Drunken Woman Stabs Boy Over Xbox Playing


New member
Apr 26, 2009
So basically, from about three seperate articles, would it appear as though video games causes PARENTS to be violent?

Um... well, I don't really know what to say to that. Irony much?


New member
May 14, 2008
Yes, i beleive her...13 year old boys naturally stab themselves in the stomach to get their parents in trouble...really?! i believe she should go to jail... either shes lying or that kid has serious issues...


New member
Aug 30, 2009
First a kid gets the cops called on him because he played too much video games now this...


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
silentsentinel said:
Blame the beer, not the game.
Yeah...Again its another example where I bet the media will blame the game and console, citing it was all its cause...


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Julianking93 said:
The_ModeRazor said:
Julianking93 said:
The_ModeRazor said:
Julianking93 said:
benbenthegamerman said:
So... no one is suprised that there hasn't been an uproar of BEER MAKES ADULTS VIOLENT?

oh irony, you must love me. you really must. in fact, someone should forward this story to jack thompson, and see what he has to say.
No, because beer makes lots and lots of money. They aren't about to say that'll kill/make you kill others.
Videogames make lots of money too.
And they are better than beer.
Beer tastes like shit.
Well, that's generally true for alcohol though.
Except for Vodka, because all you feel is that it burns.
OT: If this happened here, the guy would've been chopped in two with a butter knife.
All of that is true (except the alcohol thing. All alcohol tastes like carbonated urine) but people get pissed off over M rated games. E-T rated games make a lot more money than M rated ones, so they think they can do without them and ban them when they discover that an insane Asian college student just so happens to play games.
What is that expression again?
OH yeah.
You just pulled that piece of non-information (as in E-T rated games make a lot more cash then M ones) out of your ass.
I dislike you rite nao.
What? No I didn't.

E-T rated games do generally sell more copies than M rated games. Especially now with the Wii.
Yes, you did. And no, ETs generally don't sell more copies. (I'm looking at you, Modern Wurfur 2)


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Cyberjester said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Any clue to what he was playing? In the last news post about something like this, he was playing GTA4. Or is it simply too much time playing?
Completely unrelated to your post, but your display pic is beating in time to tetris techno that's currently playing. Nice pic. lol

Amnestic said:
Sounds like a normal evening for a Scot. Hell, it's pretty tame.

Also, "Drunken Scottish Woman" is pretty redundant. You could just redact the 'drunken' part ;)

//Love the Scots
///And the Irish.
////Not the Welsh though ;3
What's with that? No English person I know likes Welsh, although they're fine with Irish which they're still fighting with. :S

The irony is to massive for me to be able to feel sympathy.

If there is a God, he's got one wicked sense of humor.
Back on topic, this.

On the downside, Atkinson will still use this to protest against video games. :( Can picture the headline now.

"Video games incite parents to violence. SAVE THE CHILDREN!!"
Hah, I'm English and I love the Irish best of all, then the Scots, then the Welsh, and I actually really dislike the English. Ironic, right? I don't like my own country but the other countries (that we've historically hated since the Middle Ages) are my favourite places in the world. Especially Ireland ;)

Anyway, as for the main topic, I just have one thing to say. If Keith Vaz tries to turn this into a Thompson or Atkinson style palaver then I will probably do the exact same thing as the drunken woman did to the boy. Except I'll do it to Vaz. And it won't just be a knife... ;D