Dragon Age: Inquisition Brings Back Tactical View - PAX 2013


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I hope they finally nail the combat. Thay talk a lot about it, but it doesn't seem to be pleasing alot of people either way because everyone have different idead about wht it should be. Personally, I think Bioware's melee combat is too simple and no fun at all and their numbers-based stuff is totally unexciting(something feels horrible to me about dodging many meters out of the way of a monster's attack and still have it hit you because you were in front of it when it began its attack animation), so I'm not seeing a way this will pan out good for me. And even if they had looked at other action rpgs, would it work? I Like the system in Dark Souls, but that's a very specific sort of thing and doesn't mesh well with the group thing they are going for. Dragon's Dogma is pretty good about it, but that game is made by action game veterans and doesn't have any appeal outside of the action, so I assume they put all their focus on that. Amalur tried mimicking God of War, but that system got tiring many hours before that game ended because your arsenal was too small and the skills far between. They even had that harpoon thing Bioware is talking about as an early ability for warriors. My point is, I just don't believe Bioware will be able to make a fun battle system. And that's a shame, because that's most of the gameplay in Bioware games.

No worries about the story, even when they mess up I think Bioware writing is more good than it's bad.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Ferisar said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Drago-Morph said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Remember how during DA2's promotional campaign they kept insisting that Origins was a piece of shit in comparison? Yeah, now look at them.
Well, I mean, to be fair, Origins was a piece of shit in comparison. Fantastic game, absolutely, just not really in the same league as DA2.
You're right, I was wrong to even consider putting Origins in the same league as DA2. Dragon Age 2 is far, far worse than origins, which had the benefit of actually being good.
Ah yes, the stiff animations, creepy eyes, no style, a checkbook of fantasy cliches and a color palette taken straight from an actual cement and dirt factory Origins. How could it possibly have anything to learn from its sequel, or how can its sequel learn anything from the original? No, let's just be angry. It really solves everything.


(If it isn't clear, I don't dislike Origins. Just so we're not going to use that in whatever follows.)
I'll take checkbook fantasy cliches over holocaust jokes thank you. (Bioware actually did that, not conjecture on my part.)
Fair. Still, don't dismiss the sequel. The direction it took actually gave the series some identity over the first one, which was mostly mirroring RPGs that predated it without much of its own outside of world-building. Some of the implications and story directions of the second game were also more intriguing than "dragon wants to kill world, you and world team up to fight crime at night".

Of course, then it had those other problems with parachutes and and recycling, as well as being much more constrained (yes, and other things), but that's what appropriate development times are for. Either way, don't close off the possibility that this will be fine.

Meow meow meow :D


New member
Apr 17, 2011
CJ1145 said:
Drago-Morph said:
Origins isn't good, it's great. But DA2 is way, way beyond that in its quality. DA2 is easily one of the best games ever made. Maybe not to the blinded crowd who can't see past the loss of their precious "old-school 90's RPG nostalgia", but then again, very few things please them, so their taste isn't generally indicative of quality.

Dragon Age 2 was a long slog of boring, uninspired and stale combat against unvaried mobs of cannon trash, with a story that borders on archaic with its lack of originality. The only saving graces were the hints of greater story, such as going to the Dwarven Thaigs, and the characters and their interactions with both you and one another. But BioWare doesn't really get points for that anymore, because it's what is expected of them and is likely to get them points lost if they manage to fuck it up. Any attempt at being its own unique world like in Origins (and it being unique THERE is debatable too) is tossed away in favor of a two-pence fantasy schlockfest with all the ripped off DnD and Thieves' World trappings thrown into the melting pot.

As a sequel to Origins, 2 was horrid.
....I'll agree with a lot of that assement, but a story that borders on archaic with a lack of originality is pretty much DA:O in a nutshell. Granted, there's a lot nuance to it that mitigates the fact that YOU are the ONLY ONE who can stop the APOCALYPSE!, but that is the basic story we've got here. And it's the oldest one in the goddamn book. I won't let you criticize DA2s story for a lack of originality when the basic concept of DA:O is only slightly younger than the advent of writing.


New member
Dec 22, 2011
Please jut get rid of the dialog wheel options please please please ..............


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
Remember how during DA2's promotional campaign they kept insisting that Origins was a piece of shit in comparison? Yeah, now look at them.
I must have missed that entirely, do you have any sources?

I wonder if they'll get death threats again and/or have a long argument in their forums because some people don't like the fact that being gay is an option in these games.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Drago-Morph said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Drago-Morph said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Remember how during DA2's promotional campaign they kept insisting that Origins was a piece of shit in comparison? Yeah, now look at them.
Well, I mean, to be fair, Origins was a piece of shit in comparison. Fantastic game, absolutely, just not really in the same league as DA2.
You're right, I was wrong to even consider putting Origins in the same league as DA2. Dragon Age 2 is far, far worse than origins, which had the benefit of actually being good.
Origins isn't good, it's great. But DA2 is way, way beyond that in its quality. DA2 is easily one of the best games ever made. Maybe not to the blinded crowd who can't see past the loss of their precious "old-school 90's RPG nostalgia", but then again, very few things please them, so their taste isn't generally indicative of quality.
While I liked DA: Origins more than DA 2 I still found DA 2 to be very enjoyable.

On Topic: I am happy to hear that the combat from Origins is returning. The combat in DA 2 was to fast paced for me. I liked the slower paced combat in Origins more. Over all though it sounds like DA: Inquisition is shaping up to be a great game. I can't want to play it.


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Can't help but think of Mel Brooks singing, "The inquisition, what a show.." Certainly more fun than playing a DA game.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
"Bigger than all of DA2" isn't something to brag about. Bastion, the much-beloved indie title that sits at a quarter of DA2's length, is bigger than DA2. Hell, the original Paper Mario was bigger, and that was on the N64! Now, tell me DAI is gonna be the size of something like, let's say Far Cry 3, or Just Cause 2, and you will have my attention. And, from the sounds of it (and how much they're taking cues from Skyrim), that might be what's going on. Which is good. Great, even. It's exactly what we want.

Oh well. It's not like "Skyrim, written by Bioware" isn't pretty much exactly what I've been wanting for years now, so I'm already on board. Shame this means I have to accept that DA2's angsty abomination wizards have to exist. And it seems that Varric has left Kirkwall, for some reason, though you'd think if he was going to do that then he'd be off with his best buddy Hawke, unless this is what he did immediately after palling around with Isabella and King Alistair to go find the totally-not-dead Maric and playing games with Sten from Origins who I guess we now call Arishok, seeing as his name was only his title.

And Cassandra Penderghast is back, which is all kinds of yawn-worthy.

Nice to see Bioware keeping up their fine tradition of ridiculously goofy and impractically dumb helmets, though. KOTOR, Mass Effect 2 and 3, DA2, and now DAI. Silly hats abound!


New member
Dec 24, 2010
IceStar100 said:
Adam Jensen said:
I am surprised at how I just can't seem to care about this game at all. When someone is talking about DA: Inquisition I feel the same way that I feel when someone is talking about a sports game. I simply don't give a shit. And that really surprises me.
You know I'm in the same boat. Why it scares me is I'm the one who got the comics and the books. Pretty much anything to do with Mass Effect or Dragon Age I paid for. There was a time where I looked forward to bioware putting anything out. Yet not I just found out there is new books out for dragon age. Not getting them it just such a fall from fan boy to Meh.
What I liked best about Dragon Age Origins was the story, companion dialogue, and music. So far I've seen neither head nor tail of any of these things in Dragon Age (3?) Inquisition. They can talk about the open world and tactical camera until the cows come home, but I'm not going to get excited until I see something about the plot and characters. After all, there's already a boatload of interesting-looking open world games coming out (The Witcher 3, namely, or Watch Dogs for the less fantasy-RPG-inclined, among others).


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Adam Jensen said:
I am surprised at how I just can't seem to care about this game at all. When someone is talking about DA: Inquisition I feel the same way that I feel when someone is talking about a sports game. I simply don't give a shit. And that really surprises me.
If you saw the "gameplay" they showed, it should be obvious. It's an action game with a lot of fucking setpieces. Except this time they're more dragin flavored. Enjoy!


Free Cascadia!
Mar 9, 2010
I dunno, it used to be that any BioWare game was an auto purchase for me, and I don't want to be one of the people getting all whiny about problems that aren't all that bad in the end (Seriously, DA2 felt like it had a lot of potential but was rushed out unfinished, and 95% of ME3 was one of the best games I've ever played.) but I just can't get all that hyped about this despite the fact that it all sounds awesome. I kinda feel like this is BioWare's last chance to win back their status as one of the best game developers in the world, and I'm not quite sure how it came to this so quickly.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Drago-Morph said:
Origins isn't good, it's great. But DA2 is way, way beyond that in its quality. DA2 is easily one of the best games ever made. Maybe not to the blinded crowd who can't see past the loss of their precious "old-school 90's RPG nostalgia", but then again, very few things please them, so their taste isn't generally indicative of quality.
I thought Medieval Mass Effect was shit, not really because it lost "90's RPG nostalgia" as you call it, since that's pretty much just the change of a camera angle (and also I never played any Baldur's Gate-type games), but because it was pretty much that, "Medieval Fantasy" Mass Effect, as a standalone game it could've been better received, but tying that to the first one was a mistake imo. It had no memorable characters except for that beard-less dwarf, the story was dull and the gameplay was set for console controls from the beginning. And seeing the same town over and over and over (...) and over again didn't help much either.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
It all looks like good news, now they still need to talk about your party. One of the problems with DA2 was that your followers were kind of uninspired and boring compared to Origins. Varric is good I guess, but none of the others actually mean anything yet.

What would really seal the deal for me: player modding like DAO. Not sure if I should even be dreaming of it, but who knows.

Really though, there's nothing I see to complain about. People that are already getting up in arms about it for some reason: take a chill pill, look at it like any other game.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Geo Da Sponge said:
So, everything that was said in this article sounds good to me, although I'm still a bit "fool-me-once" after DA2. However, I still much preferred the art direction of Dragon Age when it was more low-fantasy like in Origins.

I mean, this looks ugly as sin to me. (Image spoiler for size)

All of the outfits in that picture look bad to me, being over the top in a clichéd sort of frill-and-sigils way. Varric doesn't look too bad, but how badly could you mess his design up anyway? That mage on the right is the worst though.
Yeah, it does look somewhat painfully mediocre. Especially this picture right here looks like it's from some run of the mill free-to-play MMO.

Hopefully it'll look better in motion and with the camera zoomed out. I also noticed it mainly the daytime screens that look this flacid.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Good to see some effort put into game play! Maybe they could make a updated version of DA 2 >>.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
So does this mean they're giving us the option of both combat systems or are they just using the same one from DA:O?


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I really want this game to be good.

But this part concerns me a little.

Unfortunately for you, the holes spawn all kinds of nasties like undead and the mages and Templars are too busy fighting each other to deal with the problem.
That is essentially the plot of almost every Bioware game it seems. "Big evil that logically people should be uniting to fight, but inner conflicts mean that it's down to you instead". If we have to convince the Mages and Templars to kiss and make up to take on the bigger threat then it will be terrible. That is pretty much the essence of both Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins.

Especially considering how they also like sticking you as a part of some kind of special Order to do so. Spectres, Grey Wardens and now the Inquisition. The idea seems solid, but if they are re-treading the basic plot of their other games it's going to feel far too similar.

Naturally it is too early to say for sure, but I hope they are a little bolder with the storyline.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
So, everything that was said in this article sounds good to me, although I'm still a bit "fool-me-once" after DA2. However, I still much preferred the art direction of Dragon Age when it was more low-fantasy like in Origins.

I mean, this looks ugly as sin to me. (Image spoiler for size)

All of the outfits in that picture look bad to me, being over the top in a clichéd sort of frill-and-sigils way. Varric doesn't look too bad, but how badly could you mess his design up anyway? That mage on the right is the worst though.
Yeah, it does look somewhat painfully mediocre. Especially this picture right here looks like it's from some run of the mill free-to-play MMO.

Hopefully it'll look better in motion and with the camera zoomed out. I also noticed it mainly the daytime screens that look this flacid.

Just as a reference point of some in-motion shots along with some chatty chat stuff. It looks gorgeous (at least... TO MEEEEE, HAHAHAHAHA. OPINION ************)

And before SOMEONE goes "ACSHUN ARRPEEEGGEEE?", no. The UI is turned off. Calm daown.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I want to get excited about this, I really do. Especially with the Qunari being a playabale race as I love the Qunari.


I got excited about DA2 as well and was let down hard. I don't want to look forward to this until I see some reviews.