Doom Eternal thoughts thread.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
What fuckwit decided to make it so that you couldn't disable antialiasing without a console command?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
09philj said:
What fuckwit decided to make it so that you couldn't disable antialiasing without a console command?
The same fuckwits that cracked their own DRM.


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It looks like great fun, but so did Doom '16, and with that game I pretty much saw everything it had to offer in the first hour or so. I used the shotgun almost exclussively without feeling the need to use anything else, and by having almost zero narrative context every combat encounter blended together very quickly. So unless Doom Enternal changes that up I'll probably skip it.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Casual Shinji said:
It looks like great fun, but so did Doom '16, and with that game I pretty much saw everything it had to offer in the first hour or so. I used the shotgun almost exclussively without feeling the need to use anything else, and by having almost zero narrative context every combat encounter blended together very quickly. So unless Doom Enternal changes that up I'll probably skip it.
Well, the narrative is there, much more so then in 2016 but personally it feels like a meh fanficcy mess to me. The gameplay takes much more work then it did in 2016. Like you have to manage your resources much better, you can only hold a very limited amount of ammo especially early on (there are ammo upgrades that help) but even late game you will still need to be swapping between weapons for the best tools to use. Not to mention making constant use of your flame belcher and chainsaw. Although if you didn't like 2016 then I would wait for a sale for this one so if you still don't enjoy it then your not out as much. I don't think the 2 hour return window is enough time to get into the meat of the game for this one.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
It looks like great fun, but so did Doom '16, and with that game I pretty much saw everything it had to offer in the first hour or so.
This is not true. Doom 2016 is sort of boring in the first couple of missions until you unlock more weapons and abilities and until more enemies start spawning. Once you pass a certain point after the first few levels, it's almost entirely a different game. And Doom Eternal is different from the very start and it keeps throwing new things at you constantly. It's also a lot more punishing.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
Casual Shinji said:
It looks like great fun, but so did Doom '16, and with that game I pretty much saw everything it had to offer in the first hour or so.
This is not true. Doom 2016 is sort of boring in the first couple of missions until you unlock more weapons and abilities and until more enemies start spawning. Once you pass a certain point after the first few levels, it's almost entirely a different game. And Doom Eternal is different from the very start and it keeps throwing new things at you constantly. It's also a lot more punishing.
I made it to what I assume was the final Boss, and I just kinda stopped caring. Mechanically everything felt fun and crunchy, but the shoot-outs didn't feel like it was anything other than 'shoot 'm till they glow then glory kill'. Again, I just stuck with the shotgun throughout most of the game without ever really getting forced to use anthing else. It's was fun, but it got samey very fast.

I've seen footage of the early game of Eternal, and it looks great, but I really don't know long it's going to last this time. I might just wait until it's 20 bucks or something.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Ravinoff said:
Plot thoughts:
The fuck? When did we go from a breach on Mars to full Hell On Earth apocalypse? Where did I get this orbital base that feels like a Space Marine Fortress-Monastery? Why and how the fuck did I go to some magitech planet infested with demons, apparently the home of the Night Sentinels (who just look like Gears of War rejects)? Literally what the hell is going on, I feel like I missed an entire game or something here.
Im in the exact same boat. I just finished the first level and I have no clue what's going on. A robot space angel, who apparently I was supposed to know is named Khaaaaaaannnnnn, told me heaven and hell have teamed up to DP humans. And the floor is now lava, and the Doom marine does have a fucking Fortress Monastery and VEGA is alive and how the fuck did I get off Mars? The same Mechanicus priests who game me this space station?

Did Id make some announcement on Fortnite I miss or something? Or was the demo like a prequel with all the plot? I mean the space angel was all like "Revenge is a dish best served cold Kirk." and I was like "Oh, have we met? Also what's with the robed dudes, and why did the game start in medias res where I was already in the brig of one of them? What is this, an Elder Scrolls game? Did I miss a comic? Netflix show? Anything that gives context?

Gameplay wise I feel like there's way less ammo than in 2016 Doom, and the aiming feels off. The daemons feel faster than the aim controls, and I hit even at close range maybe 1/3 of shotgun shells. And we only get like 12 shells max. That's enough for about 6 zombies and the game throws dozens of them at you, let alone everything else.
Also can I have one of those huge titans? They're so cool looking! I wanna stompy bot my way through Hell on Earth.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Silentpony said:
Ravinoff said:
Plot thoughts:
The fuck? When did we go from a breach on Mars to full Hell On Earth apocalypse? Where did I get this orbital base that feels like a Space Marine Fortress-Monastery? Why and how the fuck did I go to some magitech planet infested with demons, apparently the home of the Night Sentinels (who just look like Gears of War rejects)? Literally what the hell is going on, I feel like I missed an entire game or something here.
Im in the exact same boat. I just finished the first level and I have no clue what's going on. A robot space angel, who apparently I was supposed to know is named Khaaaaaaannnnnn, told me heaven and hell have teamed up to DP humans. And the floor is now lava, and the Doom marine does have a fucking Fortress Monastery and VEGA is alive and how the fuck did I get off Mars? The same Mechanicus priests who game me this space station?

Did Id make some announcement on Fortnite I miss or something? Or was the demo like a prequel with all the plot? I mean the space angel was all like "Revenge is a dish best served cold Kirk." and I was like "Oh, have we met? Also what's with the robed dudes, and why did the game start in medias res where I was already in the brig of one of them? What is this, an Elder Scrolls game? Did I miss a comic? Netflix show? Anything that gives context?

Gameplay wise I feel like there's way less ammo than in 2016 Doom, and the aiming feels off. The daemons feel faster than the aim controls, and I hit even at close range maybe 1/3 of shotgun shells. And we only get like 12 shells max. That's enough for about 6 zombies and the game throws dozens of them at you, let alone everything else.
Also can I have one of those huge titans? They're so cool looking! I wanna stompy bot my way through Hell on Earth.

I had to fiddle with the sensitivity a fair bit to get it right.

The combat shotgun oddly doesn't seem to be entirely accurate at close range. Idk if thats a bug or intended.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I'm in the endgame now, where the Slayer has to get his arse to Mars.

Honestly, this game surprised me - much better than I thought it would be. On the gameplay front, the game's a significant improvement over its predecessor. Story however? Not sure. There's been trickles of hints as to what the heck is actually going on, but it's never really come together to an "ah-hah!" moment. 90% done, and I still don't know how the Slayer or VEGA got to the Fortress of Doom - y'know, that thing at the beginning of the game. It's possible that all the plot threads will be woven together by the end, but I'm not sure. It's like the developers wanted to keep the story minimal (in terms of how often it directly features), but also wanted to expand the lore, and TBH, you can't have one without the other. Other games have used codex systems, but those games usually have a core plot. Here however, the codex is required to explain the plot. In other words, less Mass Effect, more Final Fantasy XIII.

Granted, I'm sure there are people playing this game who just don't care, so...


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Hawki said:
90% done, and I still don't know how the Slayer or VEGA got to the Fortress of Doom

I'm not even 90% done. But if I had to guess.

VEGA is the easy bit, his backup disc was literally in Doomguys breast pocket.

Hayden popped Doomguy away at the end of 2016, but he wasn't trying to kill him or stick him somewhere he'd lose track of. Hayden's also into Sentinel stuff, so a logical dumping place would be the inert Sentinel station.

However, since Doomguy has VEGA in his pocket (since he autonomously grabbed the backup, never mentioning it to Hayden), he uses VEGA to take over the station and get out.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
You want thoughts. Ok, have some. Some a bit spoilery.

- Game looks great. Much more variety in environments. Not that fond of some of the enemy redesigns tho, but overall, major upgrade in fidelity. Runs smooth as butter too. Alien technowizard from the future John Carmack might not be at id Software anymore, but I think he's found his match in whoever is doing engine design at id right now. The game is an amazing technical achievement.

- Seems a lot of effort went into rebalancing things. Ammo is scarcer, promoting more frequent use of your chainsaw, which new regens one pip of fuel. Enemies now have weaknesses, making some weapons and/or mods more or less effective, so you're encouraged to switch more often. Helps keeps your more basic weapons relevant in the late game. Also, significantly harder than Doom 2016. I'm playing on Nightmare and my ass is getting spanked so hard. Enemies are faster, more aggressive and will gang up on you like that image of Piper Perri surrounded by those black dudes. No Rich Get Richer rune anymore either, so no cheesing it with the Gauss Cannon.

- Not really sure why the added focus on platforming. I guess for variety and providing something to do in between battles, but it's not very engaging or challenging, and if you ask me only calls more attention to how formulaic levels are laid out (arena battle > platforming/press button > arena battle > platforming/press button).

- I love the sound of the Super Shotgun. Like Yathzee once said, sounds like god slamming his car door. Most other weapons also sound beefier. Except the Gauss Cannon replacement. Soundtrack still irate as fuck, tho nothing quite as memorable as BFG Division. Love the bit of foreshadowing in the main menu theme.

- VEGA is such a bro. At some point you need to use the BFG 10000 shown in the trailers to get to the center of Mars. Samuel Hayden is a stick in the mud so he's all "You can't blow up a planet". VEGA is just immediately "I understand. Plotting coordinates now". Later, when you actually fire the gun, a safety prevents you from obliterating the surface. Cue VEGA: "Hold on, let me turn that off for you". I love how it never objects or questions, but is just totally down with every insanely violent solution Doomguy comes up with.

- None of the OG Doom dev team might still be at id Software, but it's nice to know the new blood is still upholding their time-honored tradition of straight up stealing designs from tabletop games. The first boss you fight is pretty much a knockoff of a Necron Destroyer from 40K.
Mar 30, 2010
Thoughts on Doom Eternal? Ok, this is copy-pasted from a message I sent a friend who was asking about it:

"It's fun, but the glory kills get repetitive and take a bit too long so they break up the action quite often. Thing is, you need to do them (and chainsaw kills) to get health and ammo as there are too few pickups in the game proper. Things get a bit better later on because a) you get a perk to speed up GKs and b) you're facing a larger pool of enemies so you're not seeing the same animation over and over like in early levels. I like the callbacks to previous iD games like the rabbit portrait in the Citadel of Doom and the Derpfish in level 2. My real complaint is that the levels are just too fucking long. The fast-paced nature of the combat needs, in my view, more breaks. Original Doom levels had par times ranging from 90 seconds to 5 minutes. The *intro* level of Eternal took me 20 minutes. It's too hi-octane for too long. Either go fast paced and short or slow paced and long. This weird combo of fast-paced but long has me putting down the controller 2-3 times a level just to do something else and take a breather."

I am enjoying it, but it strikes me as a game I'll play through until completion but then leave and not go back to. Good? Yes. Great? Meh. Perfect? Hell no.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Grouchy Imp said:
putting down the controller 2-3 times
How can someone play this kind of game with a controller?

I cant really imagine. it must suck on controller. this is fast paced game.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
B-Cell said:
Grouchy Imp said:
putting down the controller 2-3 times
How can someone play this kind of game with a controller?

I cant really imagine. it must suck on controller. this is fast paced game.
Real gamers always use a controller especially for FPS. Only a casual would use mouse and keyboard.
Mar 30, 2010
B-Cell said:
Grouchy Imp said:
putting down the controller 2-3 times
How can someone play this kind of game with a controller?

I cant really imagine. it must suck on controller. this is fast paced game.
Each to their own. I prefer controllers as keyboard/mouse is too clinical for me. It's just point-and-click with no real feel for the environment. For me.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Now that I beat it I can say its still quite awesome, although the story still feels like a meh fanfic that tried to add the author's oc universe. The boss was pretty impressive and it was a nice fun long fight. The other weapons I got were fun to use, although the weapon masteries feel kinda underwhelming for the most part compared to doom 2016, probably because of how limited ammo is for some guns till late game.

The battlemode is really fun and adds a new layer of hectic gameplay. Playing as both the slayer and demons is really fun, Doomguy tends to have more of a seat of your pants kinda gameplay since you have to always be on the move, demon gameplay can be really different depending on the demon. The pain elemental can be almost relaxing since you can just hover over doomguy and summon demons up into his butt.


New member
May 7, 2016
Avnger said:
B-Cell said:
Grouchy Imp said:
putting down the controller 2-3 times
How can someone play this kind of game with a controller?

I cant really imagine. it must suck on controller. this is fast paced game.
Real gamers always use a controller especially for FPS. Only a casual would use mouse and keyboard.
r/gatekeeping here I come...


Elite Member
May 31, 2012
Thoughts, part deux: turned the difficulty from Ultraviolence to Hurt Me Plenty, makes a huuuuge difference. Still hard, but not quite as brutal. Warming up to the lives system and necessity of the chainsaw a bit. Still pretty much at a loss regarding the plot having killed the first boss, which was actually pretty fun.

I'm gonna be really disappointed if I don't get to take that half-wrecked mech in the Fortress of Doom out for a Pacific Rim combat drop at some point, too.