Doctor Who Ratings Rise in the US, Fall in the UK


New member
Mar 1, 2009
The only thing that the latest episode seemed to suffer from for me was the length. They had one extremely dramatic scene, and the rest of the time they had to use as building structure for the next episode.

Honestly, I don't see why so many are not liking it. Maybe I'm just not seeing it, but I find the latest Doctor Who seasons brilliant.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I know "americanizing" things ins't always a bad thing, but when it comes to TV shows, it is. They just have two different senses of humour. I don't know how many of you who know the series Being Human, but it is one of my new favourites. However they have made an American version and, to be completely honest, its utter crap. They basically took a teriffic, funny, dramatic series and turned it into Twilight.

Now some shows have benefitted from the jump from British to American production (the American version of Whose Line Is It Anyways is much funnier than the British version), but for the most part, British shows don't translate well to America. Doctor Who, I believe, is one of these shows.

PS and the new doctor is CRAP!


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Agent Larkin said:
I've said it before and I mean it.

On the one hand Gasoline and River bloody Song.

On the other it had Mark Sheppard in it.

It balances a bit but the second half would want to be damn good.
what the hell does gasoline have anything to do with it? that would be the pettiest and stupidest reason ever to hate a show

team star pug

Senior Member
Sep 29, 2009
DalekJaas said:
Russel T. Davies already ruined Doctor Who with his terrible writing and stupid plot lines, it can only go uphill from here. Last season was average, hoping this one will be better.
I really really really disagree, elaborate.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Strange, I saw the episode on Virgin Replay last night and thought it was fantastic. Didn't cop any over-the-top Americanisms at all, but maybe I was tired. Rory might have said "gasoline" at some point, but I think he was probably asking something of the American character who had just turned up. He's not cast as a stupid man (merely exasperated and a bit of a coward), so after having spent a few days travelling the US to reach their middle-of-nowhere destination, one presumes he's got the presence of mind to use the local vernacular for Octane-based petroleum spirit when talking to a random and heavily accented newcomer rather than saying "petrol" and confusing the guy.

Odd that the ratings have dropped. Maybe it's the fault of the previous series (it started well but I didn't see the end of it, did it suck?). Maybe it's a Bank Holiday / prepping-for-royal-wedding thing. But in either case, it's desperately unfair because Moffat has delivered something that's expertly balanced and hits all the right buttons. It started a little quirky and funny, delivered a sudden shock that sets up one hell of a mid-episode cliffhanger, continued in a puzzling and hilarious vein and theOH HOLY BALLS WHAT IS THAT ... ahem... suddenly turned a mysterious figure into a new, universally terrifying concept along the lines of the Blink statues, but far more insidious and liable to randomly leap to the forefront of your mind when you walk through a darkened house to get a glass of water at 2am.

I personally can't wait to see what happens in part 2.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Hydro14 said:
I'd like to suggest another possible contributing factor: poor promotion and advertisement. They didn't exactly go out of their way to make sure people knew about it in the UK. I'd suggest looking at the ratings of the second episode when it arrives, or look at the number of people who've watched it on the BBC iPlayer since the original screening time to get a more accurate representation.

As Template has also commented, many people are saving on the cost of a TV license by using iPlayer.
I agree, the advertising sucked. I only found out because of the Escapist!

Got to admit, Mark Sheppard did some damn fine acting! Crowley! Crowley!

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
seniorsharptothetouch said:
Abandon4093 said:
I saw the episode on iPlayer.

It was crap.

It doesn't help that Matt Smith characterises the Doctor as a complete twat.
The 6th Doctor was a "complete TWAT"!

That's way they ditched him as fast as they could... Even bringing Dr #2 into an episode couldn't help HIS ratings!
Well to me it does seem like Smith's Doctor is mostly based off the crazy-bizarreness of the 6th Doctor, and on top of that, he dresses like the 2nd Doctor.


Well, I thought the premier to this season was okay. It's not what I expected. I think they built it up and built it up in the previews and ads that I think they built it higher than it actually was. I'm wondering how they are going to write themselves out of totally killing the Doctor off.

What I cringe at is how they made the future Smith's Doctor 200 years older than the current. Smith is okay and as had a few great moments, but on a whole, he isn't as good as a majority of the past Doctors. If he gets anymore seasons after this one, I hope it is just one.

I think Tennant just set the bar too high with his performances as the Doctor.


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Doctor Who ratings in the UK fell due to a combination it coming on too early on a very nice day and increased usage of On-Demand services. Ratings in the US rose due to the show finally airing the same day as in the UK so fans haven't all seen the episode online already.

That's it. Not Americanization, not racism, not Ruined FOREVER. Just timing.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Fronzel said:
JDKJ said:
And that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" is also a matter for debate. At least the American politicians couch their hatred in code words and dog whistles. The BNP's candidates don't hesitate to call a Pakistani a "Paki bastard."
You think the dishonesty in the US system is an advantage? At least everyone knows what they're dealing with in the BNP.
Agreed. I'll take the obvious evil over the hidden one every time. But that has nothing to do with the assertion that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system." I'll beg to differ with that assertion.
No one said that it was more present in the US's political system. The original quote that you were initially replying to was,

£500 says the reason it was rated so high in the US was because it was based in the US. Yanks take nationa... erm... "patriotism" to new extremes =p
The guy was making a cast away comment about America's patriotism....

some would have called it a joke.
Did you overlook the "more" in "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system?" You don't understand to say -- regardless of what prompted it -- that racism and xenophobia are more prevalent in the US political system than it is in the UK's? And I'm the "grand idiot."
I've not read anyone saying that nationalism is more prevalent in the US political system. If they have said that. I haven't seen it.

You did however insinuate that it's more prevalent in the UK. As a country. Which is completely bogus.

The only reason that we have overt racists in our political system is because - and I've said this many times now - we have a multi-party system. Any idiot can set up their own party for whatever reasons they see fit.

You're conveniently ignoring this fact because it moots your point. The UK isn't any more racist than the US. (as a whole) We just have a political system that allows the racists to create a party that they can all vote for. A Political system that is admittedly not perfect. But one I'd take over yours any day of the week.

I don't know how "jokes" work where you're from, but where I'm from, jokes are expected to be funny. If they're not, they're something other than "jokes."
Are you actually saying the US has a better sense of humour than the UK?

The UK is pretty much renowned for it's sense of humour. We have successful comics from all sides of comedy. Including a massive amount of love for American comics. Breeding comedy and allowing it to grow is essentially what we do.
Christ. Where'd you learn to read? What, pray tell, does "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" mean to you? That's not an ambiguous statement. And before you rush to answer, read it over a few times first while wearing your thinking cap (that would be the cap that's not conical in shape with a pointy top -- that's a dunce cap).
I think you need to learn to read. I said that it's not something I've seen. The only person I've seen say that is you. In quotation marks.

I haven't seen anyone else say that. That does not mean that no one else said it. Only that you're the only person I've seen using that specific combination of words.

Now go back and re-read my last post because my point remains valid.
Ahh. I confused your illiteracy with your visual impairment. See Da_Vane's post at 7:06AM in this thread. The statement is his, not mine. You may want to alternatively try getting really close to your monitor or really far from away from it (depending on whether your near- or far-sighted).
And you may want to stop talking about politics and minority parties in a thread about Doctor Who ratings.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Hydro14 said:
I'd like to suggest another possible contributing factor: poor promotion and advertisement. They didn't exactly go out of their way to make sure people knew about it in the UK. I'd suggest looking at the ratings of the second episode when it arrives, or look at the number of people who've watched it on the BBC iPlayer since the original screening time to get a more accurate representation.

As Template has also commented, many people are saving on the cost of a TV license by using iPlayer.
They must have used most of their advertising budget over here in America. If I was watching TV, I didn't go one day without seeing a commercial for it at least once.

I'm wondering though, for all the people in the UK that do have Xbox 360's, I'm thinking you all might not have gotten all the extra Doctor Who stuff. I got to download a Doctor Who theme and a large set of Doctor Who gamer pictures(Just look at my profile here and see the 360 card, I have a gamer picture of the TARDIS).

The reason I think the UK might not have got that stuff, is because the Doctor Who background theme was advertising it for BBC America, just like the Torchwood: Children of Earth theme I got a year or so ago.

Catchy Slogan said:
I was sitting in the sun. Also I dislike Matt Smith as the Doctor.
Yeah, Smith is actually around second to last on my list of favorite Doctors.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Fronzel said:
JDKJ said:
And that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" is also a matter for debate. At least the American politicians couch their hatred in code words and dog whistles. The BNP's candidates don't hesitate to call a Pakistani a "Paki bastard."
You think the dishonesty in the US system is an advantage? At least everyone knows what they're dealing with in the BNP.
Agreed. I'll take the obvious evil over the hidden one every time. But that has nothing to do with the assertion that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system." I'll beg to differ with that assertion.
No one said that it was more present in the US's political system. The original quote that you were initially replying to was,

£500 says the reason it was rated so high in the US was because it was based in the US. Yanks take nationa... erm... "patriotism" to new extremes =p
The guy was making a cast away comment about America's patriotism....

some would have called it a joke.
Did you overlook the "more" in "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system?" You don't understand to say -- regardless of what prompted it -- that racism and xenophobia are more prevalent in the US political system than it is in the UK's? And I'm the "grand idiot."
I've not read anyone saying that nationalism is more prevalent in the US political system. If they have said that. I haven't seen it.

You did however insinuate that it's more prevalent in the UK. As a country. Which is completely bogus.

The only reason that we have overt racists in our political system is because - and I've said this many times now - we have a multi-party system. Any idiot can set up their own party for whatever reasons they see fit.

You're conveniently ignoring this fact because it moots your point. The UK isn't any more racist than the US. (as a whole) We just have a political system that allows the racists to create a party that they can all vote for. A Political system that is admittedly not perfect. But one I'd take over yours any day of the week.

I don't know how "jokes" work where you're from, but where I'm from, jokes are expected to be funny. If they're not, they're something other than "jokes."
Are you actually saying the US has a better sense of humour than the UK?

The UK is pretty much renowned for it's sense of humour. We have successful comics from all sides of comedy. Including a massive amount of love for American comics. Breeding comedy and allowing it to grow is essentially what we do.
Christ. Where'd you learn to read? What, pray tell, does "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" mean to you? That's not an ambiguous statement. And before you rush to answer, read it over a few times first while wearing your thinking cap (that would be the cap that's not conical in shape with a pointy top -- that's a dunce cap).
I think you need to learn to read. I said that it's not something I've seen. The only person I've seen say that is you. In quotation marks.

I haven't seen anyone else say that. That does not mean that no one else said it. Only that you're the only person I've seen using that specific combination of words.

Now go back and re-read my last post because my point remains valid.
Ahh. I confused your illiteracy with your visual impairment. See Da_Vane's post at 7:06AM in this thread. The statement is his, not mine. You may want to alternatively try getting really close to your monitor or really far away from it (depending on whether you're near- or far-sighted).
Am I going to have to spell it all out in 'dem der fancy simple terms' again for you? Looks like it.

I didn't say the statement was yours. I said you're the only person I've seen use those words in that exact order.

Would you like to know why?

Because I haven't read every-bodies posts in these retarded cartwheels of ignorance that are your opinions on foreign(to you) politics.

If that statement was a direct reply to you. Then the likelihood is that you read it. It however wasn't a direct reply to me. So I somehow (heaven forbid) glossed over it when trying to pick out the infectious cesspool of misinformation that you call an argument.

Da_Vane was wrong. But so was your assertion that the UK (As a country) is more racist than the US.

Which no doubt Da_Vane was replying to.
Ahh. I see. You were unaware that it was Da_Vane and not I that said it. Fair enough. No big deal. There's already enough of which you are unaware to make that particular piece of ignorance less than alarming in the overall scheme of things.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Meh. I watched it, but more to see Matt Smith get shot than anything else. I wish we had David Tennant and Russel T. Davies back. Still, it wasn't entirely terrible. Canton seems like a fairly interesting character, or at least he's a bit less wooden than River and Amy.

Also, is anyone else a bit pissed that it wasn't Davros behind the TARDIS exploding?


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Abandon4093 said:
JDKJ said:
Fronzel said:
JDKJ said:
And that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" is also a matter for debate. At least the American politicians couch their hatred in code words and dog whistles. The BNP's candidates don't hesitate to call a Pakistani a "Paki bastard."
You think the dishonesty in the US system is an advantage? At least everyone knows what they're dealing with in the BNP.
Agreed. I'll take the obvious evil over the hidden one every time. But that has nothing to do with the assertion that "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system." I'll beg to differ with that assertion.
No one said that it was more present in the US's political system. The original quote that you were initially replying to was,

£500 says the reason it was rated so high in the US was because it was based in the US. Yanks take nationa... erm... "patriotism" to new extremes =p
The guy was making a cast away comment about America's patriotism....

some would have called it a joke.
Did you overlook the "more" in "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system?" You don't understand to say -- regardless of what prompted it -- that racism and xenophobia are more prevalent in the US political system than it is in the UK's? And I'm the "grand idiot."
I've not read anyone saying that nationalism is more prevalent in the US political system. If they have said that. I haven't seen it.

You did however insinuate that it's more prevalent in the UK. As a country. Which is completely bogus.

The only reason that we have overt racists in our political system is because - and I've said this many times now - we have a multi-party system. Any idiot can set up their own party for whatever reasons they see fit.

You're conveniently ignoring this fact because it moots your point. The UK isn't any more racist than the US. (as a whole) We just have a political system that allows the racists to create a party that they can all vote for. A Political system that is admittedly not perfect. But one I'd take over yours any day of the week.

I don't know how "jokes" work where you're from, but where I'm from, jokes are expected to be funny. If they're not, they're something other than "jokes."
Are you actually saying the US has a better sense of humour than the UK?

The UK is pretty much renowned for it's sense of humour. We have successful comics from all sides of comedy. Including a massive amount of love for American comics. Breeding comedy and allowing it to grow is essentially what we do.
Christ. Where'd you learn to read? What, pray tell, does "strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system" mean to you? That's not an ambiguous statement. And before you rush to answer, read it over a few times first while wearing your thinking cap (that would be the cap that's not conical in shape with a pointy top -- that's a dunce cap).
I think you need to learn to read. I said that it's not something I've seen. The only person I've seen say that is you. In quotation marks.

I haven't seen anyone else say that. That does not mean that no one else said it. Only that you're the only person I've seen using that specific combination of words.

Now go back and re-read my last post because my point remains valid.
Ahh. I confused your illiteracy with your visual impairment. See Da_Vane's post at 7:06AM in this thread. The statement is his, not mine. You may want to alternatively try getting really close to your monitor or really far away from it (depending on whether you're near- or far-sighted).
Am I going to have to spell it all out in 'dem der fancy simple terms' again for you? Looks like it.

I didn't say the statement was yours. I said you're the only person I've seen use those words in that exact order.

Would you like to know why?

Because I haven't read every-bodies posts in these retarded cartwheels of ignorance that are your opinions on foreign(to you) politics.

If that statement was a direct reply to you. Then the likelihood is that you read it. It however wasn't a direct reply to me. So I somehow (heaven forbid) glossed over it when trying to pick out the infectious cesspool of misinformation that you call an argument.

Da_Vane was wrong. But so was your assertion that the UK (As a country) is more racist than the US.

Which no doubt Da_Vane was replying to.
Ahh. I see. You were unaware that is was Da_Vane and not I that said it. Fair enough. No big deal. There's already enough of which you are unaware to make that particular piece of ignorance less than alarming in the overall scheme of things.
You're not the first person to try and back out of a discussion they've lost by trying (and failing) to insult me in a vein attempt to dance around the points they can't argue with, Smart money says you won't be the last either.

But what I find hilariously ridiculous is that you're calling me on ignorance when, after I've explained it to you 3 times, you still don't understand what I'm saying.

I'll simplify it even further. But I will warn you, I can't write this in crayon.

I didn't read DaVane's post because I didn't see it. So I had only seen you use that collection of words in that order.

I did not claim you or anybody else wrote it, I simply said I had seen no one's post saying it.


Ignorance is ignorance. It matters not the route by which you arrived at your ignorance. Be it inadvertent or advertent, the fact of your ignorance still remains.

You're not the first to step into the path of a fast-moving bus and claim: "I didn't see it!"


New member
Jul 15, 2010
My girlfriend is the biggest Doctor Who fanatic I know, and she's said the series has been going downhill for a good while now.

Power Ranger Daleks,
Matt Smith is too young,
the new assistant isn't as engaging,
the writing has gone down hill,
they're marketing the show to younger (and American now it seems) audiences,
Matt Smith is a derp,
the River Song continuity is messed up somehow,
Matt Smith.

I don't actually watch it myself, but this is what I'm always hearing about from her and other Doctor Who fans. Living in the UK at the moment, so yeah. They're bitter.
The Doctor is a national symbol and it's falling apart apparently.

In honesty, I'm just wondering if this all stems from them all missing David Tenant.
The man was a walking sex god by the shows end, if the girls reactions were anything to go by.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Canadish said:
In honesty, I'm just wondering if this all stems from them all missing David Tenant.
The man was a walking sex god by the shows end, if the girls reactions were anything to go by.
It's not just the girls actually >.>

But yes, I think that may at least be part of the reason.