Sylocat said:
Who wants to take odds on what games he's going to list as "DO film" next week?
1. Metroid
2. Zelda
3. BioShock
4. Ninja Gaiden
All (or at least most) of those would make absolutely terrible films. The only way you could possibly do Bioshock is if you made it about Ryan and the creation/decay of Rapture. Metroid, Zelda, and the actual story you play through in Bioshock, all have the same problems of story structure designed for games (you know, the old "go here, kill/take that" formula) and of course, mute and personality-free protagonists. Ninja Gaiden....I don't know, I haven't played it, but I've heard that it's story is really bad. Again, not judging. That's just what I've heard.
OT: OK, I understand all the hate leveled at Nathan Drake. A lot of his "humor" falls flat and it is pretty hypocritical for him to be gunning down mercenaries all day without batting a morally-ambiguous eyelash. (He even tosses an innocent security guard off a cliff in the museum level) But come on: Is he really less likable then say, Marcus Fenix? Or for that manner, all the one-note badasses that populate, no, PLAGUE modern action games/films? And honestly, you haven't played either of the Uncharted games, so obviously you have no right to judge the character.
But more to the point: Apparently Moviebob has yet to grasp a very simple concept: BEING FILMABLE IS NOT THE MEASURE OF A GOOD GAME.
Other then that, though, good article. He's right about everything else. Looking forward to the "Film These Games" article. I personally think that there aren't any games that would make truly good films, but hey. I'll hear him out.