EA Announces Dead Space 2: Severed - UPDATED


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Wow..just wow, I really wish they would've announced the fact that there wouldn't be any DLC for the PC version before it released. Now they have my money and I have an inferior copy. This with the steam key problem, guess what EA, I am not going to support the Dead Space franchise anymore. I really hope the word of EA's nonsense gets out to gamers and their sales tank. Granted that will probably just give them the idea that supporting the PC isn't worth it, but I'm tired of getting jipped because I bought the game on the PC.
Hey EA, the PC is the easiest one to pirate and I didn't pirate it, but you still treat me like trash.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.

My first response was RAAWERERRARRARRRAGE!

But then I thought about it for a little bit: That's going to change. XBox 360 content is ridiculously easy to ship to PC as well; if it's paid DLC, EA would literally be taking money out of their pockets by not offering it for the PC. The only thing they're probably doing is waiting to see how many PC units ship before promising it.

And we all know how money grubbing EA is. Believe me, greed is the smart thing to bank on.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
JeanLuc761 said:
Woodsey said:
I dunno about patches, we're normally faster to the punch from what I've seen.
Maybe I'm getting mixed up, though I could swear there were a couple games where the console version was patched first.
No, it did happen with a few games. Right off the bat, I can tell you Borderlands was prioritized for patching on console. But we're digressing a bit.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I look forward to this. Extraction was a rail shooter on an underpowered console, so it didn't really have much going for it, but the characters were interesting and the plot was well paced. I'm hoping they'll try to shake up the Dead Space formula somewhat in this DLC with new gameplay additions, maybe more focus on the survival & horror, or at least the story.

If it turns out to be just another few chapters of the same old Dead Space formula - that is, follow the glowing blue light, dismember enemies while backing up, follow blue light, repeat - I may think twice about buying it. Otherwise, count me in.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
Well, then.

As a fan of Extraction who's primarily a PC gamer, I'll just not play DS2 in protest.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Still hasn't come out in the EU :(

Better use the next couple of days wisely to complete a playthrough of Dead Space before getting it.

Not sure if I will get the DLC though, I just don't play Dead Space enough to really want to spend money on more content.

Andy Chalk said:
UPDATE: An Electronic Arts representative has confirmed that Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC.
Oh god, I can see the rage flying past my eyes already...

EDIT: jeez guys, I can already see people saying that they won't play the game because they aren't getting the DLC. So what you are saying is that you are going to skip out on all the fun of playing the game, just because you aren't getting that little extra content.

Sorry, but to me that just seems a bit childish...
I know that if I was going to buy the game on the PC, the loss of a bit of extra content wouldn't bother me a bit, if I really wanted the game.. In any other situation it seems people are just looking for something to complain about.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
It's funny how EA has the gall to whine about piracy killing PC gaming and then pulls this nonsense. You know what'll really kill your sales for PC? Not releasing content for it.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
C95J said:
EDIT: jeez guys, I can already see people saying that they won't play the game because they aren't getting the DLC. So what you are saying is that you are going to skip out on all the fun of playing the game, just because you aren't getting that little extra content.

Sorry, but to me that just seems a bit childish...
I know that if I was going to buy the game on the PC, the loss of a bit of extra content wouldn't bother me a bit, if I really wanted the game.. In any other situation it seems people are just looking for something to complain about.
Taking a stand against a big publisher treating PC gamers as some sort of second-class citizen gamer is hardly childish. If I wanted to be childish I could simply pirate the game.

I'm a fan of the characters from Extraction, so in a sense the DLC really means more to me than the main game.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
JediMB said:
Taking a stand against a big publisher treating PC gamers as some sort of second-class citizen gamer is hardly childish. If I wanted to be childish I could simply pirate the game.

I'm a fan of the characters from Extraction, so in a sense the DLC really means more to me than the main game.
Its just in my eyes, I wouldn't sacrifice the fun of a whole game because of some (probably unrelated) DLC. I most likely won't get it so it doesn't effect me regardless of gaming platform.

I can see where you are coming from, of course it's a valid point, and I am not insulting PC gamers, but it reminds me of children throwing a tantrum when they don't get there way...


New member
Dec 6, 2010
dalek sec said:
Oh for the love of the gods... that game just came out today and they're already talking about a frakking DLC packet for it?! This really makes me want to bang my head against a wall... D:
My point exactly! I was so jazzed about Marvel Capcom3 until I heard they were already talking DLC for it, and the damn game isn't even out yet. I don't mind paying for a little something extra down the line, new characters, stages, things to freshen up a game just as I'm whooping it with the last few characters, but this sort of thing with Deadspace just sounds like milking more cash out of the public.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
C95J said:
JediMB said:
Taking a stand against a big publisher treating PC gamers as some sort of second-class citizen gamer is hardly childish. If I wanted to be childish I could simply pirate the game.

I'm a fan of the characters from Extraction, so in a sense the DLC really means more to me than the main game.
Its just in my eyes, I wouldn't sacrifice the fun of a whole game because of some (probably unrelated) DLC. I most likely won't get it so it doesn't effect me regardless of gaming platform.

I can see where you are coming from, of course it's a valid point, and I am not insulting PC gamers, but it reminds me of children throwing a tantrum when they don't get there way...
It will seem that way, but it has to be taken in the context of everything else happening. Like just in the last day crytek saying Xbox gets exclusive demo of a previous PC IP. As well as other stuff, so yes, it may seem like PC owners have a chip on their shoulders. Myself, I am sick of it. Publishers, either support the PC or don't. If the PC is now no-longer a viable platform put it out of it's misery. This drawn out second class treatment is just mean.

Now to be fair to EA. It maybe coming, but in some way that they would not label ad DLC. But the wording of the comments above seems pretty unambiguous.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Well, I'm a PC owner of the game, so this sorta pisses me off. Actually, it doesn't, because I don't want to pay more for a game I already paid for THE DAY I payed for it (pay). Oh, and let's not forget that EA decided to get behind Activision and sell PC games at 60 bucks, too. I mean, it's only 10 dollars more, but it's just annoying is all.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Netface said:
GoGo_Boy said:
Fucking DLC, that's all I got to say. No matter what game.
Patches -> lovely.
DLC -> baddddddddddddddd.
Because this is a perfectly rational position that covers the entire scope of possible DLC.
For me it's. The worst DLC that I have seen seems to have been rip from the game and the best I have seen have held no interest, so either I curse the DLC or I don't care about them.

Mr. Socky

New member
Apr 22, 2009
DrakeLake said:
Andy Chalk said:
Yopaz said:
Hopefully it will make it to PC too... Tired of Consoles getting all of it. Oh well, if it doesn't I'll just get it for Xbox, no big deal.
Nope, sorry, EA just made it official. Console only.
Lame. That's all there is to say.
There's plenty more to say. I'm just going to keep my civilized pants on and not start ranting about how much EA sucks.


No One Is Special
Mar 9, 2010
dalek sec said:
Oh for the love of the gods... that game just came out today and they're already talking about a frakking DLC packet for it?! This really makes me want to bang my head against a wall... D:

I know, right? Am I the only one getting annoyed with games having DLC lined up, ready to go when the game ships?

We as gamers are getting into a realm here where game producers are reguarly telling us to hand over our wallets and stfu pls kthnxbai. And the current gaming generation is just too "O.k." with it...

DLC is supposed to be content that was developed post launch... not shit you had ready to rock and roll but wanted more gamer green for.

Whiskey Echo!!