E3: Mass Effect 3


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I've followed the gameplay demo's and presentation at E3 and it looked quite streamlined.

But even with all that,the game looks awesome and I can't wait for it.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
punipunipyo said:
ok... I am going to sound like a hater again... but I mean not to be mean... it's just that when I looked at the trailer, I felt like this is going to change the direction of the game, and I can't help to think that this game is going "mainstream" on us, going for the "popular" choices, even to the point to make the main plot blended with most of the shooter games out there...here are my reactions...

*It's looking action-ny! throw in a psy-lasso, and we get "bullet storm effect 3"!
*Love the Quish jet slide! hope you get bullet time with it!
*I see turrets, but are we gonna top UT/Tribes/HALO with ACTUAL VEHICLES?
*Resistance/Crysis what?
*Where did everyone go? isn't Mass2 all about his team?
*What's with the new melee weapon? this one is going Mass-assin threed?
*ooh, Big monster, moving platform... turret... Dejavoo?
*"we need a plan.." "we fight, or die! that's the plan!"... here is our downfall of plot...

Looks as good as any action shooters, but not so much more than that, unlike the ME2 trailer, full of story, and mysteries, I actually feel less excited for this one... if i want guns and blazing to alien invaders, there are plenty other games to choose from, why is ME3 doing this?
I'm quoting you but I could put inside 90% of the responses here.

THIS is why we can't have nice things. People will complain about anything and be pretentious about everything. Just because you play games doesn't make you an expert in gaming. Really where do you come off with this absurd comparisons UT,Halo,Bulletstorm,Gears of war,just because it has guns or turets or grenades. Really enjoy the game if it's your genre or play somethnig freaking else. If it's one thing i hate about the gaming comunity is the stupid vocal minority. Really stop playing games if you're not having fun anymore.

Random Argument Man

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May 21, 2008
this isnt my name said:
Random Argument Man said:
So the plot is to bring every races to a gigantic showdown with the big bad baddies..

Where have I seen this before?

Note* Doesn't matter... It was a good game.
Difference is that in DAO itwasnt illogical, here 1 reaper mopped up the citadel fleet, the aliance fleet is wiped out, barterians got hit first, Turians are attacked, so are Asari iirc,
krogans live in ruins, quarian fleet is old and miss matched, geth are still on reapers side it seems, rachni have shown they can be indoctrinated (ME1), cerberus want you dead.

Gathering an army seems stupid, they will just pull out some plot device, like some unknownoomsday weapon or weakness we just ind out about that the reapers overlooked.

Gameplay may be good but story... Not even close.
Or they decided that the big bad reaper from ME1 was just a super reaper and the other are just reapers. (Don't think it can't happen).

If your version true, then I do hope they do an effort to make something that looks illogical and boring on paper to something worthy of an ending.


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Sep 9, 2009
Cenequus said:
punipunipyo said:
ok... I am going to sound like a hater again... but I mean not to be mean... it's just that when I looked at the trailer, I felt like this is going to change the direction of the game, and I can't help to think that this game is going "mainstream" on us, going for the "popular" choices, even to the point to make the main plot blended with most of the shooter games out there...here are my reactions...

*It's looking action-ny! throw in a psy-lasso, and we get "bullet storm effect 3"!
*Love the Quish jet slide! hope you get bullet time with it!
*I see turrets, but are we gonna top UT/Tribes/HALO with ACTUAL VEHICLES?
*Resistance/Crysis what?
*Where did everyone go? isn't Mass2 all about his team?
*What's with the new melee weapon? this one is going Mass-assin threed?
*ooh, Big monster, moving platform... turret... Dejavoo?
*"we need a plan.." "we fight, or die! that's the plan!"... here is our downfall of plot...

Looks as good as any action shooters, but not so much more than that, unlike the ME2 trailer, full of story, and mysteries, I actually feel less excited for this one... if i want guns and blazing to alien invaders, there are plenty other games to choose from, why is ME3 doing this?
I'm quoting you but I could put inside 90% of the responses here.

THIS is why we can't have nice things. People will complain about anything and be pretentious about everything. Just because you play games doesn't make you an expert in gaming. Really where do you come off with this absurd comparisons UT,Halo,Bulletstorm,Gears of war,just because it has guns or turets or grenades. Really enjoy the game if it's your genre or play somethnig freaking else. If it's one thing i hate about the gaming comunity is the stupid vocal minority. Really stop playing games if you're not having fun anymore.
This would be valid, if the game weren't a freaking trilogy.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh God! They're trying to put fun and varied gameplay in my RPG!

This is horrible.

I just want to add +2 to my boomability stat and call it a day.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Sounds amazing to me.

Is there some RP spin in here? Of course there is, but you just have to watch the full gameplay demos to see that a lot of what is being talked about is at least partially true. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be skeptical, I'm just saying that it seems rather odd for those demanding a longer deeper more detailed experience to not bother looking around for a few minutes to source something before complaining. It's sort of like demanding that food be home cooked with all natural ingredients but then complaining when all you do when you're hungry is go to the freezer and grab a pizza pop.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Personally, I'm pretty excited. One important thing,

Shepard is a WOMAN. Stop pretending otherwise. :p

(Personally Jennifer Hale is one of the best things about the series, such a great voice actres.)


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Legion said:
Tom Goldman said:
For a game the carries over so many choices from its predecessors, I don't really understand the statement, but we'll find out if BioWare is doing anything specific to bring new players up to speed closer to Mass Effect 3's March 6, 2012 release date, I'm sure.
What it means is that they are full of their typical PR bullshit. They will try and sell the choices to the Mass Effect fans, and sell the fact you can "hop in as a newbie" to all those who haven't played the games before.

What this will likely result in is a game that is similar to Dragon Age 2 where the choices you make in the previous games have very little actual impact on your story and are only minor or aesthetic (like Mass Effect 2's).

I am sure the game will be extremely fun, but Bioware have lost a lot of faith from me considering how much they openly lied and mislead regarding Dragon Age 2 (I liked the game, but the previous statement is true).
Didn't they talk about having some sort of comic (like the PS3 version, i think) where the player can see all of the choices that were made? i remember hearing about the PS3 version having something that brought new players up to speed and that they wanted this for every version of Mass Effect 3 so as to not overwhelm players.

Still Life

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Sep 22, 2010
Zhukov said:
Oh God! They're trying to put fun and varied gameplay in my RPG!

This is horrible.

I just want to add +2 to my boomability stat and call it a day.
I got a good chuckle out of that.

As for the Reapers attacking Earth: It was said in an interview that the Reapers invade from Batarian space and spread throughout the galaxy from there. The decision to start on Earth and end with Earth would probably come down to both writing choice and fictional significance, as humanity has been a significant force throughout the series -- we just haven't been to Earth yet.

I don't have a problem with this as it would make the conclusion much easier to relate to, seeing as how Bioware are trying to maximize the emotional impact of a galaxy at war.

S3Cs4uN 8

New member
Apr 25, 2011
flakmagnet said:
Personally, I'm pretty excited. One important thing,

Shepard is a WOMAN. Stop pretending otherwise. :p

(Personally Jennifer Hale is one of the best things about the series, such a great voice actres.)
I hated her In ME1 and ME2 she just did not carry my ALWAYS ANGRY ALL THE TIME! shepard due to the lack of sounding angry and just sounding like a whiny tart.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I don't get why people find it so difficult grasping some things.

-Shepard stopped the Reapers twice by now. Ripping the universe a new one with Earth being the first in line seems quite logic.

-I do not remember reading anywhere that the Reapers descending upon Earth at the end of ME 2 were ALL the Reapers. The attack might be on multiple fronts.

-Again, I don't know (and noone knows) how the Reapers are going to handle the invasion. The fact that they are trying to drill a dynamite hole on Earth doesn't mean that they will do the same to all the other systems.

-No, ME3's story is not hard to get into. MGS 4 was insanely hard to get into and all I had to do I get into the backstory with a bit of help from Wikipedia.

-Omni-tool Blade. What, so you were fine with the Mass Relays up until now? To get to light speed, you need infinite mass. Don't get your calibrations in a knot. They technically explained how every weapon works in ME 2 and they will do the same with this one.

-Whining about elements in the story of a game that is due in 9 months. I don't think I need to explain this...

-People actually complain for Bioware trying to incorporate the best things from the past 2 titles into the last one? Am I missing something here ?


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Jan 8, 2010
mjc0961 said:
Tom Goldman said:
The first gameplay section was already shown at EA's E3 press conference. In it, Shepard is attempting to take down a Reaper base. Cerberus forces try to stop him from making his way to a Reaper silo of sorts, but the plebes don't have the gusto.
This part confuses me. Yes, Cerberus is mad at Shepard for whatever reason, and they want to kill him. But come on Cerberus, time and place. Why are you trying to stop Shepard from taking down a Reaper when the reason you brought him back at the start of ME2 was because you knew how important he was in stopping the Reapers?

Oh well. Hopefully there will be a reasonable explanation in the full game. But right now it seems a bit silly.
I seem to recall something in a different video about them being indoctrinated. So maybe if you saved the collector base and then it somehow indoctrinated everybody that came on board after you...IDK, that sounds kinda dumb now that I wrote it, but I am pretty sure I heard that somewhere


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Nov 17, 2010
4173 said:
I'm disappointed that the Reapers' big plan for mass extinction seems to be so direct, combat orientated, messy and above all inelegant.
They probably got sick of Shepard ruining all the pretty schemes and decided to just take him/her out as soon as possible and then deal with everyone else.

I mean Sovereign had a detailed plan. Even Harbinger's plan was a bit more convoluted than expected. So now, they're like "F&%k it. Everyone on Shepard!"


New member
Sep 15, 2010
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.

2. In ME2 you kill a proto-Reaper by shooting its glowing weak spot on foot.

3. In ME3 you battle full-grown Reapers by shooting them with turrets.

Is it just me or are the Reapers getting lamer?

This is saddening.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I'm pretty sure this is another OMG WHEN IS MARCH GETTING HERE? TAKE MY FREAKING MONEY moment for me. I almost cried at the trailer. So excited.

I know after DA2, it feels foolish to just put down money for a game I never played, but I've been invested in this since ME1. I knew I was going to eventually buy all the games to see the story play out with my Shepards and their decisions. After that it would take a lot more convincing. I don't think I'll be as excited to play a game as Garrus or Liara.

If they can just bring back that epic feeling ME1 had, where Shepard felt more human and the Virmire choice (that I still can't choose without feeling horrible afterwards) then it will be the best game ever.

Can't waaaaaait.


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Oct 20, 2008
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.

2. In ME2 you kill a proto-Reaper by shooting its glowing weak spot on foot.

3. In ME3 you battle full-grown Reapers by shooting them with turrets.

Is it just me or are the Reapers getting lamer?

This is saddening.
That's their "OH FUCK REAPER IS TO STRONG!!! RETCON RETCON" button at work to make the conclusion work.

I only see two possible ways Reapers will fall.

Dissemination of Reaper based weaponry reversed engineered from Sovereign's corpse (e.g. ME2 Cannon Upgrades for Normandy).

They find the schematics/plans of the Klendragon Incident weapon or the weapon itself and how it works. While making it work and duplicating it, Reapers will raze tons of planets.

For Cerberus, Bioware recently wrapped up a 4 part Origin of Illusive Man (Jack Harper). Lets just say he is not pure human anymore and has a few tidbits similar to Saren in his head from contact with Reaper tech. Could be part of their inroad to why his organization is doing work for the Reapers.

Game itself looks like a nice blend of the best of ME1 and ME2, here's hoping they don't screw it up between now and March 2012.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.

2. In ME2 you kill a proto-Reaper by shooting its glowing weak spot on foot.

3. In ME3 you battle full-grown Reapers by shooting them with turrets.

Is it just me or are the Reapers getting lamer?

This is saddening.
Plot leveling. Duh.

I mean, do you really think they're going to dedicate a whole game to killing one of every 200+ reapers? As the series progresses, you're going to be doing more in less time.

Besides, the ME3 reaper with the turret is a little one, not capital ship sized. Makes sense, plus the airstrike you drop on it only slows it down. Not sure what the turrent's going to do. Seemed to me it wasn't doing anything,


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Apr 9, 2010
INeedAName said:
As long as I may punch the turian councilor in the face this time around, I'm happy.
Assuming you didn't knock him off in the first one... oops...