Does life get better?


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I think people were generally happier when they were younger and life was less complicated; but I also think that you don't really start living until life gets complicated. "Happy" isn't the be all and end all; your life experience should consist of all kinds of ups and downs. Otherwise you haven't really lived, have you? Stop worrying so much!


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Life gets better and the don't let people tell you that money doesn't make you happy because having the ability to provide for and take care of you your family and to be able to do what your heart truly desires so you can be happy takes money.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Life sucks, and then you die.

But seriously, if you're 14-15, you're pretty lucky to have a girlfriend already. Not that such girlfriends stay your girlfriend for long.
Enjoy life while you can!


New member
Apr 20, 2009
ScoopMeister said:
ItsAChiaotzu said:
ScoopMeister said:
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
Thank you very much. System's very different here in England.

Um, Year 10s in England are 15 also...
Thanks for pointing that out to me, I realise that now. Your comment was pretty much wasted.
Hardly, I've educated someone. I feel quite good.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Life changes certainly. It depends on how you let it affect you.

Main pros of age:
-Independance (you can do what you want within reason)
-Additional skills/life options open up (for example, you can't even start learning to drive a car in the UK until you're 17)
-You gain more experience/knowledge (My dad is 50 something and he and his brother can damn near build a house themselves. He couldn't do that when he was 20)

Main cons of age:
-Independance (Your parents can no longer protect you from lifes difficulties as well as they used to. Hopefully it sounds like you'll always have your partner to rely on instead)
-Financial responsibilty (Don't listen to those who say money is everything. Yes, having more money is nice but just because you can't afford that Ferarri Enzo doesn't mean your life is a failure. You can still have a damn good car and be happy. Same applies to other things. I earn the national minimum wage and I still have the economic freedom to do most of the things I want to do if I'm careful with my money)
-Eventual physical decline (If you work out and maintain your body they you really enter your physical peak in your 20s and keep at it you will keep that well into later life. In the last couple of decades of life though your physical and possibly mental faculties will start to decline if even by a little bit. You can still be happy though.)

So life changes. If you can't cope then you will struggle but plan ahead, look after yourself and those you care about and enjoy what you have rather than lamenting what you can't have and you'll find that some things do get better with age ;)


New member
Oct 18, 2010
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.

If I saw you right now on the street I would punch you!

Things are going to well for you and I could not stand by and do nothing.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Life can get better or worse depending on personal choices and random chance. Life would get better if you were lucky enough to win the lottery. Conversely, life would get a lot worse if, for instance, on your way home from school a transport of zoo armadillos collided with a petrol tanker and burning armadillos rained down upon you. That would make life substantially worse (for both you and the armadillos).

Life can be pretty random. With sufficient determination, most of us can choose a path in life and stick with it. But sometimes luck and random chance interfere and can make life significantly better or significantly worse (much likely to get significantly worse).

The important point is: Nothing lasts. Whether it's good or bad, NOTHING lasts forever. But should you go through life, always worried about the end, always looking fearfully over your shoulder for life to stab you in the back, always dreading the day where you KNOW the good times will end?

YES. Life insane and you'd be a fool to trust it. Always be paranoid.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Look, dude, if you just want to brag about your awesome girlfriend and how much you two love each other just do so. Or preferably STFU, but if you really have to don't make up excuses.

And what kind of question is that? Life goes up and down, high and low, nothing ever remains static, sh*t can happen that you haven't even thought of, for better or for worse. Surely you've lived long enough to have experienced that first hand..


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I think the best response I can offer is "If looking back, you are still impressed by what you did yesterday, you haven't done enough today."


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Life sucks. It is going to get worse unless you know what you want to do with your life, and what you do has to make you happy... if you have no idea then you might be in for a rude awakening.

oh, and bills suck.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Life is what you make of it. If you want to be happy then be happy with whatever comes your way. Be sure you'll be offered a shit sandwich on a platter before you keel over but if you can swallow that shit sandwich and smile about it, you'll live a decent life.
Mar 28, 2011
Amarok said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
lynnfire said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)
My girlfriend's father is a muli-millionaire and he's a right miserable sod.

What you seem to be saying is that "the more money you have the less financial stress you will have to deal with" which is true, but lack of stress doesn't equate to happiness.

The human psyche is so much more complex than any self-decided internet expert on the matter can conceive, I'm afraid.
What an exceptionally fortunate case study, for you. That single example, of a miserable (excuse the pun) 'muli' millionaire, has changed my entire perspective. What did you really hope to gain from providing us with that, on in a million, example?

I said, exactly, that which I wished to convey. Do not suppose that you would be capable of understanding my thoughts. I certainly didn't equate happiness, directly, with a lack of stress. If you need a reinterpretation. I correlated financial prosperity with general well being. As a direct Exponential.

The human psyche isn't as complex as you, and all of the 'back to community college mums' and CSI fans studying psychology, would like to think. Unfounded accusations concerning the depth on my knowledge of the subject matter. Shows a general lack of respect, debating skills and is really quite base.

Your fears don't concern me.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
priestswearseatbelts said:
Amarok said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
lynnfire said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)
Aaah what the hell I'll bow down to you sir. I have no vested interested in the subject. The 'muli' was a typo, as I'm sure you can guess. Your 'on in a million' is as well, no doubt; your crazy punctuation use on the other hand is a mystery.

One more thing, NEVER excuse puns. Puns are awesome. Use them frequently and without shame.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Life gets better, then worse, then better, then worse.
And then hopefully better before it gets worse.

Live it up boy, because high school is a cake ride.