Do You Hate People Who Disagrees With You?


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
I had someone tell me this on The Escapist forum the other day: "Hating someone for disagreeing with you is hating them for what they do rather than what they are, so it seems like a perfectly valid reason to hate someone."

I think this is problem with trying to discuss any issues online. People are more interested in attacking people who disagrees with them. Rather than, discussing the issues in a rationally way.

Do you think it's acceptable to hate people, because they disagree with you?

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I don't think hating someone for simply disagreeing with you is a healthy attitude to take when arguing for your opinion.

That said, if the aforementioned disagreement is REALLY stupid over something that should be a non-issue, I might find it in myself to dislike that person. Maybe hate is a bit too strong of a feeling.

So I guess no?

Well, jeez, ok captcha.

Berny Marcus

New member
May 20, 2013
I think it's absurd to hate someone if they have a different opinion then yours, but basic answer is I don't hate people if they disagree with me. People just need to calm down, and accept the fact that not everyone will share there opinion.

But that day will never come ,we'll always have the small vocal minority who thinks anyone with a different view is heresy.

But then again it's a small minority, but vocal.
Dec 14, 2009
Of course I hate everyone who disagrees with me.

That's a perfectly reasonable reaction, is it not? I mean, think about it. If I'm always right, then people who disagree with me are being wilfully ignorant.

Think about it.

Honestly, I'm surprised the world is still turning, what with the sheer number of not-mes walking around.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Fuck no! Me and my best friend are disagreeing all the time and that's what makes us best friends! Without disagreement there's no argument, without argument there's no progress! And besides, how fucking boring would that be if everyone agreed with you?


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Just for disagreeing? Nah. Disagreements make things interesting. That said, I could hate someone I was disagreeing with, depending on the surrounding circumstances. I'm not going to hate somebody who just says that lime sherbet is superior to orange, but I might well hate someone who treats that disagreement with all the respect of a spoiled brat ("You don't like lime? Well I hope you like being bombarded with the Unholy Trinity of the 'net until-HEY??? WHY U BLOCK ME??? Well fine, I'll just start a hate thread about you then!") and that's less because of the disagreement and more because of the way the person presents himself/herself as a thoroughly unpleasant person.
Sep 13, 2009
I pretty much don't hate anybody. So that should answer the question on its own.

But do I think negatively of people for disagreeing with me? Usually not, but it depends on what they're disagreeing with me over. While I wouldn't say that my opinion is the arbiter of truth (Well, not openly) there are certain things that if someone disagrees with me over I'll think they're pretty scummy


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
No, but I don't really hate anybody, so I'll modify the question to "do I harbor any negative emotions towards those who disagree with?" to which the answer is still no with a few parameters.
I'll never get angry at someone for expressing an opinion but if they strive to somehow prove that their opinion is somehow superior or they think they're straight-up objectively correct, then I get annoyed, more at the fact that they're so big-headed rather than the disagreement itself.


Aug 3, 2008
Solaire of Astora said:
I don't think hating someone for simply disagreeing with you is a healthy attitude to take when arguing for your opinion.

That said, if the aforementioned disagreement is REALLY stupid over something that should be a non-issue, I might find it in myself to dislike that person. Maybe hate is a bit too strong of a feeling.

So I guess no?

Well, jeez, ok captcha.
What was you doing to captcha to get that response? D:

OT: Oh but of course. I hate anyone that doesn't lay down and agree with my always correct opinions, I need to be told I'm right or else I cease to function.

But on a serious note, I'm only miffed when people try to invalidate what I say or enforce theirs over mine ._.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
KissingSunlight said:
I had someone tell me this on The Escapist forum the other day: "Hating someone for disagreeing with you is hating them for what they do rather than what they are, so it seems like a perfectly valid reason to hate someone."

I think this is problem with trying to discuss any issues online. People are more interested in attacking people who disagrees with them. Rather than, discussing the issues in a rationally way.

Do you think it's acceptable to hate people, because they disagree with you?
Depends entirely on what we disagree on. I believe some ideologies are inherently toxic, and while "hate" is a strong word, I think you can judge people on the basis of their beliefs.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Well it depends on what they disagree with me on and what opinion they have. Its not so much that they disagree, disagreement in itself is fine and it can even be a good thing. It is an issue with the opinion they do hold that will make me hate them.

And yes I think its acceptable to hate someone for holding a certain view (unless its something trivial). There are always going to viewpoints you consider utterly toxic and can't accept.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
Not for simple disagreements, no - that seems totally superficial. Besides, discussions are no fun when everyone agrees - a hearty debate is considerably more entertaining than just getting "Yeah, I agree" as a response to everything.

That said, there are some opinions that cause me to lose respect for the person who holds them, but that's in the realm of things like basic human rights - certainly not for matters of taste.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I might hate a person's beliefs if those beliefs are incredibly abhorrent (ex. racism), but I won't necessarily hate the person. I guess some would argue hating a belief is hating the person who has those beliefs, but I generally find that the two are complete opposites.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
No, more often than not I take it as an opportunity to share viewpoints.

Granted, when a person is objectively wrong on something and still sticks to a viewpoint we should have long gotten past (vaccinations and autism "links" for example), I'm less inclined to attempt to share a viewpoint and more inclined to say "You're wrong and here's why".

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I prefer them!

When you get a group agreeing, it's just a circle jerk. When two people disagree in a respectful way, it's interesting, it's stimulating, makes you think.

When it devolves into name calling its just boring. I bet I could rattle off a string of insults to anybody on this site and not one person would hold there head in there hands and reevaluate there life. The only thing that would happen is they would rattle off a different string and remark on my bad grammar.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
To me, it's not about whether they agree with me or not. It's about how intelligently they do it. I won't hate somebody for disagreeing with me, but I will hate them for disagreeing with me illogically.