Overall, there's just this unbearable obnoxiousness to it. This is what makes it impossible for me to sit through it for more than 5 minutes at best before I have to change the channel.
Beyond that I find the idea of the Predator in the city to just be stupid. Also, the Predator himself in this movie is just an idiot; just a monster that kills indiscriminately out in the open, as opposed to the stealthy hunter that lurks from the shadows. He bursts into a subway train and just starts murdering everyone, because...
There's no intimidation or cool factor to him. The voice mimicking that was used sparcely and punctually in the first movie, is in the sequel just used willy nilly in an attempt I guess to be creepy but again just makes this Predator come across as an idiot. He feels like the Predator equivalent of someone going on a bender and randomly babbling to passersby.
And Danny Glover just beating him with very little effort makes this Predator feel even more lame than he already was. It was memorable watching Arnie at the height of his 80's action movie stardom get the absolute snot kicked out of him, seeing him reduced to a whimpering child trying to crawl away bloody and bruised. Danny Glover's character has no such struggle or dynamic with the Predator.
Then there's the fact that the first movie kinda extracted all it really needed to from the concept, and any sequel would just feel like retreading old ground and trying to add lore to a creature that frankly isn't that interesting outside of the initial concept. I liked
Prey well enough, certainly better than any of the other sequels, but it still felt rather tepid in comparison to the original.