Do you believe in love?


New member
Apr 18, 2011
You are wrong. It exists I have a story about it, but that story stays with me the first time I tell it is not going to be to some strangers on the internet. But yes love exists


Aug 3, 2008
I don't think you're wrong, but I don't think you're right. I think everyone defines it differently. Maybe that 13 year old kid who had a disastrous week long relationship doesn't believe in it, or that 45 year old divorcee thinks it's pointless and it causes too much pain just for example.
I do believe in it, maternally and romantically. I think some people are just made for each other; I can easily see when a couple are really in love and I think it's awesome.

Even if I broke up with my boyfriend tomorrow *touches wood* I'd still believe in it.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Love Exists, more so, it was taught to us.

plus, when a couple can last more than 30 years together if that's not love i don't know what is... XD


New member
May 18, 2011
Sneaky-Pie said:
If you don't believe in love, you have never been in love.
this. Even though I've never been in love, (or if I have I'm denying it.) but I can tell by looking at my friends that loves exists.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Jacco said:
What do you think? Am I right? Wrong? Why?
Love is subjective, so you are very right.

It is whatever you need it to be. If you see it as a extra-long crush, then that is what it will be to you.

In the end, love is intangible, as you said. It will be treated by everyone differently. Two people that see it as life-long and have endless loyalty and devotion towards one another may last until death. Does that make them better or happier than you? No.

Happiness comes from paving your own way. Don't let anyone tell you you have to experience their version of "true love" to be happy.

Give them the one finger salute and be on your merry way...If it's a family member, you may want to just do that in your mind.


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Been there done that.

So, yeah.
Jacco said:
I fall into the latter category. Ive seen too man people who "love" each other hurt their partners in ways that cannot be described. Elderly people who have been married 40 or 50 years will tell you straight up they are glad their spouse died because they were just so sick of being around them ALL THE TIME.
There is nothing in this paragraph inconsistent with love. Once you understand that, you're there.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Jacco said:
What do you think? Am I right? Wrong? Why?
Well, I'm only recently single from a rather long relationship, so I'm supposed to be bitter and skeptical about the love thing, especially as I got hurt pretty bad. But honestly? Love is real, it is a biological connection between people, not an abstract state, but it is very real.

Actual love (I refuse to use the term 'true') consists of two people who have deep feelings of passion, compassion and friendship with a great deal of intimacy. They want what is best for the other, not as an altruistic act, but just because it benefits themselves to see the other happy.

No, I've only had a few points in my life when that has happened, selfishness and the desire for comfort over self-improvement and happiness occurs wayy too often.

I think love is real, but transitory. Life time relationships don't really make much sense to me, at least not now, but loving relationships that don't have to last forever to be meaningful are totally real.

That's not even getting into more general love, for friends or for humans in general.

It's not what most people describe, when they're actually talking about comfort and not being lonely, but it does happen and I suppose you do have to experience it to believe it.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
Love is a disgusting, malefic cankersore on the human species. It is among the most foul and horrific things imaginable, a punishment which gives one the mere illusion of happiness, when really, all that exists within the emotion is pain. I believe in it the same way I believe in war, chaos and death.
Not at all bitter, eh?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
wait, who said love is everlasting, besides it depends on what you are willing to call love, i would say i have been in love twice. I think love can happen but to different degrees, some can love each other for half a century, and some even longer. but most never find a person they can love that much. Also you haven't mentioned the different kinds of love, like the love a family member or the love a pet. where do they fit in your world view?


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I've never experienced it.

I've only had strong feelings for a girl and they've never been returned.

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
From your definition, the latter.
Basically, "love" is nothing more than an overflow of oxytocin and a few other chemicals in our brains. Our culture's overly romanticised view of "love", however, does not exist in real life. By which I mean "true love" as people call it.
In every shape and form, both real and made up, I find it to be pointless. Completely and utterly pointless.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
John Connor M said:
I have no doubt someone else will say this but this quote pretty much sums up what I think:

"Love is just a chemical, we give meaning to it by choice."

(ala Bioshock 2)
The same quote is true for 'happiness' or indeed 'life'...

H31neken said:
From your definition, the latter.
Basically, "love" is nothing more than an overflow of oxytocin and a few other chemicals in our brains. Our culture's overly romanticised view of "love", however, does not exist in real life. By which I mean "true love" as people call it.
In every shape and form, both real and made up, I find it to be pointless. Completely and utterly pointless.
That's sounds like the classic mantra of the hurt. What did she do?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Jacco said:
By that I mean, do you think it is a real, tangible thing that people can experience sincerely or do you feel it is just a temporary though powerful infatuation?

I fall into the latter category. Ive seen too man people who "love" each other hurt their partners in ways that cannot be described. Elderly people who have been married 40 or 50 years will tell you straight up they are glad their spouse died because they were just so sick of being around them ALL THE TIME.

People use love as an excuse to get married or have sex or whatnot and I think to myself whenever I hear that they are just deluding themselves. That it is just a temporary, if intense, crush.

I've also been told I'm wrong and that I won't really know it until I HAVE loved. I don't buy that. I've been in some serious relationships before with some pretty intense feelings but like all things, they just came to an end. I think love is just a fairy tale that doesn't translate to the real world.

What do you think? Am I right? Wrong? Why?
I'm pretty certain the love I feel is not a temporary thing, but a thing that built up slowly over time which I cannot back down from.


New member
May 25, 2011
Love is a weird thing. You have no idea what it feels like to be in love until one day you just are. It's different from a sudden attraction. It's an intensely powerful force that follows you wherever you go. So to answer your question I do believe in love. I'm a cynic, but not about this.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I most certainly believe in it. There are people I would gladly give my life for, and if that's not love I don't know what is. As for specifically romantic love? Yes I believe in that too. After all, if I can love, then how could I not love my partner in life.