Doom's Single-Player Campaign Lasts 13 Hours


New member
Sep 1, 2011
PunkRex said:
Magmarock said:
Back in my day a single player campaign was 20 hours.

OT: Seems like a good length, I'm just hoping it remembers to keep things METAAAAAAL like the originals.
Disk try. Why in my day we had to use floppy. We would have to go to the store and buy our games in a box. Then bring it home and load it one floppy at a time. You put one in wait for it to install then you would put in the other. We didn't have an fancy shamncy trays.
Feb 7, 2016
Oldcodger said:
That's all? 13 hours? Not even a day's worth of play time. Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I'll save my money.
I'll admit, it's not the longest game, but I think 13 hours for a FPS that's about shooting, and ONLY shooting is pretty reasonable. Of course, I have a job(s) so I don't have the luxury of sitting down to play a game I want to play for 6-10 hours at a time anymore.

It'll probably take me about 3 or 4 sittings to beat at about 4 hours per sitting.

There's also said to be a multiplayer mode and a full map editor with co-op support.

Basically, I'll take a shorter, higher quality experience over a long, drawn out crappy one.

I'm not saying that DOOM will end up being fantastic and completely worth $60, but I don't personally think dismissing a game on it's length like that is completely fair.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Tanis said:
Am I the only person who's sort of 'meh' on the game?
Nah, I'm sort of in the same boat. It certainly looks good, and I'm sure I'll play it, but I'm way more excited about Shadow Warrior 2.

ID hasn't really blown me away with their last few games. Rage had some awesome ideas and some great action, but a lot of the other stuff felt half-baked. Doom 3 was good but felt a little too much like it wanted to be System Shock.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I dunno folks, I think I'm getting old. I mean, you don't hold a guys head up to a retinal scanner, you SLAM IT INTO THE RECEPTICLE! Then when you need a hand print, you don't drag the corpse over you TEAR OFF IT'S ARM!

Then you SNAP INTO A SLIM-JIM and chug a MOUNTAIN DEW and I don't think I can sustain that for 13 hours anymore.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Denamic said:
DOOM 3 was a huge departure from what 'DOOM' meant to fans of the series. DOOM was always a fast and intense action game, but DOOM 3 was a slow jumpscare shooter.
I'm a long time fan of Doom and, to someone like me, that name means a lot of things. Fast paced action is only one part.

Doom 3 didn't feel like that much of a departure. It felt more like a shift in focus. It was less "one part horror/three parts run-and-gun" and more "three parts horror/one part run-and-gun". Different than the old games but still very much in the same vein.

Painkiller was more like DOOM than DOOM 3 was.
I tried playing Painkiller. Hell, at the suggestion of Yahtzee and certain posters on this forum, I even picked up the series bundle when it was on sale on Steam. Yet, that entire series bored me to tears. Gods, it's a rare thing for a game to become so dull and tedious so quickly, but Painkiller managed to do it across numerous iterations.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
That's a respectable length for a shooter. Wolfenstein was probably something around that and this will probably feel like a gorier, faster version of that game. It's nice to see a developer being straight up about their game too instead of communicating through PR speak. Cautiously optimistic about Doom.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Out of interest- how long was the original Doom's singleplayer? Anyone have a concrete way of telling?

Amir Kondori

New member
Apr 11, 2013
So wait, I'm supposed to be impressed by 13 hour campaign's now? It could have been worse, thank god its no The Order, but 13 kind of feels like a barely acceptable minimum. Borderlands 2 has a main campaign that is over 30 hours if you just do the main story stuff.


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2012
Charcharo said:
Oldcodger said:
That's all? 13 hours? Not even a day's worth of play time. Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I'll save my money.
That is not a very logical statement. What about the mods and maps? The MP? The replay value within the campaign?

Pure hours is not a good argument at all. Especially since games can be made to be... effectively much longer than that.
Might not be logical to you but it makes perfect sense to me. I don't use mods or MP and, unless the replay value is high, I'd get bored too quickly for it to have any value to me. Considering I got a few years of play out of Doom 2 (I can't remember how long it took me to finish the storyline the first time but it was a good while), 13 hours is pitiful. I'd say I have a totally different play style than most people, though. One big difference is that I don't feel any need to rush anything. Maybe that's why it takes me longer? I dunno. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something. /shrug :)


New member
Mar 19, 2013
13 hours...meanwhile I just hit the 30 hour mark in Witcher 3, in which I'm apparently only one-third of the way through the game (and thoroughly enjoying every minute).

Also I recall spending something like 40 hours playing Mass Effect 2 + DLC's.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Honestly, this is just about a perfect amount of time for a shooter. Not too long. Not too short.

It sure as hell isn't Halo 5 at least.

4 hours.

altnameJag said:
I dunno folks, I think I'm getting old. I mean, you don't hold a guys head up to a retinal scanner, you SLAM IT INTO THE RECEPTICLE! Then when you need a hand print, you don't drag the corpse over you TEAR OFF IT'S ARM!

Then you SNAP INTO A SLIM-JIM and chug a MOUNTAIN DEW and I don't think I can sustain that for 13 hours anymore.
It happens at your age.

Might I recommend some sort of violence fluffer?
Yuuki said:
13 hours...meanwhile I just hit the 30 hour mark in Witcher 3, in which I'm apparently only one-third of the way through the game (and thoroughly enjoying every minute).

Also I recall spending something like 40 hours playing Mass Effect 2 + DLC's.
Apples to Blood Oranges.

I love my RPGs long and har- enthralling as much as the next guy, but it's not a fair comparison to make.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Okay, have to ask, when did 13 hours become short for an FPS? RPGs are another kettle of fish entirely (and that includes Borderlands), so the trade-off for length in games like the Witcher, Borderlands, Mass Effect, etc., are usually lack of multiplayer and combat that isn't going to match an FPS. Not saying that the combat in those games is bad, but, well, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles for the past year, I've got a playtime of around 80 hours, and thanks to doing various sidequests, I'm not even up to Egil yet (in Agniratha though). Is it a good game? Yes. But that length has to factor in travel time, down time, and a combat system that, while not bad, isn't really the main focus of the game.

So, using other examples - I'd say Halo 5 took me about 6-8 hours in its campaign, plus around four hours spent on multiplayer. The original Doom games I'd say took around a similar period of time in the campaign. FPS games are usually on constant burn, so to speak, so 13 hours sounds fine. Honestly, playing through the early Doom 1, I started feeling burnt out once I reached Hell - lack of any new enemies, lack of any character or story (not that I expected it, but by this point in the game it had become a downer for me), and then, thanks to the BFG edition, I played a selection of extra levels past the mastermind. Apart from a sandbox FPS like Far Cry, I don't think any FPS could have a campaign the length of an RPG without giving the player burnout along the way. I mean, there was GoldenEye that kept me occupied for ages, but now, I could probably beat it in a similar timeframe to the figures listed above.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
If anyone here is old enough to confirm, is that few hours above considered slow with the breakneck speed of classic Doom?


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Auberon said:
If anyone here is old enough to confirm, is that few hours above considered slow with the breakneck speed of classic Doom?
When I played Doom and Doom 2 back then I was very young, so I took my sweet time to completely finish them.
So it wasn't about how fast I will finish them, but how I will find the correct way to finish the levels/maps.
In the "How Long to Beat" site it say for example it take 8 hours for an avenger player to finish Doom 2. For me was more hours obviously because it was one of the first FPS games.

So I guess if I play the new Doom more casual that the real way to play it [fast and furious], it will take more hours for me to complete.

One thing is for sure:
I will f*cking enjoy it, I will pray for the sweet sweet time I will waste with it. I will buttf*ck every single demonic spawn which killed Doomguy's beloved Daisy!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME HEAVENS I WANT THE ORIGINAL STORY OF DOOM YO!!!!!!!
......not really, but it would be cool an Easter Egg from Daisy.
Because Daisy is a Rabbit, get it?
I will stop now.


Sep 23, 2014
Squilookle said:
Out of interest- how long was the original Doom's singleplayer? Anyone have a concrete way of telling?
There's no concrete way of determining the length of any game, but the original Doom had nowhere near 13 hours of content. Levels generally take between 5 and 20 minutes to complete and the original game had three nine-map episodes (Ultimate Doom added a fourth).

People often exaggerate how long it took to beat old games because they always think of the Final Fantasies instead of the Contras. By the way a lot of those old games would take less than an hour to beat if it weren't for their obnoxious lives/continue systems.

Oldcodger said:
Might not be logical to you but it makes perfect sense to me. I don't use mods or MP and, unless the replay value is high, I'd get bored too quickly for it to have any value to me. Considering I got a few years of play out of Doom 2 (I can't remember how long it took me to finish the storyline the first time but it was a good while), 13 hours is pitiful. I'd say I have a totally different play style than most people, though. One big difference is that I don't feel any need to rush anything. Maybe that's why it takes me longer? I dunno. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something. /shrug :)
Doom 2 is not a very long game. It had a lot of levels but they generally didn't take longer than 10 minutes to complete each. That's not even 6 hours of gameplay. Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 take about four hours each to complete.

13 hours is a pretty lengthy campaign, not just for modern standards but for the standards of old shooters too. Especially run-and-gun shooters like Doom and Duke Nukem. In fact something I've noticed with a few of these old shooters is that they're split into episodes that take roughly an hour to complete each.

Now I've clocked probably thousands of hours in Doom/Doom 2, and that's definitely not by playing the maps that shipped with the original games.