Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
1899 Netflix: Episode 1
I have been looking forward to this because these are the folks that made Dark which was such a weird fun bats** nonsensical but serious in a good way show, I'm hoping this is more of that.

Last night I finished up a couple of seasons:

The Sinner, season 4
A great season for those of us who stuck with the show as it just zeroes in on Bill Pulman being an obsessive brilliant weirdo who will NOT LET GO of the case. Lots of red herrings and creepy vibes, good stuff.

Reservation Dogs, season 2
Beautiful ending focusing on the main character's relationships, just all kinds of feelings. This show does a good job of representing young people dealing with heavy issues, mostly interpersonal but also sociopolitical, with good balance of drama and humor.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Most annoying thing for me so far? Inappropriate needle drops. "White Rabbit" is about recreational drug use that can be a harmful past time. It plays over a scene that has nothing to do with that. A well. I'll keep watching.
So is it doing that thing like "Sucker Punch" where it's all style and little substance so you're not supposed to care if they use anarchistic music? Or are you supposed to take it somewhat seriously?
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Star Trek: Picard (4/5)

...so this was pretty neat, actually.

I'm going to address the borg in the room and comment that yes, ST: P is probably the least favourite series of NuTrek (as in, everything from Discovery) right now. No, I don't have a source for that, but it's the impression I've got. As to why people don't like it, I'm going to address that first, because if you're a fan of TNG, I can see where you're coming from. Unlike TNG, STP is:

-Serialized (one overall story)
-Filled with flawed, often broken characters, rather than the best of 24th century humanity)
-Vulgar (there's off-screen intercourse, plus swearing)
-Violent (not excessively so, but people use blades, phasers, and kill each other)
-Morally ambiguous (e.g. with the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire, there's a swathe of space that has fallen into lawlessness, and the Federation itself isn't the shining beacon on the hill it once was)

So, yeah, if you loved TNG, jumping from it to STP (heck, even jumping from Nemesis, which is referenced extensively) will be jarring. It might even be more jarring if you dislike the Kelvinverse, since the Romulan supernova is a major plot catalyst, with the destruction of the Star Empire, plus the Federation's refusal to save them due to an android uprising (of sorts) on Mars. Basically, STP is very much a Star Trek made for the era of streaming, plus in the era of global uncertainty. If TNG was "the end of history," STP is very much a story of a Federation past its prime, with characters past their prime, with things generally not that good in large areas of the galaxy.

So, yeah, if you don't like STP for how much it differs from that, I get it. Really. I don't even like TNG that much (granted, only seen the first two seasons), and I get why STP puts so many people off. However, speaking personally, I really liked it, and while I'm not going to go into a plot summary, I'll try and give brief pointers as to why:

-Picard is great, and exactly as he should be. In spite of everything I said above, he's the show's moral compass, firm to his convictions, right up until the end. It's more engaging to see this Picard IMO than early TNG Picard, because while it's easy to be a saint in paradise, it's much harder to be a saint where paradise has been lost. Yet he (or rather, Patrick Stewart) pulls it off excellently. Really, I don't know why so many people dislike the take on Picard here, because IMO, he's how he should be - intelligent, humble, kind, etc.

-The crew is mostly a solid bunch as well. To be clear, some are better characters than others - Elnor is basically a space samurai, and Jurati cries far too much, to the extent that towards the end, it feels like it's the actress's only expression. But the crew overall is solid, whether it be Picard himself, Chris Rios (space scoundrel who's duplicated himself via emergency holograms, which is hilarious), Soji (who's a latecomer, but effectively part of the crew, and a compelling character overall) and Raffi (probably the "straight woman" character of the bunch). To be clear, this is an ensemble cast that feels more in keeping with the spirit of shows like Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, or Farscape, to name a few - a collection of misfits and broken people who've come together to do the right thing, albeit bringing their baggage with them - far removed from TNG's vision of a 'perfect' humanity. So again, if you're after a 'pure' Star Trek experience, you won't find it here, but as its own thing, the cast is solid.

-The overall plot is compelling. I'm not going to do a plot summary as it would take far too long, but what starts as a search for one individual gradually morphs into layers of conspiracy that threatens the galaxy (trite as that plot point might sound, it's actually well done in this case as far as stakes go). It doesn't do things perfectly (IMO, the ending is far too 'neat'), but overall, it's solid.

-I'm going to address something while I'm here - without getting into spoilers, many have accused STP of ripping off Mass Effect in regards to the Reapers (just saying that may have spoiled stuff, but oh well). On that, I say, yes, there's definite similarities that do go beyond the trope of "ancient machine race," but I'd counter with the points that a) ancient machine race/synthetic-organic strife is still a trope, and b) if we accept the claim that Star Trek is the thinking man's sci-fi (I don't necessarily agree), then I think this is quite in keeping with Star Trek. I really don't get the detractors calling STP a dumb action series or whatnot, because its core premise/conflict/themes is still dealing with the type of stuff that sci-fi does well.

-While I've mentioned a lot of stuff that STP differs from in regards to past Trek shows, there's still a lot of stuff that it does right, and even as someone who isn't much of a Star Trek fan, and who's generally not fond of TNG, I think it does a lot of stuff well that ties in well with what's come before. I've already mentioned how the series deals with the aftermath of the supernova, but there's also the personal side of things. For instance, when Picard reunites with Troi and Riker, and later...well, spoilers. Even if you've never seen TNG, you can tell that these people are as close as family (that Riker and Troi are literally family notwithstanding), and the amount of warmth involved...mm, warms my heart. Also, a more minor point, and this has almost certainly been done in EU material, but Seven features, and while I don't have much to say on her (as I've seen maybe one episode of Voyager, ever), she and Picard being able to bond over their shared experiences of being assimilated by the borg...good stuff.

So, yeah. Solid stuff. I can understand why it's quite iffy among the fanbase, but speaking personally, thoroughly enjoyed it. And for shits and giggles, my current Star Trek show rankings are now as follows:

6: Discovery
5: The Next Generation
4: Enterprise
3: Lower Decks
2: Picard
1: The Original Series


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
So is it doing that thing like "Sucker Punch" where it's all style and little substance so you're not supposed to care if they use anarchistic music? Or are you supposed to take it somewhat seriously?
That's actually a really, really good analogy. Sucker Punch's real world was horrifyingly bleak, dark and serious. But its substance is silly.
And I just realized that "White Rabbit" isn't just a piece of music in episode 1... it's the freaking opening credit theme!

I'm on episode 4 and there's enough questions that have hooked me hoping that there be answers. But nothing close to answers yet.

We have ghosts, pyramids like in Hell Raiser, possibly a vampire as it appears one guy caused a little girl to just die. No bite marks found though. A ghost ship and now there are people dying on the ship that tried to rescue the ghost ship.

This is dubbed, but the mouths of the actors look like they're speaking English.

Production values are good. You get a lot of good visuals for a TV show. I hope to finish by next weekend.

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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
1899 Netflix: Episode 1
It's OK. Black box sorta show. Episode 1 sets the table. Lots of questions for which we will want answers.
$60 million German show (sometimes looks dubbed: likely is) most expensive German TV show ever.
I watched ep1 last night and this looks worth continuing with. The dubbing is a bit distracting since it looks like they were speaking English in the first place (apparently the original is multilingual, so I guess it was just dubbed across the board for English-speaking audiences) so there's a weird time-delay effect caused by the dubbing rather than the usual mismatch between mouth shape and subtitles. Hard to get used to, but I watch everything with subtitles anyway.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Star Trek: Picard (4/5)


6: Discovery
5: The Next Generation
4: Enterprise
3: Lower Decks
2: Picard
1: The Original Series
Wild, man, just wild. I bet you and I could have a crazy all-nighter bar discussion argument over Star Trek and it would be really fun.

FWIW, the reason I disliked Picard so much- and it became the first Trek show I actually gave up on, ever (after season 1)- was that it just felt like it was banking on nostalgia WAY too much, the plot was uninteresting and/or didn't make sense, and was paced poorly. It felt like it was trying to have it both ways- being modern and gritty but also relying on our fondness for the old days. And the mix was awkward and boring.
But then I agree that original series is the GOAT, and also you don't even have Strange New Worlds on your list (I quit after one episode lol), and I really like Discover, and I haven't tried Lower Decks 'cause I'm not in the mood for cartoons *shrugs*


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Star Trek: Picard (4/5)

...so this was pretty neat, actually.

I'm going to address the borg in the room and comment that yes, ST: P is probably the least favourite series of NuTrek (as in, everything from Discovery) right now. No, I don't have a source for that, but it's the impression I've got. As to why people don't like it, I'm going to address that first, because if you're a fan of TNG, I can see where you're coming from. Unlike TNG, STP is:

-Serialized (one overall story)
-Filled with flawed, often broken characters, rather than the best of 24th century humanity)
-Vulgar (there's off-screen intercourse, plus swearing)
-Violent (not excessively so, but people use blades, phasers, and kill each other)
-Morally ambiguous (e.g. with the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire, there's a swathe of space that has fallen into lawlessness, and the Federation itself isn't the shining beacon on the hill it once was)

So, yeah, if you loved TNG, jumping from it to STP (heck, even jumping from Nemesis, which is referenced extensively) will be jarring. It might even be more jarring if you dislike the Kelvinverse, since the Romulan supernova is a major plot catalyst, with the destruction of the Star Empire, plus the Federation's refusal to save them due to an android uprising (of sorts) on Mars. Basically, STP is very much a Star Trek made for the era of streaming, plus in the era of global uncertainty. If TNG was "the end of history," STP is very much a story of a Federation past its prime, with characters past their prime, with things generally not that good in large areas of the galaxy.

So, yeah, if you don't like STP for how much it differs from that, I get it. Really. I don't even like TNG that much (granted, only seen the first two seasons), and I get why STP puts so many people off. However, speaking personally, I really liked it, and while I'm not going to go into a plot summary, I'll try and give brief pointers as to why:

-Picard is great, and exactly as he should be. In spite of everything I said above, he's the show's moral compass, firm to his convictions, right up until the end. It's more engaging to see this Picard IMO than early TNG Picard, because while it's easy to be a saint in paradise, it's much harder to be a saint where paradise has been lost. Yet he (or rather, Patrick Stewart) pulls it off excellently. Really, I don't know why so many people dislike the take on Picard here, because IMO, he's how he should be - intelligent, humble, kind, etc.

-The crew is mostly a solid bunch as well. To be clear, some are better characters than others - Elnor is basically a space samurai, and Jurati cries far too much, to the extent that towards the end, it feels like it's the actress's only expression. But the crew overall is solid, whether it be Picard himself, Chris Rios (space scoundrel who's duplicated himself via emergency holograms, which is hilarious), Soji (who's a latecomer, but effectively part of the crew, and a compelling character overall) and Raffi (probably the "straight woman" character of the bunch). To be clear, this is an ensemble cast that feels more in keeping with the spirit of shows like Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, or Farscape, to name a few - a collection of misfits and broken people who've come together to do the right thing, albeit bringing their baggage with them - far removed from TNG's vision of a 'perfect' humanity. So again, if you're after a 'pure' Star Trek experience, you won't find it here, but as its own thing, the cast is solid.

-The overall plot is compelling. I'm not going to do a plot summary as it would take far too long, but what starts as a search for one individual gradually morphs into layers of conspiracy that threatens the galaxy (trite as that plot point might sound, it's actually well done in this case as far as stakes go). It doesn't do things perfectly (IMO, the ending is far too 'neat'), but overall, it's solid.

-I'm going to address something while I'm here - without getting into spoilers, many have accused STP of ripping off Mass Effect in regards to the Reapers (just saying that may have spoiled stuff, but oh well). On that, I say, yes, there's definite similarities that do go beyond the trope of "ancient machine race," but I'd counter with the points that a) ancient machine race/synthetic-organic strife is still a trope, and b) if we accept the claim that Star Trek is the thinking man's sci-fi (I don't necessarily agree), then I think this is quite in keeping with Star Trek. I really don't get the detractors calling STP a dumb action series or whatnot, because its core premise/conflict/themes is still dealing with the type of stuff that sci-fi does well.

-While I've mentioned a lot of stuff that STP differs from in regards to past Trek shows, there's still a lot of stuff that it does right, and even as someone who isn't much of a Star Trek fan, and who's generally not fond of TNG, I think it does a lot of stuff well that ties in well with what's come before. I've already mentioned how the series deals with the aftermath of the supernova, but there's also the personal side of things. For instance, when Picard reunites with Troi and Riker, and later...well, spoilers. Even if you've never seen TNG, you can tell that these people are as close as family (that Riker and Troi are literally family notwithstanding), and the amount of warmth involved...mm, warms my heart. Also, a more minor point, and this has almost certainly been done in EU material, but Seven features, and while I don't have much to say on her (as I've seen maybe one episode of Voyager, ever), she and Picard being able to bond over their shared experiences of being assimilated by the borg...good stuff.

So, yeah. Solid stuff. I can understand why it's quite iffy among the fanbase, but speaking personally, thoroughly enjoyed it. And for shits and giggles, my current Star Trek show rankings are now as follows:

6: Discovery
5: The Next Generation
4: Enterprise
3: Lower Decks
2: Picard
1: The Original Series
I'm not at all a Star Trek fan (not a hater either, just never got into it) but Picard was awful. They just recycled the plot from Mass Effect and even used the same colors in the same effects.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Wild, man, just wild. I bet you and I could have a crazy all-nighter bar discussion argument over Star Trek and it would be really fun.

FWIW, the reason I disliked Picard so much- and it became the first Trek show I actually gave up on, ever (after season 1)- was that it just felt like it was banking on nostalgia WAY too much, the plot was uninteresting and/or didn't make sense, and was paced poorly. It felt like it was trying to have it both ways- being modern and gritty but also relying on our fondness for the old days. And the mix was awkward and boring.
But then I agree that original series is the GOAT, and also you don't even have Strange New Worlds on your list (I quit after one episode lol), and I really like Discover, and I haven't tried Lower Decks 'cause I'm not in the mood for cartoons *shrugs*
It is quite entertaining watching the Red Letter Media guys talking about season 2 though, the show literally broke one of the guys.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I have been looking forward to this because these are the folks that made Dark which was such a weird fun bats** nonsensical but serious in a good way show, I'm hoping this is more of that.

Last night I finished up a couple of seasons:

The Sinner, season 4
A great season for those of us who stuck with the show as it just zeroes in on Bill Pulman being an obsessive brilliant weirdo who will NOT LET GO of the case. Lots of red herrings and creepy vibes, good stuff.

Reservation Dogs, season 2
Beautiful ending focusing on the main character's relationships, just all kinds of feelings. This show does a good job of representing young people dealing with heavy issues, mostly interpersonal but also sociopolitical, with good balance of drama and humor.
I got to get to Sinner Season 4. My brother in law got me into it and he already watched the broadcast rather than wait for Netflix. This next.

I finished "1899" on Netflix. Gets a B as I do enjoy this type of show.

Possible spoilers:

A Black Box show full of questions. Season 1 ends with room for there to be a 2nd Season... but it shouldn't be called 1899 anymore. How to let the fans know this show continues?

Fun fact. We get to get a glimpse of the book, "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin. " the plot centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle to reconcile her increasingly unorthodox views on femininity and motherhood with the prevailing social attitudes of the turn-of-the-century American South. " It was published in 1899.

Has a ton in common with Aliens, Lost, and the Matrix movies.

Very good production values and enjoyable characters. I'm glad I watched it.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
As a person who doesn't really like TNG, Picard wasn't my thing either. While being vastly different, I just couldn't get into season 2. Season 1 was fine

Lower Decks

Now, Orville. I didn't like season 1 much. 2 was average and loved season 3. It was pretty serialised, like Picard but wasnt stuck in one place. There were many moving factions like DS9 that all wanted something and changed alliances. Malloy apologising after his story ended was absolutely one of the most heart wrenching scenes I've seen in SciFi for a long time. I normally get annoyed by time travel and resets but that twist...

Anyway, Orville is what I hope Picard turns into. Discovery is half way there do maybe that show too


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Pepsi, Where’s My Jet? Funny / Great

True story about a young man who in the late ‘90s attempted to have Pepsi, a cola giant, make good on it’s offer of a harrier jet based on an ad they ran.

Hilarious if only because it’s entirely ridiculous. It really speaks to me in that I hate advertising, and to see it bite a company in the ass like this is such a “me” idea. Nevermind he had no practical use for a harrier jet, just give the kid what you inadvertently promised! Gentle reminder that there's always someone out there crazier than yourself.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Pepsi, Where’s My Jet? Funny / Great

True story about a young man who in the late ‘90s attempted to have Pepsi, a cola giant, make good on it’s offer of a harrier jet based on an ad they ran.

Hilarious if only because it’s entirely ridiculous. It really speaks to me in that I hate advertising, and to see it bite a company in the ass like this is such a “me” idea. Nevermind he had no practical use for a harrier jet, just give the kid what you inadvertently promised! Gentle reminder that there's always someone out there crazier than yourself.
I actually remember that ad and later hearing about the kid who called them out about the harrier. I might check the movie out.
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