Does life get better?


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Well those hours turn into around a day, the field turns into a comfortable bed and high school becomes a job that pays money to pay for a house for you and your said dream girl to be happy... so no, it could go up... waaaaay up


New member
Sep 20, 2010
It's great that you're having a great teenage-hood, alot of people don't. However after the relatively safe and forgiving bubble that it is ends life doesn't get worse, well it might, but it just becomes entirely up to you whether it does or not.
If your life is shit after that, it's not because life is shit, it's because you aren't actively seeking to make it better. Suse you might get dealt a shitty hand, but it sounds like so far you're doing alright so no reason to assume the worst.
Hopefully you'll discover a creative endeavour you really believe in, that is the thing that will make your life not shit.

Nyan Cat

New member
Jun 7, 2009
it gets better, then it gets worse. then it gets better again, and then worse, and so on until you die. after that only the dead know
Sober Thal said:
Treasure your good times. Don't waste any time worrying things might not always be great.
These two posts sum up what I was going to say.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
priestswearseatbelts said:
lynnfire said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)

Hell psychology shouldn't even be labeled as a science. Given the subjective and insubstantial nature of that which it deals with.

Woah. I don't even wanna talk about it if that's what you think.

Death Prophet

New member
Mar 23, 2011
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Haha your just starting out. The long and short of it is, buckle your seat belt its going to be a bumpy ride. Life will probably have you high as a kite one day, then slam you down with cascading failure the next, then as long as you hold fast, you'll be right back on top again! Enjoy the ride it doesn't last as long as we'd like it to.

Alon Shechter

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Apr 8, 2010
brant0 said:
You know there is like 98% chance that this girl you are talking about break your heart at some time or another, ending with you making a topic here with the exact same title.
Yeah. That's totally based on something.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
priestswearseatbelts said:
lynnfire said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)
My girlfriend's father is a muli-millionaire and he's a right miserable sod.

What you seem to be saying is that "the more money you have the less financial stress you will have to deal with" which is true, but lack of stress doesn't equate to happiness.

The human psyche is so much more complex than any self-decided internet expert on the matter can conceive, I'm afraid.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
My life is going great too, me and my best mate are gonna be best freinds forever , I got great luck, Im gonna pass school (Yr 12), I got a job and making great money and im chasing after a Girl I all is good apart from the girl part, but she is a bit young to understand love since she is about 13 and im 16...please dont insult me for that...

EDIT: Exept one part is the girl im chasing is my best mates yeh I gotta accept the challenge...

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
shaun1788 said:
My life is going great too, me and my best mate are gonna be best freinds forever , I got great luck, Im gonna pass school (Yr 12), I got a job and making great money and im chasing after a Girl I all is good apart from the girl part, but she is a bit young to understand love since she is about 13 and im 16...please dont insult me for that...

EDIT: Exept one part is the girl im chasing is my best mates yeh I gotta accept the challenge...
Good luck. Especially with the age thing. You'll have to wait a few years before you even begin to try and get together with her, and those'll probably hurt.
But yeah, I wish you the best, and hope you can clinch the last thing to make it a perfect time!

Mr Somewhere

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Mar 9, 2011
Life has no rhyme nor reason. Chance rules all, so it could get better, could get worse. Which is both terrifying and comforting.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
ScoopMeister said:
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
Thank you very much. System's very different here in England.

Um, Year 10s in England are 15 also...


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Oh Dear God, I hope so. For MY sake, even if that sounds really selfish. I don't care. High School (for me) was painfully dull and.....pointless. I'm so fucking glad I'm going to start Uni in fall.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Nope, it doesn't.

The first twenty years of your life is all fun, and games, but after that, you either going to do repetitive boring work nearly every day for the next 40 or so years, or live a lonely solitude life living on the dole.

When you get to 20, you might aswell just slit your own throat than live life.

I know this may sound harsh, or cruel, but it's the truth, life is only going to get harder. I'm not going to be pussyfooting around here, and saying that adult life is all sunshine, and rainbows because it isn't.

I would absolutely kill for another shot at my teens, and if i did i wouldn't waste the time away like i did.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
ItsAChiaotzu said:
ScoopMeister said:
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
Thank you very much. System's very different here in England.

Um, Year 10s in England are 15 also...
Thanks for pointing that out to me, I realise that now. Your comment was pretty much wasted.