Don't Laugh Please, This Is Kinda Serious


New member
Jan 20, 2011
MazeMinion said:
So, my bro caught me fapping. Yeah. He walked right in my room and caught me.

He was discreet and cool about it, so I didn't think it was a big deal.

Then I remembered my parents. My parents are pretty big Christians. If they found out because of my bro telling them, I'd be in deep crap.

What should I do if that happens?
I lol'd heartily.
Sorry man.

Best bet would be to fap away like there's no tomorrow, because your parents will be bringing out the chastity belt fairly soon.

Or maybe educate them about wet dreams. Either way little Jimmy's going to be shooting the shit, whether you fap or not.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Tomo Stryker said:
This is a gaming website, not yahoo answers. Please take this somewhere else.
that's why it's called off-topic. Same way you are off-topic for bringing nothing useful to the thread.
OT : almost everyone did it, at least once. Even your brother , maybe even your parents and certainly 90% of your schoolmates

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Tomo Stryker said:
This is a gaming website, not yahoo answers. Please take this somewhere else.
He's not asking you specifically, if you don't have something relevant to say then don't say anything.

You could say, as defense if your brother tells, that it is your life and your body and you should be able to live however you want. Or you could blackmail your brother into not telling, its your decision.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Internet to the rescue?
Invest in a door that locks! Or, y'now, dont choke your smurf while there are other people in the house.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
As t eh escapist motto goes (scribble) HAAAA!
ok so i don't get a reprimand, it was bound to happen sooner or later


Nov 1, 2009
MazeMinion said:
Now I'm afraid he will tell people at school.

I'd be embarrassed.
90% of them likely do it as well, as it is. They'd only tease you about it to hide that fact, anyways.

But more on topic.. don't give a fuck? It's not like they can take away your penis for a week to stop you from fapping. The first time my mother caught me (heavy christian, her), I told her she could leave me alone in peace to fap, or she could find me a prostitute in which to get it over with.

..Needless to say, I enjoyed the next 15 or so minutes in silence.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
MazeMinion said:
Now I'm afraid he will tell people at school.

I'd be embarrassed.
There will come a time in your school career when you will all will talk about masturbation. Plus there's nothing inherently evil about doing it so I wouldn't worry about that much.

It'll be embarrassing for about a second, because every one does it. Every one.

ShadowsofHope said:
MazeMinion said:
Now I'm afraid he will tell people at school.

I'd be embarrassed.
90% of them likely do it as well, as it is. They'd only tease you about it to hide that fact, anyways.

But more on topic.. don't give a fuck? It's not like they can take away your penis for a week to stop you from fapping. The first time my mother caught me (heavy christian, her), I told her she could leave me alone in peace to fap, or she could find me a prostitute in which to get it over with.

..Needless to say, I enjoyed the next 15 or so minutes in silence.

15 minutes? Someone's showing off...


New member
May 8, 2009
MazeMinion said:
Now I'm afraid he will tell people at school.

I'd be embarrassed.

Ah, well now. That was a good laugh.

Anyhow, really? You're actually worried about this? That's like being worried that he'll tell people how old you are (I'm assuming you're in your early/mid teens). If anything, I'd be more worried if you were around that age and not jacking off from time to time, because that's like refusing to turn the pressure release valve on a dangerously overworked engine. Sooner or later, it's going to explode, and it's not going to be pretty when it does.

In other words, stop worrying. Unless your brother is a eunuch, he's got a search history filled with porn just like you do.

B1i nd Luck

New member
Feb 11, 2011
step 1- put nyquil in his cereal.
step 2- put him in a big box and mail him to a 3rd world nation.
step 3- claim that he has been kidnapped.

problem solved. questions?

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
You have 3 options.

A.Just ignore it.

B.If they start fuzzing then pull your penis out (Works all the time! :D)

Or C.

Start fapping to gay midget porn where they wear small blue costumes and rub each other in motor oil.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
What I'd do? If your parents ever call you out on it just explain that it's a very natural thing and you should't repress it because of religion (if you agree, that is). Because it's really not something to be ashamed of. If it bothers them or makes them uncomfortable of course that's different but apparently they haven't noticed it yet.

Haha. I'm gonna tear into you now.
I stared at your post for about forty seconds wordlessly, before bursting out into "TEAR into you! I GET IT!"

Just... So you know.