Don't Laugh Please, This Is Kinda Serious


New member
Mar 20, 2010

Well, there are a few ways to deal with this - I will make one big assumption that since your parents have 2+ children, we can safely assume that they have had sex at least twice *shocking*. Therefore, we can safely assume that they have done things in their lives that are equally, if not more disgusting than bashing the bishop. Surely, it's worse, because your brother decided to witness it, but try to take him down with you, by insinuating that he's a sick pervert, for watching. (I'm not suggesting he is, as he didn't join in, did he? PLEASE GOD, SAY HE DIDN'T!)

If they have a go at you over it, you can simply retort that you weren't doing anything illegal and it was to do with your body, so that is a matter for you, Mrs. Palm and her five lovely daughters ;) It's not like you dropped your trousers in front of them and were doing it - this was a discrete practice, I believe from what I have read.

Of course, then we have your brother ratting on you - older or younger? If he is older, then he's been there and done that, probably leading him not to say a word. If he's younger, he'll get his own comeuppance at some point, where he's caught in an awkward moment, so leave it.

You shouldn't be worried or punished for this. If you are, then your country has failed.