E3: Mass Effect 3

The Forces of Chaos

New member
Mar 25, 2010
Savber said:

Still streamlined but still a vast improvement.

ALSO NOTE THAT EACH POWER WILL BRANCH OFF. I don't have the screenshots of the branching power but it's there.
Savber, i Realised that liara has a paragon/renegade bar. Do you think your crew will be able to go more renegade or paragon in mass effect 3?


New member
Jul 12, 2010
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.
And the heretic Geth fleet,everyone seems to forget that....I mean there where enough Geth ships present that the council is able to get away with saying the Soveriegn was just a heavy/advanced Geth vessel.

On the Topic of ol' Sovvy, is it not possible that with the Reapers being at least room temp. smart they may have left their biggest/baddest/toughest brethern behind to ensure their return to the galaxy? I dont remember anything about all the Reapers being absolutely identical to one another, did I miss a codex entry?

The other thing is, if the Reapers are so super awesome badass unstoppable...why exactly do they need to work so hard to shape the battlefield in their favour? Leaving ME tech around the galaxy so that involveds will tech down a specific tree, socially/militarily developing a specific way due to logisitally easy but strategically resricting Mass relays and being somewhat reliant on someone finding the Citadel...the main purpose of which is to centrally locate civilian and military command & control infrastructure at the reapers main entry point.

The entire Reaper doctrine seems to rely heavily on knowing their enemies most likely tech and industry base, likely population/colony distribution and then using client/slave species to maintain semi-up to date intel. Initial assault is a swift surgical strike on the most likely galactic power centre, hoping to cripple co-ordinated efforts against them, followed up by a decades long campaign of direct assault against isolated targets combined with heavy infiltration of husks/husk makers and biological warfare against the more hardened objectives.

TLDR; the Reapers are not fucking gods and clearly know they are powerful individually but collectively shit their pants (Do squid like eldritch abominations wear pants?) at the thought of facing unified resitance because they would lose, doubly so if they fought opponents who did not take the easy options of ME tech (WHY HELLO THERE GETH!)


This part is a general statement not aimed at my quotee: My god this thread is so full of whine its like I stumbled into a daycare centre just before naptime.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
If I was a gaming company I just wouldn't release trailers at all. People seem to be completely incapable of remembering that what they see is less than 1% of the total game. And yet they draw conclusions from that about the other 99%.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.

2. In ME2 you kill a proto-Reaper by shooting its glowing weak spot on foot.

3. In ME3 you battle full-grown Reapers by shooting them with turrets.

Is it just me or are the Reapers getting lamer?

This is saddening.

First, Reapers are still a force to be reckoned with. Shepard was only able to defeat the human reaper because it was only 2 years in infancy while a normal reapers would have been ranging from MILLIONS of years. It's like beating up a baby and claim that the adults are pathetic and weak.

Second, did you even see the demo? Shepard was calling for fracking orbital strike and then pathetically shooting his little turret against the Reaper and it DID NOTHING. That and this was a smaller version of a ground Reaper.

So how is this lame or even sad? Throughout ME2 and some demos of ME3, we haven't even seen a single battle between a full-grown Reaper.

The Forces of Chaos said:

Savber, i Realised that liara has a paragon/renegade bar. Do you think your crew will be able to go more renegade or paragon in mass effect 3?

From what I've been hearing on the Bioware forums, I don't think the crew will be able to go more renegade or paragon. When asked about the feature the devs have pointed out that this is still technically pre-beta footages so nothing is certain.

Personally, I think it's an interesting idea since it's very similar to the feature used in KOTOR2.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
mirasiel said:

This part is a general statement not aimed at my quotee: My god this thread is so full of whine its like I stumbled into a daycare centre just before naptime.
how dare you call the the fans whiners when they can't handle losing some stupid part of a rpg element that didn't make sense in ME games or got combine with another ability. Or for those people who can't read or listen to the story part of the game and believe to be mass effect experts. eh nevermind. I can't act like a whiner like the rest of the people...

OT: Its mass effect. Its going to be great. ME1 was good, ME2 Was better, and ME3 will be the best. The Dev trim the fat off of each game and add more spices to it as well to make the game play. Quiet hating so much and just chill out.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
mirasiel said:
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.
TLDR; the Reapers are not fucking gods and clearly know they are powerful individually but collectively shit their pants (Do squid like eldritch abominations wear pants?) at the thought of facing unified resitance because they would lose, doubly so if they fought opponents who did not take the easy options of ME tech (WHY HELLO THERE GETH!)
I hope you're right. I just have this terrifying premonition that the culmination of this entire epic story is going to be punching the Reapers until they fall down.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
discordance said:
mirasiel said:
discordance said:
So wait let's see how is this going down

1. In ME1 an entire fleet is nearly destroyed taking down a single Reaper.
TLDR; the Reapers are not fucking gods and clearly know they are powerful individually but collectively shit their pants (Do squid like eldritch abominations wear pants?) at the thought of facing unified resitance because they would lose, doubly so if they fought opponents who did not take the easy options of ME tech (WHY HELLO THERE GETH!)
I hope you're right. I just have this terrifying premonition that the culmination of this entire epic story is going to be punching the Reapers until they fall down.
Well I suspect that many of the Reapers will be falling to massed advanced firepower.

We've already seen that the combined effect of the upgrades the Normandy SR-2 has let a destroyer class ship (stealth ship at that, not a line ship) go toe-to-toe with a dreadnought class vessel (the collector vessel)and win decisively, that's a *massive* disparity in size and firepower. When you consider that most of the upgrades were actually 'acquired' from other races (Quarian shields, Turian weapons and Terran armor) I think the Reapers have already lost a fair bit of their edge both in terms of suprise/decapitation strike and technological advantage.

Think about it, if the Turians where able to back engineer Reaper weaponry and replicate (although not as well) it in 2 years, what the fuck will the Salarians come up with?

Granted I'm in the land of will mass guessing here but the Migrant fleet does have a fair bit of firepower and they seem awful interested in this 'dark energy' at Haestrom and the Geth have all but stated they were not pursuing further Mass Effect tech because they knew it came from the reapers, they might actually have something that the Reapers are not expecting.

The problem there might be that the Reapers just are not interested in the Geth as they are not an organic/biological race and wont aggro them but there is this wierd thing for them with the Quarians, they actually seem to like them and are sorry they went all murderdeathkill on them and seem to be staying behind the Perseus veil so they can fix all the damage they did to the Quarian colony worlds. Going after the Quarians might actually be enough to get the Geth involved, which would be pretty awesome for me personally.

I think/hope Earth/Sol system is going to be a write off by the end of ME3 but if the Reapers are dumb enough to try and stand and fight against a combined Citadel/Quarian/Rachni/Krogan/Geth armada then I think the sheer awesome potential will tear them a new arsehole the size of the moon :)


Other thoughts: why do people think that Admiral Hacketts FIFTH fleet was Earths only fleet? are you guys that bad at maths?

Even if it were the only Earth fleet, it clearly wasnt destroyed just badly damaged.

Oh just thought of another edge, Fighters...no one else ever built/used or thought of them before we turned up and bloodied the Turians with them and we apparently use them very heavily (to make up for a lack of Dreadnought class vessels I think), now imagine them loaded with Cyclonic shields, advance armor and (micro)Thranix cannons mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Calamari :)


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Distorted Stu said:
From the trailer alone i can tell its very action oriented so far.

Hopfully we'll get a different trailer showing the deeper stuff we all love ME for.

Also, Omni-blade?

The hell
It's really, really difficult to make an engaging trailer that goes "LEVEL UP!" "LOOT!" "RPG ELEMENTS!" "PICK ONE OF SIX CLASSES!" "SKILLS AND POWERS EVOLVE MULTIPLE TIMES!"
You can't make a trailer out of that - not a good one, anyway. Stop asking for the impossible, they're trying to sell games, that doesn't mean they're stiffing us our RPG elements. Everyone needs to stop bitching about that.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Savber said:

Still streamlined but still a vast improvement.

ALSO NOTE THAT EACH POWER WILL BRANCH OFF. I don't have the screenshots of the branching power but it's there.
Argh! Her face! What have they done to Liara's beautiful face?!
The ME3 version looks all derpy. ;_;
I really hope I can find a user-made patch that'll let you import the ME2 textures for Liara's face. Even the ME1 face looks better.

And warp... I'm not seeing warp in that list of powers. Where is my warp? I like to specialise in biotics, warp is my bread-and-butter power.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Frozengale said:
Also why Earth? What's so bloody important about Earth? This is another thing that annoys me. Everyone human in ME1 and ME2 seems to think that Earth is so fricken important. I don't give a crap about Earth, I want to get away from Earth. This is Sci-Fi, in fact it's full on Space Opera! So why oh why do we give a crap about Earth when we have a whole freaking universe to worry about.
Well seeing as how it's the homeworld, the very epicenter of humanity, and there are billions of people there, it's kinda important for it to NOT be destroyed.

Also, it was humans who lead the destruction of Sovereign and it was a human that destroyed the Collectors. I'd imagine if I was a Reaper I would want to crush Earth first before spreading to the rest of the galaxy: if I took out the species of the person that gave me the most trouble, that sends a message to the rest. Resistance is futile.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Atticus89 said:
Frozengale said:
Also why Earth? What's so bloody important about Earth? This is another thing that annoys me. Everyone human in ME1 and ME2 seems to think that Earth is so fricken important. I don't give a crap about Earth, I want to get away from Earth. This is Sci-Fi, in fact it's full on Space Opera! So why oh why do we give a crap about Earth when we have a whole freaking universe to worry about.
Well seeing as how it's the homeworld, the very epicenter of humanity, and there are billions of people there, it's kinda important for it to NOT be destroyed.

Also, it was humans who lead the destruction of Sovereign and it was a human that destroyed the Collectors. I'd imagine if I was a Reaper I would want to crush Earth first before spreading to the rest of the galaxy: if I took out the species of the person that gave me the most trouble, that sends a message to the rest. Resistance is futile.
That's like saying you ate a bad shrimp and got sick so now you are allergic to shrimp. Shepherd is an outlier. They know she is an outlier because they've studied humans enough to know humans aren't that much different from the other races. In other words your turning a supreme ultimate all powerful race of bio-machines into vindictive little turds. Also if I'm not mistaken, the human was accompanied by a Turian, a Qurian, a Geth, an Asari, a Krogan, a Drell, and a Salarian. All of this points that these races are just a big a threat as humans. So no there really is no reason that they are focusing on Earth.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Frozengale said:
Atticus89 said:
Frozengale said:
Also why Earth? What's so bloody important about Earth? This is another thing that annoys me. Everyone human in ME1 and ME2 seems to think that Earth is so fricken important. I don't give a crap about Earth, I want to get away from Earth. This is Sci-Fi, in fact it's full on Space Opera! So why oh why do we give a crap about Earth when we have a whole freaking universe to worry about.
Well seeing as how it's the homeworld, the very epicenter of humanity, and there are billions of people there, it's kinda important for it to NOT be destroyed.

Also, it was humans who lead the destruction of Sovereign and it was a human that destroyed the Collectors. I'd imagine if I was a Reaper I would want to crush Earth first before spreading to the rest of the galaxy: if I took out the species of the person that gave me the most trouble, that sends a message to the rest. Resistance is futile.
That's like saying you ate a bad shrimp and got sick so now you are allergic to shrimp. Shepherd is an outlier. They know she is an outlier because they've studied humans enough to know humans aren't that much different from the other races. In other words your turning a supreme ultimate all powerful race of bio-machines into vindictive little turds. Also if I'm not mistaken, the human was accompanied by a Turian, a Qurian, a Geth, an Asari, a Krogan, a Drell, and a Salarian. All of this points that these races are just a big a threat as humans. So no there really is no reason that they are focusing on Earth.
*spoilers ahead*

First, Shepard isn't special physically or mentally, but he's still an icon. If you destroy the icon at the right time, you break the will of the resistance. Also, as we previously mentioned and previously played if you actually did the DLC, they reapers are coming through Batarian space in the "south". Load up ME2, the local cluster is in the southeast and is one of the the closest clusters to Batarian space. Additionally, in the demo for ME3 you fight a bunch of Batarian husks implying that they picked those up while they wiped out the people in Batarian space. My guess is that once the Reapers hit the mass effect network they're going to run a multi-pronged attack against all the homeworlds (or at least some to not spread their forces too thin). At the beginning of the game you happen to be on Earth standing trial and that's when they happened to attack. (My guess is the trial will serve as a way to specify what you did in previous games and will serve as a reminder similar to the mechanic in ME2). There's been no indication that these are the only reapers or that they're only attacking Earth, though Earth would be a pretty good place to hit to cripple the human military. Also it's probably the best to hit first within the human colonies since it will make resisting them that much harder -- nothing like hitting the Earth-pentagon to send the military flying to the wind.

Either way, these things can be explained and sometimes already have. It seems silly to speculate about how awful the game is going to be when there will be no response from the developers, seeing as how they're trying to release a lot less this time around. The game may be bad, or it might not, but we simply don't have enough information to make an informed decision. They barely released anything during E3 and it was a virtual information blackout before that. Personally, I'm going to wait a few months and for more information to come out before I start making judgements.