DLC Will Bridge Story Between Mass Effect 2 and 3


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Firstly, this is probably going to cost money, which would be a really low move by BioWare.
Yeah, game companies charging for games. What a rip off!


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I'd say if you don't buy it then you will automatically be punished with the worst options available in ME3, just like in ME2 you start basically as a full Renegade at the end of ME1 if you dont own ME1.

None of us can say we are surprised that events turn out like this. The first day DLC was invented, forums around the world were filled with predictions of the above. We saw "Main Story" dependant DLC coming.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Break said:
...Isn't that what they said about the DLC for the first one?
Yes... But there is a difference, and an explanation on why they didnt deliver the first time: At opposite of Mass Effect 1, 2 has already a lot of DLC... and there is more already annonced...
And why they didnt realeased more for ME1? Simple because Bioware had just been brought by EA and they where more busy restructuring the company accordingly than on releasing content for already released game...


New member
Apr 30, 2010
addeB said:
I don't like DLC's... They are to short for the price I have to pay for them!

zpfanatic81195 said:
shouldn't they ALL be working on ME3?
That would be the best, yes. But they are apparently not...
and that's a problem. it's odd to see that bioware wants more DLC, but most of the time can't deliver.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I hope it's the kind you get free with a legitimate copy of the game...
Well, my wallet does.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
Cool. I wonder if I'll be able to BUY the DLC or if I'll be forced to buy points which I can then trade for DLC in that arbitrary manipulative point system they have.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
As someone who lives in Brazil, where Live is unavailable, as is therefore unable to get any DLC content even if it's free, I think these news are totally swell.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Notthatbright said:
Ravek said:
Great, so now people who think DLC is too little value for money will get shafted out of the story experience. Well done Bioware.
I like to think of it like this: "Want ME2 to make sense? That'll be $40 extra, thanks!"

Blizzard's doing it with Starcraft. Valve with Half-life. The entire industry thinks games should cost $100 a piece. Fuck em all, I say.
The whole thing with Half Life was actually apparently a huge misunderstanding, assuming you're referring to the Episodes. Originally, all 3 episodes together were going to make up Half Life 3, but someone made an error somewhere down the line and Episode 1 was titled "Half Life 2: Episode 1" by accident, and then they were forced to stick with it for Episodes 2 and 3.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Well, I'm in a bit of a pickle because I lack Xbox live or any way to download DLC online. My only option now is to decide which ones I want and then take my hardrive to a friend's house so I can connect to Xbox Live and get that DLC.
However I still hope that it is not a requirement that you play the DLC for Mass Effect 3 to work or anything, plus I really hope we get some DLC content that brings Ashley/Kaidan back into the fray and maybe something involving Wrex but that's just my fan hopes.

Still, looking forward to Mass Effect 3.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
In it, Commander Shepard and his team will square off against a rogue AI that's taken over a Cerberus base and is trying to get off-planet.
I already feel like I know what will happen. Go to the base, find some questionable things, being to ponder if the AI should be killed, have a few conversations involving rogue AI, ultimately let it live or die based on your own moral compass, and then have the Illusive Man deny all connection to the questionable things discovered in said base. I will honestly be surprised if it turns out to be different.

On the subject of DLC story extension, I don't see how that will work. All Mass Effect 2 DLC takes place before the final mission. The ability to play missions after completing that is just a gimmick as it creates numerous plot holes through dialogue that is no longer relevant. Any DLC that takes place after the last mission would have a lot to address plot wise. I just don't think you can cram all of this into DLC. If the DLC takes place before the final mission, then it can't really be forwarding the main plot of the game in any significant way. Finally, you have to remember that people will be importing saves into Mass Effect 3 without having played the DLC. If the DLC advances the plot in a significant way, then it would have to be required for your import to work. You can't claim it has major relevance on the story if it can be completley left out without significantly changing the game.

I just don't see how this is going to work.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Translation: DLC will milk them suckers for all their worth, YAY we no longer have to create a finished polished game anymore!!!


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I like Bioware, maybe too much. I'll buy anything they sell and I'll thank them for taking my money. That being said, I can't wait for that DLC. By the way I'm taking about their PC titles.

Seriously now, Bioware is one of few remaining companies that makes PC games that I actually like to play. Showering them with money is not a problem when you look at all those companies trying to take our money in exchange for shitty ports and beta-like releases (Ubisoft and EA).


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I didn't mind the Dragon Age DLC, because of how many times I would replay the game, utilizing the multitudes of DLC, so Bioware at least gets those points in my book. I just wish they would figure out how to work the PS3, since we're usually stuck waiting for about a month to three months to get the same stuff, which is irksome as hell. And I still need to find a way to play Mass Effect...


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Cryo84R said:
tellmeimaninja said:
Firstly, this is probably going to cost money, which would be a really low move by BioWare.
Yeah, game companies charging for games. What a rip off!
I know. Ridiculous, isn't it?

But still, how they're saying it, it seems like they've cut out parts of the story and are making us pay extra for it. I'd gladly give money to BioWare.
I think you missed that particular pitch there, ace.


New member
May 5, 2010
As long as any added achievements does not bring the score higher or lower than 250. The first one, Fable 2, Halo 3, Fallout 3...all ruining it. 1000 and 1250 are fine, dont need to do all these weird numbers that make my list look off.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Can we increase the level cap please? My characters are all maxed out before I even finish the main story. What's the poin of playing more if my characters don't get rewarded for their efforts? I want more points!


New member
Sep 21, 2008
The DLC thus far for Mass Effect 2 has been disturbingly mediocre. Disturbingly becauseif they continue this trend, Overlord (and future DLCs) will be have the same level of quality (or lack thereof). Yesterday, I started to play Mass Effect 2 again, and this is what I found:

Kasumi is actually pretty good. It does a good job of establishing the character, but is far too short, and kasumi has no interactive dialogue. The new SMG is pretty kick ass, though. Very useful when you don't feel like hitting everything but your target.

The Firewalker pack is decent. The tank is fun to use, and shooting things from far away is kinda fun... but only because you have to constantly dodge and jump around to avoid getting hit. Because Sherpard has more health than the Hammerhead has. Also, a good point of the Firewalker pack is it adds some more intrigue to the Protheans (you find an artifact that supposedly is quite powerful, but becomes dormant after Shepard touches it, and it is referenced in the mission complete screen as possibly being very useful in the future).

Zaeed is in the same boat as Kasumi, however Zaeed is a slightly less likeable guy overall, so being a badass mercenary is negated by being a giant douchebag, which in turn makes the whole DLC slightly less fun.

The Arc projector is... odd. It has a short charge-up, but hits more than one enemy. I tend to use my heavy weapon when I am either about to die or have no ammo for anything, and the Arc projector has a short range and isn't useful in desparate situations ue to it's charge-up.

The shotgun (Eviserator) only fires three rounds before needing to reload. In my opinion, it is only useful for your squad, because they have unlimited ammo.

Other than that... it's armor. Which is all pretty to look at, but only mildly useful, as you can get the bonus' from the N7 armor, and you have a helmet option, which the suits of armor do not have.

I feel like Overlord will be like the Kasumi DLC. Fun to play, but lacking in overall polish and quaility.

Also, if we have to pay for all of the DLC, I won't. I barely convinced myself that buying 1600 MS points was a good idea and having to buy anymore will simply be ratarded not only for me, but for everyone who can't or won't buy the DLC. Is bioware retarded? If they make people pay for stuff, some people simply will not buy it, and will miss out on key story elements. To me, that reeks with the stench of nickel and diming consumers to make as much money off of something as they possibly can.