High Life (2018)
I noticed that this and The Lighthouse had come to Prime and I gave it a shot after reading a few times that Robert Pattinson was doing interesting things (I'm a Batman obsessive, but had only seen Pattinson in the first Twilight film).
It's Claire Denis' first English language film, and there were plenty of interesting directing choices, some hypnotic shots and a languorous pace, but overall it was pretty standard science fiction mostly set on a single spaceship with flashbacks to earth and what happened on the ship prior to the start of the film (including one very awkward interlude with a scientist delivering exposition to a reporter on a train, neither of whom are seen before or after).
It's thematically very heavily focused on issues of reproduction, which is fine in and of itself, but there are definitely some awkward moments, especially if you're watching it with your partner as I was. See, in particular, Juliette Binoche in the F--- Box, a very explicit, kind of beautiful, but extremely un-sexy sexual scene of the sort that seems to pop up a lot in contemporary French films. This is not a date night (or quarantine and chill) kind of movie!
It feels, and probably is, too long. The ending is predicable and probably inevitable. Pattinson is good, and I can see how the Batman casting makes sense now. Mild recommendation. I'm looking forward to seeing the Lighthouse in the near future.