Do you look older or younger than you are?


New member
Jul 20, 2010
I look about 4-5 years older (I'm 21). I know it's the facial hair because I shaved it off one day and everyone said I looked my age. And I got immediately ID'ed at the liquor store. >.<


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I'm usually pegged at being about 3-4 years older than I actually am. As a dude, I'm not offended by it.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Once, a taxi driver said I looked like I was in my late 30's.

I AM 24! I'm dying inside...


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
When I was in high school and college, I looked older, but now my seemingly rapid aging has stalled and I would say I look about the age I'm supposed to look now, perhaps even younger.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I don't know, you tell me.

That's me as of July 10th 2012. I'm 30 BTW.

theincurabletragedy said:
I'm almost 19, most common guess is 14-16. Nobody takes a word I say seriously but I can totally do that cheap student fares thing.
Really? I'd put you at at least 16 or 17. Whatever the case I like what I see (I mean you look great).

EDIT: Actually that's a lie, when I first looked at your picture I thought you were about 20 or 21. But then again I'm not very good at judging people's ages.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
I'm eighteen but people usually mistake me for someone at least five years older.
At least it gets me respect when I talk with older people.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
theincurabletragedy said:
I'm almost 19, most common guess is 14-16. Nobody takes a word I say seriously but I can totally do that cheap student fares thing.
Before I even read this part I looked at the picture and said, she really looks like she is 14.

Now I wonder how much of that is intentional. I know I purposufully appear present myself as younger than I am. I just like it. When I wear a hat and properly trim my beard people often guess I am quite a bit younger than I am. I do this on purpose, when I can easily look much closer to my age if I decide to do so.

Just has me wondering if something similar might not be going on here.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
I look a lot older than I am, which is kinda strange. I have never in my life been carded for anything, except for when I'm with a baby-faced friend of mine and everyone in the group gets carded. It's kinda nice that I haven't had to deal with any of that.

It also makes conversation with older people a lot easier to deal with. My coworkers, all of whom are in the 30-50 range, treat me as if I'm their age instead of fresh out of school. It's kinda surreal at times, but it does make getting things done much easier.

It probably has to do with the fact that I tower over most everyone I've ever met (what with being 6'8") and since I'm too lazy to shave regularly I tend to look "scruffy".


New member
Jun 4, 2011
I'm 20 and I was told that I looked 3-4 years older than I do, and I usually only get carded when it's a Friday or Saturday night at a busy pub, and in those situations even my older brothers and mates get carded as well.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
I'll be twenty in November, but people usually guess I'm around 25 or 26. I have some serious forehead/eyebrow wrinkles and a very serious and reserved demeanor. When I was in middle school people used to try and sell me cigarettes at gas stations...but that could just be living in the American Midwest.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
depends, when clean-shaven I look younger, 16-18 depending on the day, any amount of facial hair though and I look older than I am, 25-30. It's fucking weird. However, I am very rarely clean shaven, so in effect I look older


Burrowed Lurker
Apr 10, 2008
I usually don't post in threads like this, but I'll make an exception because I don't really know if I look my age or not, kind of like I don't really know what my own voice really sounds like. I assume I look my age, but like I said I'm not the best judge.

Would be neat to see what people who aren't me think

And my age, in spoiler tags for those who'd like to take a guess just from the image
I'm 21

I can't really judge if I look my age or not based on ID requests and stuff as most of the time I'll show ID without them having to ask me first, though I think I've bought beer or cider without having to show ID a few times.
Then again the same store asked me for ID when I was buying condoms. That was a bit weird.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
I still get asked for ID to buy games and films from time to time. You typically get that if you're under 18 and I'm 23 so I probably look about 17. Not all the time, though. I've gained some weight and facial hair due to health problems and so it's a lot less frequent than it was in Glasgow where somebody my age probably looks the equivalent of a Scouse 30 year old.

I'm going back there for a funeral on wednesday so I guess I'll have to find out if I'd still get questioned like that if I still lived there.

It's funny, though because sometimes when I go shopping with my dad the cashiers sometimes think we're a married couple because he looks WAAAAY younger than he actually is (he get's mistaken for mid-30s even though he's 52). My mum's the same. She went to get a haircut for her 50th birthday and the hairdressers thought that by "big age milestone" she meant 40.

So I guess it's in my genes. Maybe it'll be more noticeable as I get older?

Another thing, I was mistaken for older when was a child. My dad told me about older boys and men eyeing me up at the poolside when I was 12 and not even in high school yet. A year later I was mistaken for an old woman when I was almost hit by a trolley.

I also go to and partially help out at a group for young people with Asperger's. I keep having to tell the 14 - 18 year olds that I'm not there as "one of the kids". The funny thing is, some STILL forget I'm not 17.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I dunno, I guess younger. I'm 15 but I don't really know what age I look like.