EA Announces Dead Space 2: Severed - UPDATED


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Electronic Arts representative said:
Dead Space: Severed will not be released for the PC
How long will it take until those boneheads at EA realise that the thought process of a loyal pc gamer is NOT:

PC gamer said:
"Ohw, they only bring out DLC's on the consoles.. i better not get this one for PC but my weak xbox and play it in 720p to play the DLC's aswell as the game"
But is more like:
PC gamer said:
"OMG Why is it that EA always seems to annoy the hell out of their loyal PC gamers?
Too bad that i wont get to enjoy their stupid DLC's now!"
They miss a chance for earning some extra money,
if something is not for sale for a third of the hardware that the game appears on, its going to miss out on potential money.

EA has supported PC DLC before like for Mirrors Edge, even though overpriced, it was doable to buy and play this DLC.

Others, like Bioware, Valve and even Blizzard have managed to perfect the sales and distribution of extra DLC, be it for free or for a small fee!

John Stalvern

New member
Aug 28, 2008
Retarded. How can anyone say "oh yeah we just released our game" and in the same breath announce new, NOT FREE DLC without turning scarlet with shame?
No PC release is going to start more shitstorms and elitism on both sides as well.
Church1766 said:
Case. In. Point. Though, I doubt this is anything more than a troll attempt.

If it's any consolation PC owners, I don't have a 360 in my dorm, so my copy of Dead Space 2 is just sitting on my desk, mocking me with its presence...

The Rookie Gamer

New member
Mar 15, 2010
Church1766 said:
do the slow people at Visceral and EA not realize that most pc game players have more money than xbox or ps3... In fact, most PC gamers choose pc because of better graphics, usually better gameplay, and better audio. Console gamers would have to still have a brain cell left in their skull to realize this
Wow, way to not be overly hostile there./sarcasm

OT: Well that sucks for people who like Dead Space. What the hell are they thinking? They basically refusing free cash.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
And EA keeps wondering why PC sales are so low... It can't be the VSync bug that still hasn't been fixed after two years, or the inexplicably removed content, the complete lack of patches or the fact that we won't even get the DLC -- nooo, it must be 'cause we're all filthy pirates!

Seriously, knowing all of this, why would ANYONE buy the PC version of this game? It's like paying full price for three quarters of a game, and then you'd even have to deal with the activation servers not working right, as if all the above wasn't enough already. It's really no wonder they aren't meeting their quotas with this.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Delusibeta said:
Boo! Stupid console gaming master race nicking all of our stuff.
When I see those epic Fallot 3 mods on my 360 then you can call us out for nickin "your stuff"! :p

StoryMode said:
I'm assuming this means more people play games on consoles rather than PC's now-a-days? Hm.

In any case -- I got the Ultimate version: the PS3 version. I Should probably play extraction before I play DS2 then.
You should play extraction, watch the movies, read the web comics, play 1 and all the other stuff then if you aren't 100 years old and can still hold a controller play the game. You know if you want the whole story lol.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Church1766 said:
do the slow people at Visceral and EA not realize that most pc game players have more money than xbox or ps3... In fact, most PC gamers choose pc because of better graphics, usually better gameplay, and better audio. Console gamers would have to still have a brain cell left in their skull to realize this
How do PC gamers have more money than console gamers. Console gamers pay the 1 time fee of what 2-4 hundred bucks. Then we hook it up to our big HD tvs with our 5+ speaker stereo surround. You sure got us beat on the audio and visual department. PC gamers pay what to keep updating their graphics cards, their memory, gotta get that new mouse and fancy keyboard. Now who do you think will have money leftover to oh I dunno buy a game. Lulz.

Good job I am sure you make your superior PC race proud.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
I was gonna buy Dead Space 2 but forget it.I own a 360 but if I have the option of buying a game on the PC I'm gonna go with PC all the time.I'm not gonna get it for my inferior console just for some DLC regardless of how much I would like to play it,and if their not gonna fully support the PC version without a valid reason then I'll just save my money for a better product.It's almost like companies are going out of there way to not satisfy PC gamers.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
baker80 said:
And EA keeps wondering why PC sales are so low... It can't be the VSync bug that still hasn't been fixed after two years, or the inexplicably removed content, the complete lack of patches or the fact that we won't even get the DLC -- nooo, it must be 'cause we're all filthy pirates!
Now I hope you don't take offense to this but I think you might have it backwards. My first thought when I read the update was it is because of piracy they just figured you know why bother. But just the way you worded it it sounds like you are putting the cart before the horse. Maybe EA is trying to keep PC sales down while boosting console sales because "you all are filthy pirates." You guys tend to act like EA doesn't know what is going on. That Ubisoft was "shocked" people didn't like the always on DRM. But that would mean either they are run by a bunch of half witted monkeys in people suits or they are smarter than your average bear. Now I am sure alot of people are going with the monkeys right now but follow along. These are people who are running multi billion dollar companies and maintaining them. Heck even turning a profit. So maybe and this is just a theory but they do know they are offending PC gamers. Maybe they are doing it on purpose. PC gaming may or may not be dying I am not going to argue that point with anyone since it is silly. It just seems like these bigger companies like EA and Ubi are doing all they can to make it less desirable. While at the same time selling you guys games and turning a profit off of you. Sounds like a conspiracy theory sure but it isn't paranoia if they are really out to get you.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
squid5580 said:
You should play extraction, watch the movies, read the web comics, play 1 and all the other stuff then if you aren't 100 years old and can still hold a controller play the game. You know if you want the whole story lol.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I could understand it if they only wanted to release the DLC to the PS3, since the XBox 360 doesn't have the game featuring the characters they're continuing. But since they're releasing for the 360... And the code for the 360 and the PC is apparently quite similar... They're, what, punishing PC gamers for complaining about having to wait for their game to validate?


New member
Sep 22, 2010
I haven't even bought Dead Space 2 and they're already talking DLC.....other than the armor DLC.

Seriously, this stuff gets old after a while. I liked the characters in Extraction better than Issac "Emotionless Automaton" Clarke but ...... Cheese and Crackers, EA. Can't you wait a week before announcing more money grabbing DLC?

EA, all you're doing is encouraging me to wait for the almost-inevitable Gold/Director's Cut edition so either I can get the whole thing in one box or I can get the game for cheap and get the DLC with my savings. You're not doing anything to dissaude me from doing that with Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect 3 with this sort of behavior either.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Why can i never get any good dlcs to pc? i dont have a console but i still want to play good games. god damnit.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
C95J said:
JediMB said:
Taking a stand against a big publisher treating PC gamers as some sort of second-class citizen gamer is hardly childish. If I wanted to be childish I could simply pirate the game.

I'm a fan of the characters from Extraction, so in a sense the DLC really means more to me than the main game.
Its just in my eyes, I wouldn't sacrifice the fun of a whole game because of some (probably unrelated) DLC. I most likely won't get it so it doesn't effect me regardless of gaming platform.

I can see where you are coming from, of course it's a valid point, and I am not insulting PC gamers, but it reminds me of children throwing a tantrum when they don't get there way...
i can see your point, but i think part of the problem lies in the fact that the PC cost of dead space 2 was raised close to console level, which is unusual in itself. but after raising that price they then also decide not to include those who bought the game, just because of the platform they chose? i mean this is encouraging piracy in my eyes. if EA have the nerve to try to make me pay the same as console people and then not give me the same content, i know i'd be tempted to raise my middle finger and download it for free


New member
Jun 19, 2008
No wonder it's not being released for PC. Those of us still clinging to the machine remember when things that the dribbling console masses call "DLC" and pay for, were included as part of a patch or free extra for a game. Going back further before the internet was prevalent, they'd be fleshed out to multiple-hour, genuine expansions that added a ton of news things to the game, often more than was included in the original release but selling for the same amount of cash as one of these 20 minute pop-play-forget things. Hell, half of things I see released as pay-for "DLC" seems to be things that should have been part of the game during initial release, but were removed to leech as much money as possible from gamers.

Between being forced to pay full price for what often amounts to a beta version (which has become quite common, a great number of allegedly A-Grade titles have failed to work on common hardware at launch, like Fallout 3, APB, Battlecruiser 3000AD and Saboteur), gaming has fallen a long way in a relatively short period of time.

Video gaming nearly died in the 80s because a massive glut of poor quality rehashes and retreads of stuff that had already been made. Are we approaching a similar crash?


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Ugh. Seriously, EA...
While launch-day DLC is a bit greedy, not releasing it on PC is just stupid.
As I am a die-hard PC gamer (who doesn't even OWN a PS3 or 360), this just pisses me right the hell off.
The PC can do so much that consoles can't, and you're just ignoring the potential here, EA! Not sure I'm going to be buying your games anymore; I can't support a company that denies me things simply for the platform on which I play my games...


New member
Apr 2, 2010
This is why I stick to Valve. Sure they're spreading their wings to Xbox, PS3, and OSX, but they're still consistently updating their PC products.

Bioware's not that bad either.

EDIT: Bioware got DLC down pat. They had cosmetic DLC, storyline DLC, and some extra characters as DLC, and it didn't (for the most part) seem cheap. AND it wasn't all Day-0 DLC. There were tangible breaks, which seemed to indicate that they might actually not have been developed yet!