DRM Server Failure Knocks Out Dragon Age DLC for Days - UPDATED


New member
Feb 8, 2010
What was that about the PC version of Origins being better, hmm and the console version being hopeless, hmm


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Irridium said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Allonym said:
Solution is simple to overcome actually. Locate your dragon age folder navigate into the settings subfolder and open 'addins.xml' as a notepad document replace all RequiresAuthorization="1" with RequiresAuthorization="0" and all of the DLC will be functional again.

Default location is: C: | User | | Documents | BioWare | Dragon Age | Settings | AddIns.xml
Can we get someone to confirm this? :/
Didn't work for me, but it'll probably work for some people.

Same with signing out. Didn't work for me, but works for some.

Boy, isn't this DRM just awesome?
Worked for a friend of mine, but ONLY if you crack the game first.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
008Zulu said:
ME2's DLC requires a one time check, then you could use it offline (with the 1.02 patch). This is a good way of handling it.
That's how it's handled in DA2 as well.

While the issue with DAO can easily be fixed with a standard text editor, it would be nice if BioWare would simply patch the DRM out now that the game is reasonably old.
Jul 22, 2009
I assume this is only affecting PC?

I recently got back into Dragon Age: Origins on 360 and have spent the last week straight playing it... I had no problems recruiting Shale or anything o_O

Ah well, this really sucks, they should just do away with pretty much all DRM anyway.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Oh, that's why? I've been bothered by that since Sunday seeing as my uncle gifted me origins, awakenings and all the DLC for the game.

Hey, EA.

Fuck you.


Its fixed already.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Spangles said:
Moonpooman said:
Irridium said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Allonym said:
Solution is simple to overcome actually. Locate your dragon age folder navigate into the settings subfolder and open 'addins.xml' as a notepad document replace all RequiresAuthorization="1" with RequiresAuthorization="0" and all of the DLC will be functional again.

Default location is: C: | User | | Documents | BioWare | Dragon Age | Settings | AddIns.xml
Can we get someone to confirm this? :/
Didn't work for me, but it'll probably work for some people.

Same with signing out. Didn't work for me, but works for some.

Boy, isn't this DRM just awesome?
Worked for a friend of mine, but ONLY if you crack the game first.
Huh?... What is the point of the crack then if it's job isn't to stop the authentication?
Good question.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Anah said:
Antari said:
The sad part is they likely won't change a thing. I'm very happy with my decision not to buy any games from them anymore.
Point 3: Refusing to buy games from a company because they (much like others dealing with large cost productions) try to protect their products is not valiant or honourable--or hip, alternative, rad, steadfast--or whatever other positive trait you are headed for, but selfish.
Oh so just because they made it, I have to buy it huh? What sort of positive spin word will you be attaching to the situation of me getting ripped off? RAD??? Thanks but I'll keep being happy with my decision on the matter. And if you think I'm a bad person for looking out for myself in this world, then go right ahead.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Canadish said:
So...I buy the game...and I don't get to play it...
But if I pirate it for free...I can?

Is this how the deal works? Okay, I'll be paying a visit to my favorite "shop" then.

Seriously though, Bioware. Get your act together. Your sucking lately.
Wait, aren't you the guy who had some 30 post about how you.... oh wait, never mind.

You are a closet DA2 fan it seems.

That's cool, but don't promote people doing what you're insinuating.

It's bad form to be pro pirate.

Seriously tho, with all your posts, your motivation seems odd to me.

EDIT: The servers are fine for me. What is the problem again? Must be a PC thing, or else the problem is already fixed.
While I'm certainly not a fan of Dragon Age 2, I'll admit to often playing devils advocate in my posts.
And again, while I'm not a pirate myself, I do think that situations like this are not helping developers causes. It paints piracy in a good light and legitimate purchase in a bad one.
I'd buy the Witcher 2 one principle alone, regardless of content (it is looking pretty nice though...).

The post on this thread is mostly a joke though, a hypothetical customers see's this.
Whats he going to think?
Sometimes it's its hard to get meaning through words, especially on the internet. And I've got no particular talent with words to boot.

And, I don't really think I have a motive...
I wouldn't want to turn everyone into a pirate, though I certainly think its a good idea to stop and think about the morality of how evil is it really?
I've got some friends in the UK with 3 cars, and the gits still download games.
Meanwhile, I have others from Malaysia, who don't have nearly as much, and pretty much need to download games in order to play them.

There's good and bad to it being how it is at the moment as well.
It stops game companies sticking the price up on games needlessly high, as people have an alternative way to get hold of them.
But at the same time, its probably a contributing factor to the inflation of prices, due to less profits reaching the Publisher and Developers.
And THEN on the other hand, we know they've been inflating the degree to which piracy actually is a problem, meaning publishers are likely charging more then needed, using piracy itself to their advantage.
Also, it can act as a way for someone to try a demo of a game if developers wont give one out. Which sounds pretty fair considering it could be a $60 blind purchase.
But will people actually just "demo" it?
And so on and so on.

It's a real grey area, pretty much down to a case by case basis on whether its right or wrong.
In my own opinion at least.

Dorkmaster Flek

New member
Mar 13, 2008
And publishers wonder why so many people pirate PC games... For now, it seems that playing the console versions is at least saving me from this idiocy, but the minute that changes, I'm gone.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Anah said:
Antari said:
The sad part is they likely won't change a thing. I'm very happy with my decision not to buy any games from them anymore.
Point 1: The issue is fixed.

Point 2: They are introducing a patch that will take care of the lingering issues some of their users were and still are experiencing with the DAO DLC (an issue that is not experiencing by the majority).

Point 3: Refusing to buy games from a company because they (much like others dealing with large cost productions) try to protect their products is not valiant or honourable--or hip, alternative, rad, steadfast--or whatever other positive trait you are headed for, but selfish.

My opinion. Not like it matters. Make of it what you wish.
It's not selfish it's called capitalism if I find a service slow, inefficient, don't like the direction said company or product is heading then I take my money elsewhere as he decided to do. Bioware do not care about you you're a namless statistic at the end of a yearly buisness report are you seriously trying to attach motions of honour to a fucking games company? Heh good luck with that.

Secondly the trying to protect point is moot how are they protected? Are they reducing the number of cracks/hacks/sales lost, I think you'll find no infact that's a growing number as they stumble around repeating the same moronic easily circumvented measures. Name a game I can find a crack, dlc, dlc decrypter, keygen, ripped ISO whatever in a matter of seconds.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Yeah Bioware's really on fire lately. What with that bad game + the DRM issues + the review score scandal.

I can't wait till their giant MMO flops, they fuck up ME3, and the fans abandon ship. Seriously sometimes you need to hit the ground before you can get up again.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Cenequus said:
On a similar note this is why I never bought games on steam. If the serger is down you can't play any of the games you own.
Steam has the offline mode that you can do at anytime. recently my internet was down because i moved and had to wait for the cable guy and played Portal with steam with no issue at all. if you are already logged in to steam its in the steam menu right under change user. and if it cant login it asks if you want to do offline mode.