E3: Witcher 2 Xbox 360

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Well this is all good news but they'd darned well better think about how they're going to approach the game's tutorials at the start of the game if they want to achieve any real success. I believe as Tycho put it: "I died 47 times." and "People who genuinely want to play the game are getting thrown out." Even having the game pause so you can read the tutorial text prompts would be a huge improvement.

Did the witcher 2 have any save interaction with the witcher one and if so how will they handle that?


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Grotch Willis said:
I attempted the original Witcher Game for PC at a friends house and it was god-awfully difficult, this coming from a guy whose only PC gaming experience is from TF2 and Portal, as long as they simplify (i.e. dumb down to a level consistent with most RPGs now a days) i will be very interested
No offense, but how? Witcher's prologue is very easy except the boss fight (almost died on it) . On Normal and Easy you don't have to worry about the alchemy much besides the swallow potions that much. I think I played Witcher on normal or easy and I didn't have an annoying difficulty fight until the boss (died multiple times) of Chapter one, and after that the game was fairly easy.

I mean, Dragon Age is much harder than Witcher is. Divinity 2 is a much harder RPG than Witcher. Risen is way harder than Witcher. Two Worlds 2 I think might be harder than Witcher as well. What fantasy RPG for the xbox 360 besides maybe Dragon Age 2 (I don't know cause I played this one on hard) is actually EASIER than Witcher? (note I only played Witcher fairly recently so it isn't the fact I was playing it back when RPGS were less dumbed down or whatever) So, in other words if anything to me at least, the first witcher was EASIER than most RPGs nowadays.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Dexter111 said:
I'm not sure why anyone would think that features or certain parts of the game would have to be cut, seeing as it was completely playable on the PC with a 360 controller and it isn't a party-based RPG that usually requires Keyboard+Mouse, but more of a Hack&Slash a la Demon's Souls, that said...

Kungfu_Teddybear said:
woo hoo! I'm looking forward to the release of this on the Xbox.

I was thinking about getting it for PC but was unsure if it would run at max settings (I only like playing my PC games if they run at max settings) then I heard about the console version and decided to just wait for that.
I am also sure that as "absolutely gorgeous" as it looked, it still will only run at the equivalent of Low-Medium translating to "PC settings". There's just no (physical) way possible that the X360 hardware could in any way pull off those graphics, textures have to be lower to fit to 512MB, there has to be more Streaming of assets (they did a great job with streaming on PC, those "doors" that one always has to open are only there so the game only has to display one area at a time. I'm not sure why anyone would get the inferior console version instead of PC, seeing as... again it is completely playable with a X360 controller on the PC, I know because I did that.
Simple, some RPG fans have a Xbox 360 and do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on a PC to just play one game no matter how good it is. (I mean if there like five or more recent awesome PC exclusive RPGs that would probably be a different story.)
Also, I may want to rent it because I have no life and can probably beat the game in a single rental. Also, not sure if I will like the combat at all, mainly want to play for the story and aesthetics.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Would have preferred White Wolf first, I have this horrible habit where I need to play the first title in a series before I play the sequel.

Does anybody know if you have to play the original to understand this game?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
bombadilillo said:
This is a giant FU to all the PC elitists retards who are banding behind this game as the PC superiority title. I only have ps3 but I dont really care if it comes to that either way. As long as this series leaves PC exclusive it should shut some people up.
Really, dude? I'm a PC-only gamer, and I'm pleased that this title is coming to consoles. I think exclusives of any kind harm the gaming community in the long run. Nearly every other PC gamer I've seen post on the Escapist about this has had similar views. Please don't extend the platform wars.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
thenamelessloser said:
Dexter111 said:
I'm not sure why anyone would think that features or certain parts of the game would have to be cut, seeing as it was completely playable on the PC with a 360 controller and it isn't a party-based RPG that usually requires Keyboard+Mouse, but more of a Hack&Slash a la Demon's Souls, that said...

Kungfu_Teddybear said:
woo hoo! I'm looking forward to the release of this on the Xbox.

I was thinking about getting it for PC but was unsure if it would run at max settings (I only like playing my PC games if they run at max settings) then I heard about the console version and decided to just wait for that.
I am also sure that as "absolutely gorgeous" as it looked, it still will only run at the equivalent of Low-Medium translating to "PC settings". There's just no (physical) way possible that the X360 hardware could in any way pull off those graphics, textures have to be lower to fit to 512MB, there has to be more Streaming of assets (they did a great job with streaming on PC, those "doors" that one always has to open are only there so the game only has to display one area at a time. I'm not sure why anyone would get the inferior console version instead of PC, seeing as... again it is completely playable with a X360 controller on the PC, I know because I did that.
Simple, some RPG fans have a Xbox 360 and do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on a PC to just play one game no matter how good it is. (I mean if there like five or more recent awesome PC exclusive RPGs that would probably be a different story.)
Also, I may want to rent it because I have no life and can probably beat the game in a single rental. Also, not sure if I will like the combat at all, mainly want to play for the story and aesthetics.
I hardly paid any more for my PC than you paid for your 360 and I'll probably be able to run this game.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
WouldYouKindly said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
woo hoo! I'm looking forward to the release of this on the Xbox.

I was thinking about getting it for PC but was unsure if it would run at max settings (I only like playing my PC games if they run at max settings) then I heard about the console version and decided to just wait for that.

I have plenty of games to keep me occupied until it's release anyway.

I'm also glad that it's going to be just as good on console as it is on PC it just shows that games don't have to be "dumbed down" for consoles when developers put some fucking thought into it (I'm looking at you Gearbox and your bullshit excuse for the 2 weapon limit on DN:F)
You, my friend, are insane. I wasn't sure I could run it at all until I played the dungeon siege 3 demo which has the exact same specs and I'll be getting it at the end of the week. Oh, thank you valve and steam for your free demos.
I dunno I'm weird, I only like my PC games at max settings. I'm quite sure my PC would run it at max settings, but my PC is a good few years old now and I haven't upgraded anything on it. Maybe I'll try the Dungeon Siege 3 demo to see how it runs.
It just doesn't make sense, running a PC game on low for the last couple of years has looked better than console, so saying 'it has to be max for me to play on PC' is just very strange indeed XD because you're losing out even more playing on console :D

Also, you better buy this game console only players! :D because if you do we'll see complex games again, and with the success of bf3 we'll also see PC-lead games which in turn lead to much better console games!


New member
Oct 13, 2010
It's good to hear this. Even though Xbox cannot handle higher graphical settings like PC, I am sure CDProject will do their best to bring it closer as possible.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Sweet, happy times for Xboxers!
And free DLC? Even better.
Good to see games being multiplatform-ed(?), and done so properly, not cheaply :p


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I was gonna buy this for my laptop....

...but now I can get it for my 360, and feed both my need for a br00tal game and my cheevo addiction. Hurray!


New member
Aug 25, 2010
lithium.jelly said:
bombadilillo said:
This is a giant FU to all the PC elitists retards who are banding behind this game as the PC superiority title. I only have ps3 but I dont really care if it comes to that either way. As long as this series leaves PC exclusive it should shut some people up.
Really, dude? I'm a PC-only gamer, and I'm pleased that this title is coming to consoles. I think exclusives of any kind harm the gaming community in the long run. Nearly every other PC gamer I've seen post on the Escapist about this has had similar views. Please don't extend the platform wars.
Agreed(this also coming from a die-hard PC gamer). No game should be an exclusive.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Sober Thal said:
I bought The Witcher game on STEAM. I didn't like it enough to play past the starting castle. I beat the initial enemies, but when it opened up to petty fetch quests, I lost all interest.

I really hope the sequel is better. My PC can't run it, so it's 360 or bust for this one.

So far, the reviews aren't favoring it to my liking. Fans of the original love it regardless of its flaws, but those who didn't love the original haven't been moved that much. I hope the 360 gets a demo first. I really want to like this game : (
You should have pushed on a little further. I hated the prologue (the starting castle as you say) myself, but Chapter One started to get really interesting, and then it really came alive with Chapter Two. It's become one of my favourite RPGs, but every time I play it again I still hate the prologue.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
so the witcher will be the exception to the rule of things being dumbed down for consoles. wow.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
Imbechile said:
lithium.jelly said:
bombadilillo said:
This is a giant FU to all the PC elitists retards who are banding behind this game as the PC superiority title. I only have ps3 but I dont really care if it comes to that either way. As long as this series leaves PC exclusive it should shut some people up.
Really, dude? I'm a PC-only gamer, and I'm pleased that this title is coming to consoles. I think exclusives of any kind harm the gaming community in the long run. Nearly every other PC gamer I've seen post on the Escapist about this has had similar views. Please don't extend the platform wars.
Agreed(this also coming from a die-hard PC gamer). No game should be an exclusive.
I think bombadillo will find that what we are against is not console ports of PC games. It's rather that we are against shitty PC ports of console games where it has terrible console UI that is no good with a mouse. We are against mouse acceleration that makes a game unplayable. We are against lack of customization. We are against every damn thing being high lighted. We are against hand holding.

Or at least I am.

In short: no problem with a PC game on consoles. A HUGE problem when console design compromises the quality of PC games. Which is why I'm interested in Battlefield 3. They seem to be going all out on that game and then scaling it all back to fit on a console. That seems to me to be the best way. It ensures the best possible version on all platforms.

I for one have no problems with this game being released on the console. It's a good game.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Sober Thal said:
What really gets me, is that I meet all the supposed system requirements, yet it ran like poo poo.

-'Recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz / Athlon X2 5600+ or better
You Have: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz'-

My lack of a new (processor) gaming rig might be the true reason I couldn't get into this game.

Consoles are my only hope with cutting edge games.
Ohhh, I thought you were talking about the first Witcher game. Yeah, the minimum system requirements for TW2 really mean you can just about scrape by if you turn everything down to minimum and are willing to put up with the game looking like ass. Your single-core CPU probably didn't help, you need multiple cores even if your clock speed was higher. TW1 should run fine on your system though.
I hope you find the 360 version to your liking - it really is a good game if you can overlook it's couple of quirks and the punishing difficulty when you start out.