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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
This...may be a bit of a hot take.

Honestly, my biggest problem with the Vormire sacrifice scene, is that it doesn't actually involve someone sacrificing someone else. In Infinity War Thanos deliberately kills Gamora, with the rules being 'you need to sacrifice someone you love to get the Soul Stone'. Makes sense. In Endgame both Hawkeye and Black Window are trying to kill themselves before the other can to give the survivor the Souls Stone, which would fly against the rules. When Black Widow dies, it isn't Hawkeye who sacrificed her, because she killed herself - He never should've gotten that stupid stone.

Also, the whole time travel to make all those deaths like they never happened was incredibly lame. Sure, one or two stuck, but it pretty much nullifies the ending of Infinity War, especially now that you can just watch them back to back.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Monkey Man (2024)

Finally sat down and watched Monkey Man. It was pretty solid, but I was left a tad disappointed. The movie opens up with a fairly quick series of small escalations. You get a very real sense of the protagonists motivations, anger, determination and purpose.

Hes planning to kill somebody and hes rapidly, but methodically taking steps to accomplish his goal. The film really gets to excited.

When the fire works go off its wonderful and wonderfully shot action.

However when the initial action of the first act concludes the movie grinds to a screeching halt. It nearly stops dead as we get the usual tropes of the hero recovering like Raphael in a bathtub, character motivations, a training montage, a flashback.

While it was well acted and interesting, I literally paused a checked the time cause I was like "Is this gonna have time for a 3rd act? Is this a 2 parter or something?"

There's a significant amount of time spent showing the full back story of why hes angry. This is very emotional, but, and maybe Im part lizard, it felt unnecessary. The movie does an amazing job of using subtle hints and flashbacks in the first act to show you essentially the same information. I would have at minimum cut it down a tiny bit.

There's just a lot going on in the 2nd act I would have just trimmed here and there.

When the final action kicks off its great and the movie ends on a high note.

I also have to concede, to some extent Im not the target audience. This was written, produced, starring and I believe directed by Dev Patel, star of The Green Knight and there's clear jabs at Indias governmental corruption, homophobia, and antisemitism towards Muslims that I feel like is going to appeal more to Indian immigrants. To no surprise, while not outright banned in India it hasn't been "approved" to play there and likely never will.

Overall Id say like 7.8/10. Like It was an 8/10, but not something Id watch again.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States