IF, and that is the biggest if I've ever said in my life, this game EVER is release I may just buy it to see what 12 years development on video game amounts to. I never played the original duke nukem, and I haven't been following it for its 12 year development run
It may, however, be the greatest advertisment ploy in the history of gaming. For all we know its been done for 4 years and they're just holding out until the joke grows in fame and everyone buys it simply because "Its Duke Nukem Forver Dawg!!".
Thus raking in millions when it finally is released to the public. The game will turn out to be utter crap at which point Ashton Kutcher will leap from the shadows of every consusmer's home and yell "You just got punk'd!". Oh and it will be april fools day, thus making it the greatest April Fool's day joke known to mankind.
Entire nation economies will collapse as gamers take to the streets in classic angry mob fashion and burn down everything in their path, marching their way towards the Nukem developer's building. In an attempt to quell the now rabid mob of gamers the countries of the world will unite and attack the angry horde with military force. In the confusion of the attack someone yells "NUKEM!!!!" and unable to distinguish between the crazed battle cry of the gamers from actual orders, the US' supply of nuclear war heads will be launchd to the site thus sending the world into nuclear winter and ending all life on the planet as we know it. Except for roaches and Chuck Norris who will battle for control over the planet until the end of time.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is my ripple of evil.