District 9 Offends Nigerian Government


New member
Apr 23, 2008
ReverseEngineered said:
Nigeria is a peaceful country; it's not run by a bunch of cut-throat dictators who would just as soon kill people as help them and it's not populated by a bunch of con artists.

Therefore, we demand you cease exercising your right to free speech. We will be holding your film hostage until you do as we say and remove any criticisms of our country. We also demand you make a full, public apology, despite any belief you may have of your position.
Also, for a small fee to help the legal process, I will share a potion of the $1,000,000 currently tied up in legal problems. Please send your account details, place and date of birth, you passcodes and pin codes.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Rynamo AV said:
mommy the companies are saying bad things about me

Every country has its batshit insane criminals and con-artists, and have been portrayed as such. Why does Nigeria moan as if it thinks it's the only one?
Because the insane criminals and con-artists are deeply involved with the government in their case ;) Although I don't know about cannabism, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't a high degree of superstition tied to old African religious and cultural beliefs (i.e. witch doctors and so forth). Which is also in the film, heh.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
A shitty country is offended that they are portrayed as a shitty country?



New member
Apr 4, 2008
District 9 was one of the best movies I remember in recent times, if Nigeria wants to ***** about their image instead of actually fixing what makes that image, then they need to step back and seriously reassess their priorities.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I have a question. What does the Nigerian Government plan to do if Sony just says no? Boycott the movie? Sad news, it's already out and made a good amount of money. This Nigerian sensitivity thing is starting to get ridiculous.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Sony has a problem with Nigeria or something... And to counter, even though I hate Sony i love to argue with goverments, the shit would hit the fan if aliens had crashed into your country and were forced to stay because of the other governments of the world.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
All I got from that is ..."unwarranted attack on Nigeria's image."...
Which would be labeled in the legal systems defemation (spelled like crap but I don't care).
It only counts as defemation if it is contradictory to what people already percieve of the person/thing/whatever and has the potential to tarnish their reputation.

In short: some whiny ***** saying "BAWW You didn't portray us as the most beautiful place in the world!"
I'm curious if they would find anything wrong with movies that show the slums of america, portraying america negativly (but truthfully, showing a very real part of it) or the same with anything except for themselves


New member
Mar 26, 2009
District 9 wasn't supposed to reflect poorly on African countries now, but on African countries 35 years ago. Outrage about "offensive content" is more insulting to Nigeria than anything in this movie.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
This is pretty fucking hilarious, coming from the mother of all scam-artist countries. Screw there bullshit hurt feelings, I'm sure I am not alone when I say "Who fucking cares?!".


New member
Dec 27, 2008
News flash
if you live in Nigeria and your not a warlord
Your life sucks


New member
Dec 27, 2008
ucciolord1 said:
District 9 wasn't supposed to reflect poorly on African countries now, but on African countries 35 years ago. Outrage about "offensive content" is more insulting to Nigeria than anything in this movie.
Apparently no one told this guy that living in Nigeria sucks,
all the time

I know this


New member
Mar 26, 2009
JWAN said:
ucciolord1 said:
District 9 wasn't supposed to reflect poorly on African countries now, but on African countries 35 years ago. Outrage about "offensive content" is more insulting to Nigeria than anything in this movie.
Apparently no one told this guy that living in Nigeria sucks,
all the time

I know this
Dude I never said it doesn't, I'm just pointing out that the allegory in District 9 was, or at least seemed to be, more directed towards apartheid than anything else.
Sorry if I offended you, but that's all I was trying to say.

Dogmeat T Dingo

New member
Sep 4, 2008
Dear Nigerian Government,

I represent a legal firm that was asked by a citizen of your country who wished to remain anonymous to represent Nigeria in court. I am happy to say that we have settled out of court with the film makers for the sum of two million, three hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty-three dollars American ($US2,300,423). It was the wish of the anonymous plaintiff that we pass this money on to you.

However, because of the cost of transferring such a large sum of money overseas, we require assistance in the bank fees. Please reply to this email with the details of your main government bank account and foward a cheque for ten thousand dollars American ($10,000) so that we can go ahead and get the process started.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and for working with our company, and congratulations on your settlement.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
ucciolord1 said:
JWAN said:
ucciolord1 said:
District 9 wasn't supposed to reflect poorly on African countries now, but on African countries 35 years ago. Outrage about "offensive content" is more insulting to Nigeria than anything in this movie.
Apparently no one told this guy that living in Nigeria sucks,
all the time

I know this
Dude I never said it doesn't, I'm just pointing out that the allegory in District 9 was, or at least seemed to be, more directed towards apartheid than anything else.
Sorry if I offended you, but that's all I was trying to say.
I was agreeing
I know it sucks lol


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Dogmeat T Dingo said:
Dear Nigerian Government,

I represent a legal firm that was asked by a citizen of your country who wished to remain anonymous to represent Nigeria in court. I am happy to say that we have settled out of court with the film makers for the sum of two million, three hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty-three dollars American ($US2,300,423). It was the wish of the anonymous plaintiff that we pass this money on to you.

However, because of the cost of transferring such a large sum of money overseas, we require assistance in the bank fees. Please reply to this email with the details of your main government bank account and foward a cheque for ten thousand dollars American ($10,000) so that we can go ahead and get the process started.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and for working with our company, and congratulations on your settlement.
I always got a rich Moroccan though. Or a N.Korean


New member
Mar 26, 2009
JWAN said:
ucciolord1 said:
JWAN said:
ucciolord1 said:
District 9 wasn't supposed to reflect poorly on African countries now, but on African countries 35 years ago. Outrage about "offensive content" is more insulting to Nigeria than anything in this movie.
Apparently no one told this guy that living in Nigeria sucks,
all the time

I know this
Dude I never said it doesn't, I'm just pointing out that the allegory in District 9 was, or at least seemed to be, more directed towards apartheid than anything else.
Sorry if I offended you, but that's all I was trying to say.
I was agreeing
I know it sucks lol


New member
May 31, 2009
Thought I would add this...



New member
Jan 4, 2009
FROGGEman2 said:
fuckwit said:
FROGGEman2 said:
fuckwit said:
FROGGEman2 said:
fuckwit said:
they had it coming, really, the bastards.
Who are the bastards?

...And what's with your name?
To quote CyberGenesis, "Phishing scams, fake lottery winnings, South Africa's ACTUAL problem with nigerian gangs...My sympathy is lacking here."

What of my name? Does it not please you?
Yeah, but by "they" I assumed you meant Sony. And the whole District 9 production team. I mainly thought this because they are the subjects in this situation.
Oh, well then I did mean the Nigerians.
My name is quite clever, thank you very much.

Uhh, your name is just a little odd, that is all.

Unnecessary use of foul language /=/ clever.
Ah, but it doesn't rely on that. The name describes the opposite of my behaviour as I make an effort of having thorough and detailed arguments.