My girlfriend picked it too as kind of a joke follow-up to having recently watched May December. The idea was, we watched the fucked up based-on-true-events version of this story, now let's watch the trashy/horny romcom take.Watched this too, begrudgingly. Already wasn't expecting to like it (I hate romance movies,) and this one didn't disappoint that expectation.
It exists solely for itself, in a vacuum of its own making. Nothing new, nothing intelligent, no message, no intrigue. It's a movie about an unexpected relationship between two consenting adults between which there happens to be a 16-year age gap. That's IT. The filler is simply the inexorable stigma from outside parties. No on learns anything; no motivations are explained; there's no resolution to the manufactured conflict. It all just happens, then it ends. Complete waste of time, imho, but my girlfriend picked it, so I get to the pick our next show: 3-hour roast of Tom Brady it is; that'll learn her to make me watch her bullshit.
I don't know what are their ages in the book but 40 and 24 feels like such a non issue. And come think of it none of the "drama" really stems from their age difference, it's more about (eventually) being hounded by paparazzi and eviscerated online, which would happen to any person who dares date the lead of an insanely popular boy band with a legion of fans trailing behind.