Do you think girls are good gamers?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
PunkRawkSoldier said:
Whoever did/said that is an ignoramus. Personally, I would rather play with girls, and I'm not being a perv, because they have tended to be more mature. I don't think I've ever been "teabagged" by a female gamer. Additionally, look at the Frag Dolls. Great gamers and probably a hoot to play with. While I respectably submit that they may not be indicative of the "average" female gamer, their skills are nonetheless impressive. Put succinctly, being female has nothing to do with your abilities as a gamer...or a soldier. Plus, the ladies are always a joy to listen to when they trash talk or curse the game/player out. XD

PS - You ever wanna game, hit me up. I'm taking the initiative to welcoming "Gamer Girls".

PPS - The post above mine is simply ignorant.
Sorry but the original post just wreaks of "oh pity me, I'm a girl. A rare and special little snowflake in the gaming community": a girl who thinks she?s the only female of the 21st century to discover/appreciate gaming and the internet, and attempts to milk as much attention out of it as she possibly can.

"Are girl gamers worse/better than guy gamers" is an obvious question with an obvious answer(neither is better than the other, it depends on the person), deliberately crafted to stir up controversy and a high post-count.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
The_Fuzz22 said:
PunkRawkSoldier said:
Whoever did/said that is an ignoramus. Personally, I would rather play with girls, and I'm not being a perv, because they have tended to be more mature. I don't think I've ever been "teabagged" by a female gamer. Additionally, look at the Frag Dolls. Great gamers and probably a hoot to play with. While I respectably submit that they may not be indicative of the "average" female gamer, their skills are nonetheless impressive. Put succinctly, being female has nothing to do with your abilities as a gamer...or a soldier. Plus, the ladies are always a joy to listen to when they trash talk or curse the game/player out. XD

PS - You ever wanna game, hit me up. I'm taking the initiative to welcoming "Gamer Girls".

PPS - The post above mine is simply ignorant.
Sorry but the original post just wreaks of "oh pity me, I'm a girl. A rare and special little snowflake in the gaming community": a girl who thinks she?s the only female of the 21st century to discover/appreciate gaming and the internet, and attempts to milk as much attention out of it as she possibly can.

"Are girl gamers worse/better than guy gamers" is an obvious question with an obvious answer(neither is better than the other, it depends on the person), deliberately crafted to stir up controversy and a high post-count.
Well, don't play along. Read, ignore, move on.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
PunkRawkSoldier said:
The_Fuzz22 said:
PunkRawkSoldier said:
Whoever did/said that is an ignoramus. Personally, I would rather play with girls, and I'm not being a perv, because they have tended to be more mature. I don't think I've ever been "teabagged" by a female gamer. Additionally, look at the Frag Dolls. Great gamers and probably a hoot to play with. While I respectably submit that they may not be indicative of the "average" female gamer, their skills are nonetheless impressive. Put succinctly, being female has nothing to do with your abilities as a gamer...or a soldier. Plus, the ladies are always a joy to listen to when they trash talk or curse the game/player out. XD

PS - You ever wanna game, hit me up. I'm taking the initiative to welcoming "Gamer Girls".

PPS - The post above mine is simply ignorant.
Sorry but the original post just wreaks of "oh pity me, I'm a girl. A rare and special little snowflake in the gaming community": a girl who thinks she?s the only female of the 21st century to discover/appreciate gaming and the internet, and attempts to milk as much attention out of it as she possibly can.

"Are girl gamers worse/better than guy gamers" is an obvious question with an obvious answer(neither is better than the other, it depends on the person), deliberately crafted to stir up controversy and a high post-count.
Well, don't play along. Read, ignore, move on.
Or... Attempt to express my opinion as is generally acceptable in an open forum of discussion?


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I have no issue playing with/against a girl. Just means I have to play better so I won't get beat by a girl. XD


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Freedom of speech? I'll accept that. Came off like a troll though. I may have put less offensively. Just saying.

EDIT - @The_Fuzz22


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Of course, girls game like guys do. Roommate's girlfriend had never played CoD until a few months ago- now places 1st or 2nd, routinely when she plays. Not all girls, of course- but then not all guys are good gamers, either.

Section Crow

Infamous Scribbler for Life
Aug 26, 2009
girls can easily be as good as boys

but their are some girls that quite daunting to some male gamers, they get distracted cause they act alot more masculine then the guys themselves, although they complain just the same about my n00b tactics...


New member
Feb 11, 2010
PunkRawkSoldier said:
Freedom of speech? I'll accept that. Came off like a troll though. I may have put less offensively. Just saying.

EDIT - @The_Fuzz22
I don't mean to sound trollish. There's a fine line between being cynical to comedic effect and trolling and unfortunately everyone sees that a little differently.

Didn't mean to cause any offence anyway. Just a bit tired of these same old threads appearing every few weeks because another set of particularly self-important ovaries started tingling.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
We all know that, yes, there are mental differences between men and women, and I'm sure some of those translate into videogaming, and the type of game, but I doubt that it's very significant.

Ive come across a couple girls in online SCIV matches that kicked my ass. Though I don't know any "good" girl gamers personally. Oddly, most girls I know who play games play games like COD.

Then again, the girls I know play them might be good, but I've never played with them. I mostly play single-player things anyways, unless I bust the Wii out for a party.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Mr.Pandah said:
Well, then you're lucky? I guess? I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me to be completely honest. I'm just saying that there has yet to be an actual "good" gamer girl in my presence.
Mr. Pandah, I agree that it doesn't matter. I was quoting you to show the flip side to the OP, I didn't mean to be that guy that's, "well, you're wrong. Girls are fucking awesome, etc.." I think I'm in the minority with the friends (that are female) that I have now, though. Mainly because the girls I grew up with, weren't that into video games (except my sisters, and only with Nintendo). However, the vast majority of girls that say they're good, aren't actually. It's the mentality of anything you can do, I can do better (even if it's a lie).


New member
May 19, 2010
as much as I want to say everyone is equal and such, and I know firsthand some girls who love to game and are better than many male gamers, it's really not as simple as any individual's perceptions, experience or desire to be politically correct and try to believe "everyone is equal."

I don't know if anyone here is at all familiar with the Starcraft 1 scene in Korea, but they have/had both male and female leagues. The very best female gamer, Tossgirl, who absolutely obliterated everyone in the female league, couldn't even hold her own against even the most mediocre players in the male leagues. She is the only girl to ever have been invited to a proleague team there, but she wasn't even competitive there. Just food for thought.

That being said I think it's like practically anything else, if an individual, whether male or female, focuses on excelling at something, they can definitely pass what people consider "good."


New member
Dec 16, 2008
But do you consider girls good gamers?
I consider good gamers to be good gamers. Anything else becomes irelivent.
Do you think they are as good as boys?
Sure, why not? Given enough practice (and willpower) you could teach a girl to take down terrorists, or a guy to do ballet. It's just that you don't see it too often is all.
Do you mind facing a girl online?
I think some of my better online experiances have involved girls. (That wasn't a sex-cam joke, I do actualy mean that.)


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Girls are like guys on this one; some are universally good, some are universally terrible, most are good and terrible at different things.

For example, my sister is absolutely dreadful at any kind of shooter game (although that doesn't stop her from trying, bless her), but put her in a driving game or a musical game, and she easily beats me. On the flip side, my friend's most recent girlfriend is an absolute Halo fangirl. So there's just as much diversity in girl gamers as there is in guy gamers. The only difference is that girl gamers are viciously discriminated against online, and so the stereotype becomes the general perception.

Sorry if someone already said this, but I wanted to get my two bits worth and I didn't want to read through five pages of responses.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I don't think girls are good gamers.

I think they're gamers if they play games.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Me and my friend played splitscreen on COD 3 with another friend of his, who was a girl. It was me and him vs her, and at the end of the match she had beaten us 20-1. So im not one to discount it.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
This whole thread is kind of stupid, in my opinion. Some girls are good gamers, some are bad, just the same as guys. There is no difference between good/bad gamers when it comes to gender. There are more guys that play games than girls, and there are probably more girls that cook than guys. Does that mean guys are bad cooks? No. Some are and some aren't, but not all guys suck at being cooks just because the majority of cooks are girls.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Girls are biologically inferior of course, it's hard to cook, clean, and pwn at the same time. And our breasts get in the way and block our view, ugh it's awful.

There seems to be a lot of these threads about gamers who happen to be girls lately.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
The real question at the heart of this question is do you like female who are just as competent or are more competent then you at something you love. Most men would answer yes, but statistics show that they in fact do not (typically), in that it challenges their own competence.

I hover have no problem with female who are competent gamers. Matter of fact I wish their where more out there.