Disney Acquires Lucasfilm


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Well some people I knew thought Disney was going to completely mess up marvel when they got it, but so far the marvel cinematic universe movies have kicked ass. Maybe the same could happen for Star Wars. I hope.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I am pleased by this, it just means that instead of seeing HD/3D re-re-releases of five old movies we get to roll the dice on some new canon. And given how much I have enjoyed the works of Disney recently I couldn't be happier with where two of my most cherished franchises have ended up.

Friends and I were discussing 'what if the original Trilogy was re-made?' a few days ago. Overall our consensus was that we just wanted another team to take a crack at rekindling the spark and heart of the originals while keeping in mind what took the 'soul' per-say out of the prequels.

My only problem is no one to my knowledge could be as compelling as Harrison Ford's Han Solo, and you know they will try to craft a similarly archetypal character for these movies. And even if they don't, then the audience will say that it lacked that kind of character. I can't see them winning in that department.

Also what far too many of you are glossing over is that with Disney owning these franchises Kingdom Hearts 3 could have a Star Wars themed world!
Lightsaber Keyblade anyone!? (nope... just me still waiting, ok...)

And does this mean I now have to ask Disney who shot first?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
This must mean a seat on the space ark costs 4 billion...2012 here we come D;


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Dexter111 said:
Screw you too, buddy. xD

Btw. Link to official Press Release: http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-news/press-releases/2012/10/disney-acquire-lucasfilm-ltd

A few Blog articles: http://www.starwars.com/future-of-star-wars-movies/index.html
Sad fact of the matter is, they're never going to make another movie that can even come close to the original trilogy. They really need to just let the IP die while it still has some small shred of dignity left, instead of continuing to milk it until no one likes the thing anymore (it's already most of the way there btw).


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I'd have preferred a Star Wars movie without the whole "Episode" thing, just to give it a fresh start, but oh well. Disney generally makes quality movies, and they haven't yet shown signs of restricting the creativity of the companies they own like Pixar, so i'm thinking this will be a very good thing. We can have Star Wars back to being something beyond a joke, and with new directors and minds behind the projects we might see some real creativity shine through. So yay. And stuff.

Jingle Fett

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Personally I'm really hoping Joss Whedon gets to direct the next movies. Avengers aside, he has a good rep when it comes to Star Wars style sci-fi -- Serenity and Titan AE come to mind. Plus he's said that if given the chance he would make a movie with lots of big space ships blowing up other big spaceships and frankly I'm sick to death of the Jedi.
Star Wars is the perfect universe for that. I mean hell, what if we got to see a Star Destroyer and a Mon Calamari cruiser duking it out? I mean like real ship to ship combat involving a Star Destroyer? Or imagine a space battle taking place in the ruins of the Death Star II over Endor? Arrgh, the possibilities!

On another note, given that Disney is great at preserving the classics, maybe, just maybe we'll finally get to have the original theatrical releases on dvd/blu-ray. I seriously want that, Star Wars in its original un-blemished form.


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Aug 18, 2008
Can we please let Star Wars die the slow painful death? I am sick and tired of listening to the bitching whining and complaining that fanboys have done over the last 15 years because Lucas raeped their childhood, or whatever else they are complaining about. Get over it, fanboys.

Maybe Lucas did the right thing with changing the movie around the way he did. Considering that you are still talking about these changes 15 years later means that it was a successful gambit.

To Disney, Star Wars is nothing more than a cash cow that they are going to milk until it's dead.

For me, that is going to make summer very boring. 1-2 Super hero movies every year, A transformers movie every 3 years, now a different Star Wars movie every 2-3 years. That's going to be boring, more boring than it really should be.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
nothingspringstomind said:
I was a bit "meh" about all this, then i realized;

"Holy shit! This means it's okay for Star Wars to appear in a Kingdom Hearts game!"

That was my response when I heard the news, I can't wait to see Goofy and Donald take on Vader.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
You know, I was letting this percolate around in my brain for a bit and a peculiar thought bubbled up: What does this mean for all the people who make Star Wars fan videos? Lucasfilm never had an issue with that sort of thing- in fact, I'm fairly sure they were known for lending expertise and tips- but Disney tends to be a LOT more restrictive with their properties.
Jan 22, 2011
Anachronism said:
Ok, first of all, at the risk of being predictable:

Now, more seriously. Why? Why Episode 7? What is the point? As much as people tend to hate the prequels, the saga as it currently stands tells one consistent story: the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. The story is done, there's no need for more films. What would be gained by adding to that?

Oh wait, I forgot. Money. As if The Avengers didn't earn Disney enough.
There are suppose to be 9 chapters total, I could spoil a few things from some one that reads BOOKS but that wouldn't be fun.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
cerebus23 said:
Not like the og tron was high art or brainy or anything.

Still lucas could not do much worse than epi 1 2 and 3, so any transition from the all mighty lucas with all consuming greed surrounded by yes people 24/7 is a good thing.

even if they disneyfy it it would still have more heart and character than the first 3 films put together.

but disney also has pixar under them, so it seems to more depend on the property studio that is working for disney, does pixar prosper because they are managed well by disney? or do they prosper because disney gives them a free hand?

disney has consistently made good and bad films over the years, their pure film production co seems to lack any real vision or great talent outside of pixar itself, maybe with the people coming over to oversee the license, with lucas having some outside say, we can get some good films, games and etc made because we know in the last 15 or so years any good star wars games have been few and far between, remember when lucasarts made games that people could not wait to play?

the og films got redeited and changed in silly ways just so lucas could put out 20 different editions to sell to people, the new films are absolute garbage, so i have a hard time seeing where less lucas and more of other people could possibly make stuff worse, no matter what hollywood mega corp ended up with it.
Never really said the old Tron was "high art". It was a pretty cheesy film. As was Legacy.(though, one can't deny the possibilities within the franchise. possibilities that, sadly, have only been explored by parties outside of Disney)

Also never said Disney would be worse than Lucas. God knows that man just loves to mess with the old movies. At times, seemingly to just piss off the fans.

However, my point was (a point I sadly didn't elaborate on before, my bad) Disney has acquired, through this acquisition, two very big, very popular franchises. And paid a LOT of money to do so.

What this will likely mean is they will "play it safe". Especially with the films.

By that I mean they won't do anything to unique, jarring, or unexpected with the franchise. We aren't likely to see any deep, varied narratives or production designs. We'll more likely see a lot more of the same. Essentially rehashing of stories and themes of the previous six films.

They'll try to make the films appeal to the widest possible audience. They spent over four billion dollars on acquiring the Lucas studios alone. That doesn't include film production costs, advertising, marketing, and franchising that will inevitably occur.

That's my primary concern. That Disney has spent so much on this that they won't try anything new or different with the franchise.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong. But I don't know...


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Honestly I'm more interested in what might come of Lucas Arts, and what we should expect from them in the future under new managment.

They still hold the rights to the series Monkey Island and a cult classic Grim Fandago, along with one of the only few good Star Wars games, the Jedi Knight series. ( yea yea, Old republic is good blah de blah)I wonder if we're going to see a few new games out of these, or if they will sorta stagnate some more. TellTale would love to work with Monkey Island again if I recall correctly.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
doomboy29 said:
Disney might make Star Wars good again!
Indeed, I mean look at how well Marvel is doing. But I'm really not surprised by them buying it as Tomorrowland has so much Star Wars stuff in it.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Foolproof said:
Things that were also completely up in the air until he actually wrote ESB - Jabba the Hutt. Luke and Leia being brother and sister. Han Solo living. Lando Calrisian. Luke not dying.

Nothing about the original movies was ever well thought out or pre-planned (If they were, Luke and Leia wouldn't have made out), it was all slapped together at the last minute. However, from ESB on Lucas could tell that Vader meant more within the series, having grown from a stock dragon to actually becoming this powerful part of the series universe.
If anything, the material says otherwise. Jabba (while not an alien) was planned in the original film (and was filmed) as a furcoat-wearing human gangster. Luke was always going to live, and (according to the various outlines he and Gary Kurtz released over the years) he was always going to be the protagonist of a potential sequel trilogy.

Sure, Lando and the brother/sister angle was added in after the fact, but the point remains. The original drafts of SW (as Journal of the Whills and the early shooting scripts) were very clear. Luke was the protagonist all through the OT, not Vader. Any attempt to say otherwise is falling for the Kool-Aid Lucas slipped you for the past few years.

Lucas, the series creator is telling you you're wrong and you're an idiot. You arguing with the literal god of the Star Wars universe. Are you going to actually say things against what the guy who made the universe says?
Yes, considering this is the guy who:

- as recently as five years ago, said there would never, ever be an episode VII/VIII/IX

- has refrained from releasing the original versions of his films for years on end, largely because he supposedly feels embarrassed by the effects

- has continually tinkered with his films over the last two decades, to the point that there are no less than four disparate versions of the OT (theatrical/Special Edition/2004/2011)

- became a pariah in the eyes of the fanbase

- the hated "Han shot first"/"Luke's scream"/"Vader's ROTJ 'NO!'" as examples of changing characters beyond their original portraysl and characterization to better fit his revisionist history

- was widely criticized for the Prequel Trilogy, to the point that you can make enough of a case that he wrote the whole thing out of an inferiority complex, and put barely any work whatsoever into it

I could go on all day. Frankly, I'm glad that Lucas is out of the chief operating role in the franchise, because that means I won't have to put up with sycophant fanboys trying to push Lucas' revisionist ideals to a public that knows far better.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
nothingspringstomind said:
I was a bit "meh" about all this, then i realized;

"Holy shit! This means it's okay for Star Wars to appear in a Kingdom Hearts game!"

My God...you're right! Finally a lightsaber-like Keyblade is possible. Also, now I can say that Xemnas did have lightsabers as weapons. XD
Seriously KH II had a lot of stuff like that of Star Wars. Take the final gummi mission where we literally had to destroy a cube version of the Death Star!


New member
Aug 13, 2008
...I can understand giving away the franchise to a different studio, but Disney...? My head is full of fuck.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Wow. Words are not adequate. Not the whole Disney-buys-Lucasfilms, I don't really care. It's the whole "Episode 7" that scares me. Nerds have a whole thing going, y'know? Prequels suck, the actual series get a thumbs up. The 7th movie isn't a prequel, so how will our sayings survive if (when, really) it sucks? We'll lose a valuable part of nerd culture.