn is a bit of a mess and not a great person, so making the film a bit of a mess and not a great movie...yeah, that wasn't such a decent idea.
Gets a pass from me, there were some good bits, but there were lots of not great bits. Actually, now that I think of it, the best bits were Harley Quinn being unhappy with her break up, being a mess, and then getting some cool friends to hang out with. The action and the plot and all that was a distraction from this.