DRM Server Failure Knocks Out Dragon Age DLC for Days - UPDATED


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
I plucked this from their forums, since some folks here were saying its an always-online DRM and/or BioWare/EA should be making away with that:

(Fernando Melo)

Why do I need to be logged in to play DLC or the game?

You don't - or are not supposed to need to be logged in. The system was designed such that after the first authorization you should be able to play offline, and it does do this for the overwhelming majority of players (based on data we see). As mentioned above however, there is a known issue which affects a very low number of players, and can be addressed either manually or with a beta tool we've provided (see below). But otherwise you should not need to login/re-authorize.

While the numbers are still low and manual/separate app fixes exist, there is also a patch for DAO that we had been working on to address this which was temporarily put on hold during the finaling period of DA2, and had already resumed since DA2's launch. We'll be looking into accelerating this now - however, at this point I don't have a timeframe I can offer yet.

Why am I still seeing issues?

Now that this new issue is resolved, if you still encounter issues with DLC authorization this is now 99% likely due to the previous known issue with the DA Updater service. Below are some links for solutions, including the beta tool I mentioned above.

Also, it was fixed.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Nobody cares that they're fixing it or attempting to?
I'd just leave it turned off.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Anah said:
Lyri said:
Nobody cares that they're fixing it or attempting to?
I'd just leave it turned off.
They already fixed it.
I'd only just read your post before you quoted me, only useful & informative post here.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Bummer. So, is it just the PC, or is there a problem with the console versions too? Not that it matters. I have to leave the DLC out until I get the Blight Queller trophy anyway.

And I'm STILL waiting on the patch for Dragon Age II that will fix the Merrill bug. Every time I get to that part, I get a little more angry with the game. It is literally a story-breaking bug.


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
Sniper Team 4 said:
Bummer. So, is it just the PC, or is there a problem with the console versions too? Not that it matters. I have to leave the DLC out until I get the Blight Queller trophy anyway.

And I'm STILL waiting on the patch for Dragon Age II that will fix the Merrill bug. Every time I get to that part, I get a little more angry with the game. It is literally a story-breaking bug.
I repeat myself again. It was already fixed.

Same goes for Merrill. From the patch notes from yesterday: "- Merrill no longer refers to the aftermath of "A New Path" before the plot
has been completed."

Lyri said:
Anah said:
Lyri said:
Nobody cares that they're fixing it or attempting to?
I'd just leave it turned off.
They already fixed it.
I'd only just read your post before you quoted me.
I wish the news post was updated to reflect that.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Anah said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Bummer. So, is it just the PC, or is there a problem with the console versions too? Not that it matters. I have to leave the DLC out until I get the Blight Queller trophy anyway.

And I'm STILL waiting on the patch for Dragon Age II that will fix the Merrill bug. Every time I get to that part, I get a little more angry with the game. It is literally a story-breaking bug.
I repeat myself again. It was already fixed.

Same goes for Merrill. From the patch notes from yesterday: "- Merrill no longer refers to the aftermath of "A New Path" before the plot
has been completed."

Lyri said:
Anah said:
Lyri said:
Nobody cares that they're fixing it or attempting to?
I'd just leave it turned off.
They already fixed it.
I'd only just read your post before you quoted me.
I wish the news post was updated to reflect that.
It did? I was playing Dragon Age II all day and didn't get an update, and she did the same thing again. Last night I couldn't get on the servers, so I thought "Yes! They must be updating the patch," but this morning, nothing. Is it just for PC and the console one hasn't come out yet, or am I simply unlucky?


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
Sniper Team 4 said:
It did? I was playing Dragon Age II all day and didn't get an update, and she did the same thing again. Last night I couldn't get on the servers, so I thought "Yes! They must be updating the patch," but this morning, nothing. Is it just for PC and the console one hasn't come out yet, or am I simply unlucky?
My apologies, I was talking about the PC version (too early in the Morning). The console ones are (to quote) "still undergoing final certification with Microsoft and Sony. We expect them to release late this week or early next. We will notify you when we know more."

Which is a shame, but I suppose a delay they have to live with when pushing something through the console markets.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Anah said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
It did? I was playing Dragon Age II all day and didn't get an update, and she did the same thing again. Last night I couldn't get on the servers, so I thought "Yes! They must be updating the patch," but this morning, nothing. Is it just for PC and the console one hasn't come out yet, or am I simply unlucky?
My apologies, I was talking about the PC version (too early in the Morning). The console ones are (to quote) "still undergoing final certification with Microsoft and Sony. We expect them to release late this week or early next. We will notify you when we know more."

Which is a shame, but I suppose a delay they have to live with when pushing something through the console markets.
Nice. Thank you sir. This will make me very happy when it comes out.
Sadly, I just got the platinum trophy for the game and I'm a little tired of it. If only they had made it sooner. Oh well. One more playthrough it is then. :)


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
The sad part is they likely won't change a thing. I'm very happy with my decision not to buy any games from them anymore.


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
Antari said:
The sad part is they likely won't change a thing. I'm very happy with my decision not to buy any games from them anymore.
Point 1: The issue is fixed.

Point 2: They are introducing a patch that will take care of the lingering issues some of their users were and still are experiencing with the DAO DLC (an issue that is not experiencing by the majority).

Point 3: Refusing to buy games from a company because they (much like others dealing with large cost productions) try to protect their products is not valiant or honourable--or hip, alternative, rad, steadfast--or whatever other positive trait you are headed for, but selfish.

My opinion. Not like it matters. Make of it what you wish.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
I think this article is flawed. DLC cannot get CONFIRMED while ingame. IF you go onto their website and add the DLC directly via your account it will auto-confirm and you will be able to access savegamess once again.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
I like how the pc version can be fixed if you do extra work. Its kinda like having a defect in that shiny, brand new car you bought - oh, no problem! You can fix it yourself, here's a wrench.

I'm curious about something: where do we draw the line? At what point will consumers stand up for themselves and fight back? Just some late night thoughts, but I will be watching more closely for DRM in the future.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Anah said:
Point 3: Refusing to buy games from a company because they (much like others dealing with large cost productions) try to protect their products is not valiant or honourable--or hip, alternative, rad, steadfast--or whatever other positive trait you are headed for, but selfish.

Blink, blink... refusing to buy a game is selfish? Huh???


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Glad to learn this before I wasted money on this game. Who knew EA decided to give Ubisoft's tactic a try?

Ultimate Evil

New member
Feb 18, 2011
So, what have we learned today? That DRM can be painful for legitimate users while ignoring pirates? That much was pretty widely complained about before, so I guess that's not really a case of being learned as reminded of. Painfully. And even then I doubt the people that are in charge of these things actually learned what they were supposed to, though I can always hope against hope.
That EA sucks? Maybe. It's kind of hard to know who was responsible for what part of the decisions to put the DRM into the game, and how responsible the guy who wrote the buggy code is versus, say, the testers, the guy who put the fix on hold until after Dragon Age 2, etc. But we can certainly agree that this isn't the first time EA has been involved in a crisis over DRM. And they do seem awfully committed to their DRM regardless of how people continue to feel about it.
That relying on a server to be able to play something is an unsound design choice? Certainly, games that assume that their connections and servers will never break have been controversial in the past when things inevitably go awry. I recall some frustration over Assassin's Creed 2 immediately post-release when their poor connection with the server led to the near-inability to play the game. And it does seem a bit like DA:O is at odds with itself if it puts a guy in your camp whose sole reason is to get you to buy DLC, then punishing you with DRM to access your save games (or not, that EA response left me reeling and confused).
How about, that life can sometimes sucker-punch you for no reason? That's certainly what I got out of this.


Chaos Dragon
Mar 19, 2009
What I've been doing since this started was stayed logged out of the EA servers in DA:O. It doesn't appear to care about the DRM servers anymore when you're signed out of them, and there are links on the EA pages where you can DL the DLC separately from the game.

I saw all the 'do all this to problably fix the issue' threads, and one of them said if you didn't want to do all that just play 'offline' and not signed in.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
It's this kind of BS thats going to drive me to buy a console!

DRM just doesn't work and in the end only leads to paying customers pirating in the long run.

Piracy isn't killing PC Gaming, DRM is.

Bioware should release a patch that removes the online authentication for DLC as an apology.